Author: Don Nigroni
From my source, I knew there was a lot of debate concerning whether we should blow up that spacecraft before it got near Earth. It had suddenly and inexplicably appeared between Mars and Earth last night. It was obviously from another planet and might have been manned, but the fear was that, regardless, it could harbor viruses or bacteria or whatnot that could infect humans and perhaps wipe us out.
Fortunately, NASA was able to establish contact with it around noon while it was still beyond our Moon and warned the lone occupant not to enter cislunar space. I doubt that we were ever a real threat to that craft since their technology is way ahead of ours. I also suspect NASA knew that and was just hoping for the best. Anyway, the spaceship kept its distance.
I heard an explanation from my source around four o’clock about how we communicated, using English, with an alien who spoke a non-Indo-European, nay, non-human language. But I just kept nodding my head until she was finally done with her linguistic babble.
The point my source wanted to make was the same point the alien was trying to make, namely, the planet he came from had developed unimaginable powers due to orichalcum. That strange metal was discovered on one of their moons. They can detect and exploit things that are smaller than any of our subatomic particles within orichalcum which have these extraordinary properties.
Orichalcum technology allows them to travel faster than light through a third realm, neither physical nor spiritual, and to travel into the future, though they can’t return from the latter. It also gave their elite scientists the power to rule their solar system and then their galaxy. They soon expect to become Masters of the Universe. Otherwise, they fear that someday they’ll become slaves.
The envoy demanded we destroy all of our weapons: nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional. We should also unconditionally surrender our planet to him, whereupon he would spare Earth and rule our planet remotely from the Moon. Otherwise, he’d regretfully vaporize it entirely.
Our ultimatum was that he should immediately leave our solar system and never return.
My source was adamant, nay hysterical, that we should have accepted his terms. I wasn’t so sure at the time though, as I expected, he didn’t depart. But when Mars was dissolved that night, I had second thoughts.
Now I can’t sleep wondering what their position might just be concerning second chances. And I do consider that Mars exhibition to be a positive sign.
I liked the story but I am trying to think it though logistically. The destruction of Mars would have a devastating impact on the Earth in several months with the debris probably destroying our planet anyway. If it was ‘vaporized,’ turning a solid into a gas, the amount of heat generated to accomplish that would be equivalent to the sun, again resulting in immediate radiation levels that would kill every living thing. If it ‘dissolved,’ the hinting from the story, would be that it was moved to another location somewhere else in the universe. I am not smart enough to know how that would effect the orbits of the other planets, especially earth, but I’m guessing – a lot. We’d be screwed each way. Thanks for giving me so much stuff to ponder over.