Author: Barbara Fankhauser

Dear Friend,
I call you friend.
I hope that is okay.
That it pleases you.
I understand the imbalance in our stations in life.
You—well, you being what you are—I being who I am.
But still, when last we met there seemed to be a connection.
I felt one.
I hope—believe that you did, as well. Small, but don’t all things start small?
That tiniest current of electricity that rode up my arm at your touch, the hairs standing at attention as the wave danced along the surface of my skin. It took my breath a bit.
I hope my offering was accepted in the spirit it was meant.
One gives one’s right eye in honor of Odin, the first to give an eye in exchange for…
Well, for him, knowledge…for me – ah – we come to the subject of my missive.
I’ve had to weigh several options in my pursuit of—to put it crudely—safety.
My life.
On the one hand, I thought to simply ask you to smite my enemies. Those who rage at the fact that I let you and your minions land on our planet to begin with.
It seemed like such a glorious new beginning at first. But my fellow earthlings now see how your presence has changed things and are not pleased.
Although, you must admit, it’s working quite well for you, would you not agree?
Failing the smiting which, in fact, would be a large undertaking since there are so few who do not wish me ill, perhaps a simpler course of action might be to simply relocate me to another area in the universe.
Someplace not too hot, not too cold, not too arid, or muggy, or insect infested.
Someplace with plenty of oxygen, of course.
Something suitable for a carbon-based life form like myself.
Considering the doors I’ve opened for you, it doesn’t seem an unreasonable request.
Consider me an ambassador, if you will. Going forth to open even more doors for you. Expanding into ever more frontiers for you to settle and reshape, as you put it.
In closing, I’d just like to say that I hope my eye was as delicious as it sounded.
When you popped it into your mouths the drooling made me think you found it a worthy delicacy.
Please do give my request some consideration, preferably sooner than later. I am not sure how long I will be able to hold off the hordes gathering outside the palace. They grow more numerous by the day, and their speeches more malevolent.
I remain your most humble friend.