
Author : Gwen Harper

The math, of course, came first.

It took a while, nearly forty years, for the technology to catch up to the possibilities in her set of equations.

They said it was impossible, the body of those who considered themselves enlightened thought. Even if such a thing would work – as the numbers, indisputable, cold, facts those numbers, indicated – it would not have the effect that its creator sought.

The human mind is more than data they said, and such a rich medium of data as the human experience could not just be coded.

Even if that were possible, somehow, using some fuzziness of logic that escaped all but the best and brightest of them, it wouldn’t really be more than a simulation.

You could replicate, or so the theory went, the human personae, but you could neither store nor transfer it.

She, the grand architect, disagreed.

They told her it was tantamount to homicide. Suicide, maybe, if you believed it would merely be a copy.

Legislators seized on the whole thing. They’re good at that, those legislators. Excellent at seizing on the crux of a perceived problem and dragging out every last little bit. Clearly, said those experts legal and – ostensibly – scientific, the very notion involved the commission of a crime, but what sort of crime. Precisely where, they asked, loudly, where all could see and hear, did the ethical transgression occur?

What, precisely, could they charge her with?

She held the patents, by hook and by crook. She knew that this would work – she’d had four decades to make certain of that. It would work, precisely as she had envisioned. Injunctions were filed; long winded speeches became sound bytes on the newsfeeds.

A simple matter, on reflection, it was. And – viewed from the right perspective, something of a solution to all of humanity’s considerable ethical, spiritual, and moral problems. Not an escape, as some had proposed, but a new thing. A wholly new way of being, of existing.

Others, perhaps others closer to the architect, laid their fears down like confessions. Others questioned her judgment, if not her equation.

But how could you cast away the flesh so casually one asked.

She smiled and said you’ll see.

And so the nation and the world talked, and talked, hot air likely contributing to the enhancement of an already rosy warm climate.

As the hour drew near, and the world grew strident its belief that they could put a stop to this sort of crime, she found a sense of peace where none had existed before.

This would work, she would be the first, and it would be all hers, for as long as she felt content to hold it. Which probably wouldn’t be long, as the architect had never been a greedy woman.

They key to unlocking the code, the equation, the difference between all things had been maintaining their symmetry. In the right proportions, anything made of matter or energy could safely be changed from one to the other – the rest of it had been mitigating loss of one as it became the other.

That last night, the longest night, was all preparation. Cords and wires, and tests – countless tests, were run, attached, documented, and run again. The immense blue crystalline slab of memory was wheeled in and its backups run.

She didn’t say good bye, for it wasn’t good bye.

She dismissed them all, that small contingent that had believed in her and her work. The lights went out, and in a moment of Frankenstein glee, she threw the switch.

At 0917 pm 21 December 2036, she committed immortality.


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