Author: Mark Renney
Each time Rod pushed his way through the portal, his initial response was disappointment. Although he hadn’t been aware of it the first time, he was actually stepping into the future. He realised this was an immense and astounding feat but it was just his flat, a perfect replica, albeit a little older and shabbier.
Rod realised too that the possibilities and the ways in which he could exploit this were endless, but he had no desire to make lots of money. Of course, there were myriad ways in which he could help, but who would listen to him, a man who hasn’t left his flat in years. No, even when his predictions proved to be correct, no-one would listen or heed. He would be labelled a lucky crank or worse. Just another ranting and raving imbecile. No, it seemed that, for Rod, the future amounted to simply more of the same.
Rod began spending more and more time in the future flat, or as he had come to think of it, ‘the other place.’ He wanted it to be different and of course it was. He was able to jump ahead exactly one year, he was moving through space and time. But the world beyond the other place was still scary. For Rod it was an alien landscape both here and there.
Rod ordered a book in the future and, when it arrived, he carried it through the portal and read it in the past. He was toying, playing games when he really wanted to create something solid and substantial, something significant, although Rod had no idea how or what that might be.
Rob placed his mug on the draining board and vowed that he wouldn’t touch it, not for a year. He pushed through the portal and crossed to the kitchen and when he lifted the mug the mouthful of coffee left in it had hardened and turned to mould. He was annoyed with himself – he should at least have planted something, a seed in a pot and nurtured and watched it both there and here.
Putting down the mug, he started to make his way back but the portal had closed. Rod pushed against the wall but it wouldn’t give and he had no choice. He would have to begin again.