Author : S T Xavier

The old man looks up from the notepad sitting in front of him at the table. “Is this all of us? I can never remember anymore.”

The teenager sighs loudly. “Geeze, gramps. Must be so hard counting to ‘four’ at your age.” With a smirk, he turns to the child and winks as he finishes, “I really hope I don’t end up like you when I’m old.”

The child chuckles while the adult across from him sighs. “If you’re done making fun of yourself, can we get this over with?”

The teenager shrugs. “Why? Got something important to take care of?”

The adult looks back at the teenager, allowing a rude smile to cross his face. “Yeah. Your mom.”

The old man laughs while the teenager and the child look at each other sadly. The child turns back to the adult and shakes his head. “That was stupid. I can’t believe I’m still going to make jokes like that. Besides, it doesn’t make any sense. We have the same mom.”

The old man rolls his eyes. “I can’t believe I don’t remember being so young and cynical without a sense of humor. That’s just sad. I guess I’ll remember now, at least. So, what’s on the agenda today?”

The child picks up a tablet in front of him and scrolls to a picture of a young girl, showing it to the other three. “Susie Thompkins.”

The teenager wrinkles his nose. “Ew. Not in a million years. She’s such a skank, always hanging out with those three trashy blondes and that dumb football jock. I’ll be surprised if she even finishes high school.”

The adult grins and turns to the old man. “Hey pops. Remember the night of the five-year high school reunion?”

The old man thinks for a second before a smile slowly crosses his face. “Heh. I’ll bet that hotel manager always knocked on the bathroom doors from that point on!”

Smiling, the adult turned to the child with a nod. “Susie’s a wonderful woman, and we’ve had a few good times over the years. I wish I’d known her sooner. So, yes, you have my vote.”

The teenager shrugs. “Whatever. I guess she’s alright, just has trashy friends. Go ahead. Maybe things will change if you go after her then.”

The old man nods and marks on the notepad in front of him. “That’s agreed then. Yes for Susie. Anyone else have anything?”

The adult nods. “I’m thinking of taking this accounting job to…”

The child makes a sound like he’s throwing up. “I hate accounting!”

The teenager looks over with one eyebrow. “Yeah. Numbers suck. What’s the deal?”

The adult sighs. “Money’s tight, and I might lose the house.”

The old man looks at the teenager and child. After a few seconds of silence, the three of them shake their heads and the old man turns back. “I don’t need the house. And they’re right… numbers suck. Don’t do it.”

The teenager smirks. “Pull that guitar out and go play on the corner for some money. I’d rather sleep on the corner than be an accountant!” The child nods emphatically along with the sentiment.

The adult looks up at the sky for a minute, then nods and looks back at the group. “Ok. Thanks for the thoughts. I guess I was too comfortable with what I have and needed to remember that I don’t really need these things. I won’t do it.”

The child looks back at his tablet, tapping to start a game. “Smart thinking. For us, I mean. You should be embarrassed.”

The adult takes the notepad from the old man, rips out a page, then balls it up and throws it at the child. “You mean *you* should be embarrassed, you little turd.”

The teenager rolls his eyes. “You’re just embarrassing yourself, now. Are you proud of that?”

Taking his notepad back, the old man shakes his head. “Are we done here? I need to get back before the nurses hand out meds.”

The adult nods, then stops and thinks. “I guess you’re right. I don’t need the house. Go figure. But yes, I think we’re done, unless I have anything else?” He looks at the teenager as he says this.

The teenager shrugs and stands up from the table. “Whatever. My stuff can wait another six months for the next meeting.” The adult stands and starts to say something, but the teenager continues, “And yes, I know, no drugs. I’m not interested anyway. Not like pops over there is.”

The old man slowly rises, grabbing the cane at his side. “When you’re my age and have to deal with this bad hip, you’ll change your mind!”

The child grabs his tablet and drops from the chair. “Cool. See me all later!” Thinking about what he’s going to say to Susie, he heads to his own time travel pad while the later versions of him walk to theirs.

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