Author: Rick Tobin

A massive bright white RV was parked oblivious to the dangers of LA criminal elements on Figueroa Street. A sloping blue ramp led to a double door in the rear. The words “Second Chances” were stenciled over the back entry along with a welcome “Please Enter” sign.

Sheila McKenzie climbed the incline, wobbling in three-inch platform heels. Her tight shredded one-piece black dress was streetwear for business as usual, but today was different. Two of her friends mentioned Second Chances. They both disappeared. Sheila was tough. Cops didn’t listen. She was going to find them, one way or the other.

A slim, older man with salt-and-pepper hair opened the doors before she reached them. He was dressed in casual business attire and spoke in a soft, gentle manner.

“Hello, Sheila. I’m Ronald. Please come in.”

Sheila turned her head aside, startled by a stranger knowing her. “You a cop?” She started her interrogation.

Ronald smiled, motioning her inside. Sheila was worried she couldn’t see behind him. Every sex worker knew to evade any car, van, or truck if you couldn’t see everything inside. This was different. She had her tiny Beretta pistol hidden near her inner thigh. She’d do whatever was needed for her BFFs.

“What’s up? Why should I come in?”

“No need for concern Sheila McKenzie. Ruth and Emma are fine. We know you want out of this lifestyle just like your friends. We have a path for a second chance. You won’t need your weapon. I’m harmless. They’ll tell you the same.”

“They’re inside? How did you know?” Sheila stopped talking.

“We anticipated your visit. You’re a decent person. We’re glad you came.”

Sheila resisted for a moment but let her guard down long enough to take his outstretched hand, helping her over the elevated doorway into a waiting office. She was surprised by the RV’s spaciousness with its beautiful, clean, and welcoming atmosphere. The walls were covered with gorgeous photos of wondrous outdoor vistas. She took a seat in a soft chair across from Ronald near his table supporting a large screen.

“Is this a job interview?”

“No, Sheila. You’re already approved. Did you feel a change since you entered?”

She hadn’t until he mentioned it. The fire in her uterus was gone–the gnawing pain from several STDs. Her crippling scoliosis was gone and pimp scars. Partially lost vision in her left eye cleared, letting her see her friends clearly as they appeared on the screen, with welcoming live outdoor scenery behind like the walls around her.

“Sheila…you came!” the two women twittered. Sheila knew their voices but had never seen them so healthy and happy. “We’ve found men of our dreams here, girl,” one chimed in. “We are safe and free of all the pains of LA. Please join us. It’s wonderful!”

The screen went blank. Sheila sat stunned, tears in her eyes.

Ronald waited and then explained to her that her friends had chosen the Second Chance. His world, far away, needed women to grow their new colony currently filled with lonely men. She would be treated as royalty if she agreed to the transfer, as her friends had. He was aware she had no ties on Earth…no family, children, and now no close friends.

Ronald made it clear she would not be forced, but she would not remember their meeting if she left of her free will, though her healing would remain. Her answer came quickly with no remorse. “Now,” she exclaimed, placing the Beretta on the table. “I’m ready. I think I’ve always been ready.”