
Author: Mark Renney The rumours began some twelve months ago or so and the idea quickly took hold that there was an unseen presence under the Dome, a ghost haunting the Fields of Research. These murmurings were persistent and frequent with everyone telling the same tale, ...

Electric Spiders of the Apocalypse

Author: Deborah Sale-Butler It was a great place to live. Tons of space to spin out a web. And the local food was spectacular. I mean, you could get anything in that neighborhood: dragonflies, blowflies, sometimes even a big, fat, juicy moth. De-lish! I can honestly say, up ...

The Girl and the Dog

Author: Eric San Juan She reached down for the water bottle at her side, remembered it was empty only when she brought to her lips, sighed, and hung her head. “I should have stayed in the city.” She knew she was wrong about that, of course. The city is where it all ...

Please Exit Through the Gift Shop

Author: Hillary Lyon The Holographic Wildlife Museum was a major draw for the city, with its representation of Earth’s extinct and endangered animals. Vera loved the idea of viewing facsimiles of majestic creatures in their natural habitats, even if it was through ...

Darya’s Compression

Author: Jared S Moya A sharp pain pierced Darya’s side. His knees buckled as he drew his hand to the wound and toppled to the ground. His shoulder slammed into the packed dirt of the dry riverbed, his teeth clacking against each other. Rolling onto his back, he noticed a ...

White God Mountain

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer …And so the seas rose again, while volcanos and storms brought even more devastation and starvation. Those godly ones who led us looked within themselves and made a decision: in their image was the world, and in their image it would be ...

Those Who Gaze Upon Stars

Author: Neille Williams “Gramps, a star just fell out of the sky!” Billie hollered out to her Grandpa, who had just poured his second whiskey and was reclining against the kitchen bench. “Sweetie,” he began, ambling over as she pressed her eager face against the window ...

The View

Author: R. J. Erbacher Admiring what lay outside the glass, the vastness of space overwhelmed him. The window on the spacious observation deck was a circular aluminosilicate pane, a meter in circumference, the handles on both sides allowed him to effortlessly hold his prone ...

A Million Food Inspectors

Author: Dart Humeston “Two popular restaurants were closed yesterday while the city health department warned four others.” Tisha, the television news anchor said, her luscious blonde hair framing her stunning face. “This despite the city cutting the health department’s ...


Author: Tamiko Bronson “How will they find us, Grandma?” She smiled, pulling her paintbrush across each rice paper lantern. Velvet black ink seeped into the fibers, revealing names: Tsuneo. Kazuko. Satoshi. Our ancestors. “Come, Kana-chan.” We carried the ...

Status Quo

Author: Alastair Millar “It’s quite impressive, really,” said Annika, leaning back in her chair. As General Overseer at Europe’s busiest spaceport, she’d worked hard to get where she was, and could afford to be relaxed. “It’s bloody annoying, is what it is,” retorted Hans. ...


Author: Majoki Cantor waited until Hazzez finished checking the airlock before asking about the Frumies. Hazzez flashed a crooked grin revealing the eclectic range of micro-implants in his teeth. “Why do you want to know about the Frumies?” Cantor shrugged. “Sarge ...

The Scythe

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Does it ever end?” Bruce rises slightly and turns to stare at Lilimya. “If you don’t pay attention, it’ll end sooner than y-” He explodes from the waist up, a wave of heat momentarily turning snowflakes to steam. Lilimya is blown ...


Author: Diego Lama, Translated: Rose Facchini Lucio has smelled of piss and shit for more than twenty years, ever since his mother died suddenly and he started sleeping in the park. That night, however, he couldn’t fall asleep. It was the stars’ fault. Lucio didn’t wonder ...

Closer to Human

Author: Michelle Wilson It wasn’t their fault. My parents were good and kind, with the best intentions; their only “flaws” were an inability to conceive and the wish for a family of their own. When the technology came, and they saw the digital models of how I would appear ...

Queen of the Flies

Author: David Barber Shantytowns sprang up around every Jirt hiveship, infamous marketplaces of greed and filth. This must be the opinion of the Jirt, because without warning they sometimes reduced them to sterile white ash. Surely no one would risk living in the ...


Author: Mark Renney Tanner was a loner. Even prior to the System, during his childhood and throughout adolescence, he hadn’t managed to form any long-term relationships. He had kept his head down, listened intently, and worked hard and he had been an above average student ...

The Forever Flowers

Author: Douglas Mulford It didn’t take long for everything to become boring. The past was a kaleidoscope of excitement - both joyous and tragic. The future, in contrast, was suffocatingly dull. Problems that once consumed humanity were relics of history. War, hunger, and ...

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