This was the seed of an idea from which, with the help of JR Blackwell, Jared Axelrod, J.Loseth and B.York, 365tomorrows was born on August 1st, 2005 with Jared’s story ‘Outer Space Romance’.
Over a decade, and more than 3,500 stories later, 365tomorrows has become more than a pastime, more than a passion. It’s a focal point for amazing views of possible futures from around the globe, some imagined by the writers of 365, and many, many more imagined by you.
We’ve been fortunate over the years to have some amazing talented writers share their ideas with us, and I – personally – am eternally grateful for the privilege of keeping the keys and moving this ark of ideas forward.
With this iteration of the site our goals were twofold; first, to make the entire site more mobile friendly and readable, and second, to integrate as seamlessly as possible with social media and encourage more conversation around the stories. We’ve shuttered the forums, and we hope that you’ll join us on the site as well as on Facebook and Twitter to share your thoughts on these flashes of the future.
2016, still on the wire, crackling with furious energy, and no intention of slowing down.
Many thanks from all of us to all of you.
Stephen R. Smith
Editor, Staff Writer, Site Administrator