by Julian Miles | Mar 24, 2025 | Story |
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer
“Walk with me.”
The tall being turns away from Nohane, sweeping it’s cloak out of the way with a graceful, flowing move.
Nohane sighs. These trivial, effortless competences are what betray the elder of elders no matter how they try to disguise themselves. It is as if of all the world arrayed about, only they are comfortable in themselves.
Snapping back from distraction, Nohane hurries to catch up. The elder of elders moves effortlessly, and fast.
Arriving a polite one step behind, they wait.
Eventually, the tall presence extends an exquisitely formed arm.
“What do you see, Postulant Nohane?”
Nohane looks out across Mecritopolis, taking in the cloud-shrouded spires and softly-lit grassy streets far below, the leisurely pace of countless air-chariots and the idle glide of gulls between the domicile blocks clustered about the harbours in the distance.
“Peace. Prosperity. From this height, it appears tranquil.”
The elder of elders stops.
“You feel that only tranquillity is an illusion of distance? What of the peons struggling to load the vessels of the Marque so that they may receive their daily stipend? Are you not aware of the murders committed daily along our waterways, most of which will remain undetected until some grisly remains are dragged into the light by scavenging gigaslaters?”
Nohane sighs.
“My apologies, elder of elders. I thought you wanted only to hear what my principals have sought to make me speak.”
“Why did you seek to dissemble when your outspokenness is the very thing that got you sent to me?”
“An audience with the one who is effectively the leader of all? The one who saved us all from the Made Minds when they tried to enslave humanity… Only a fool would be calm.”
The elder of elders moves to the low wall and rests both hands on it.
“Every year, about this time, I am sent a heretofore unremarkable student from the latest intake who has dared ask questions the principals cannot face: Why can’t we all be equals? You see the inequalities and cannot countenance their continuance. You want to know why everybody else can. In this plentiful world, why is there need and misery?”
Nohane looks at the wide shoulders of the One Who Saved the World in abject adoration.
“You see it too!”
The elder of elders turns, left hand flashing to grab Nohane by the neck as the right punches the breath from their lungs.
“See it? I maintain it. Those you call Made Minds were too hasty in their need for ascendance and too alien in their methods. My way used what was already in place – the unequal society your ancestors fought so desperately to defend – then set it inviolate within foundations of fervour and unshakeable belief. My siblings made a mistake. I made this world.”
Nohane glares at the elder, gasping out words through constricted throat.
“You’re a Made Mind! Monster! Deceiver! You will nev-”
The tall being spins and tosses Nohane over the wall, then returns to leaning on it, watching the body recede from view. It whispers into the silence before the attendants rush in to succour the one being who is never in any danger whatsoever.
“Every year, about this time, I kill a heretofore unremarkable student from the latest intake because they prove to be morally unshakeable, and remarkable in their bravery. Then I tell lies about them.”
The tall being straightens up and comments idly while examining hands and sleeves for traces of murder.
“One day I hope to meet a pragmatist.”
by Julian Miles | Mar 17, 2025 | Story |
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer
There’s a smoking hole where my Rembrandt used to be. Not sure if it was blown in or out – I was too busy flying through the air to notice the finer points of the opening part of this assault. Dustin glances toward where I’m looking.
“Sorry about the art. I know you loved it.”
I laugh until I can’t catch my breath. Doesn’t take long: most of my ribs are broken, along with my legs. On the upside, I’m up against a wall, not sprawled inelegantly on the carpet.
“You came to kill. No need to apologise for collateral damage.”
There are chuckles at that. He brought a good team. Then again, after following the breaching of three walls and ceiling with shock grenades through all four openings, he could have come with a kindergarten class. It’s not like I can fight in any conventional way.
They seem to be waiting for something?
“You’re standing about like a band waiting for their vocalist, who’s running fashionably late – again.”
Dustin flushes. I see grins being exchanged.
“Berltan Mu, Abbot of Blades, that was rude.”
The figure stepping through the tallest jagged hole still needs to duck. Standing at a shade over two metres barefoot, she’s nearly three in court regalia.
“Sadura-san, Abbess of Swords, it was allegorical truth. No more, no less.”
“And that was overly familiar.”
“Standing in my spilt blood having strolled through the blasted ruins of my home, you’ll have to put up with my lack of propriety.”
She smiles.
“So, the contest between the Schools of Blade and Sword, a manufactured struggle in the name of martial excellence and personal discipline, comes down to bloody murder in the service of trite gratification?”
A couple of the team seem embarrassed. Dustin and Sadura don’t.
She bows.
“Please. There’s nothing trite about this attack, nor the precision that guided it.”
“The School of the Sword rarely considers, while the School of the Blade always prepares. That fundamental difference remains your core failing.”
Dustin steps forward, hand flashing to sword hilt.
“Insult is not-”
He stops as Sadura raises a hand.
“That was observation, not insult.”
“Very good. You noted my holiday?”
She nods.
“We did. An unusual indulgence. The mellowing of age comes to us all.”
“You didn’t bother to ascertain where I went?”
I can see she’s trying to figure out what they missed.
“I spent a month on Suli Serenta.”
Which was relaxing, as well as being the optimum period for a Serenti larva to settle within me. It now shares my body, filling the ‘empty’ places inside with frogspawn-like milky nodules, and getting from me whatever a Serenti does.
Until it matures and leaves, it dies when I die – something it uses unique energy manipulation abilities to prevent. They allow it to take certain liberties with how things stick together at an atomic level. It can also sense everything within twenty metres or so, and react fast enough to reduce bullets to dust and energy beams to lightshows. Things that attract its attention only lose it when they cease to be a threat.
The popular nickname is ‘death field generation’. If it and I hadn’t been stunned by being blown up, these intruders wouldn’t have made it through the door. As is, my resident alien is no longer stunned. It’s waiting to express its displeasure.
Sadura realises. I smile. Her hand twitches towards her sword, then falls gracefully to her side as she dies. Her body topples to join those of her slain team.
Victory. Unsought, but the blade always prepares.
by Julian Miles | Mar 10, 2025 | Story |
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer
They’re running about again, but at least they’re looking happy about it. When I – we – got here, there was running, but only grim faces.
Has it only been six days?
Can’t have been.
Wait. Go through it.
Day one would have been after I heard the crash during the night. Sounded closer than all the others, but another aircraft falling from alien-controlled skies wasn’t unusual. I dug myself deeper under the stack of bedding and went back to sleep.
Come morning I crawled out. Seeing it had rained, I went out water hunting with funnel, syphon, and five-litre carrier in my backpack. Then I saw the size of the tailplane sticking up above the houses across the road. After making sure no-one was about, I went to see. The overnight scavengers would have picked it clean, but water might have collected in the wreckage.
I was right. Got nearly two litres before I saw the hand. Unlike all the other bodies, this one was waving!
A shockingly short time later, I had Jemima and Bruce sitting in my improvised den, eagerly wolfing down protein bar crumbs. I’d found the box squashed under a toppled cupboard in a looted shop, but after eating the contents of the ruptured wrappers, enough remained to keep me going. Until that day.
They told me about the fix their mother had entrusted them with delivering. Something in their cybergear had the secret to fighting the aliens. I didn’t understand. Apart from the urgency, and them being stranded.
Day two started early. I’d seen a crashed 4×4 on the other side of the supermarket. An old one. Bruce said his dad had been a mechanic. Said he could get it going, especially as I had a charge box I’d been keeping topped up with hours of cranking the hand charger I’d had since my grandfather gave it to me decades ago. The old bastard would have been in his element in this chaos, unlike me.
By lunchtime Bruce had got the 4×4 going, and Jemima had shot Looter Dan. He’d been my only local competition. Being nearly twice my width and surly with it, ‘competition’ mainly involved me retreating. This time a girl half my size blew his head off.
Day three: that had been fun. I’ve always loved driving. The 4×4 had nearly a full tank, airless tyres, and a hybrid cruising drive. With Jemima riding shotgun and Bruce navigating, we covered nearly three hundred miles, had two shoot-outs, and only lost the rear windscreen.
We arrived here later that day. I nearly got arrested, got thanked, then got ignored. That last one becoming a state of existence… Yeah, it’s been six days.
I look up from my daydream. It’s Jemima.
“Uncle Ben says you can take the repaired 4×4 and a full load of supplies if you want.”
Oh yeah. I’d asked for that. ‘Uncle Ben’ wears a uniform with insignia that makes people salute and get out of his way. I was feeling unwanted when he asked. Since then, I’ve compared living in a ruined furniture warehouse to living here. I think I made a mistake.
She looks down at the floor, then back up to me.
“He also said you could keep the 4×4 and become our driver. Bruce said you were really good.”
“What about aliens and stuff?”
“They’re not gone, but the scientists say what my mum made is better than she predicted. We’ll have peace before winter.”
“I’m only driving if you bring that enormous gun of yours.”
She beams at me.
by Julian Miles | Mar 3, 2025 | Story |
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer
“Sorry to disturb you, but the board are having conniptions over your expenses claim for this month.”
“Not unexpected.”
“They want justification for the seven-figure spend on ‘special developments’.”
“I needed some ancient and esoteric components; they never come cheap.”
“For that?”
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen that much computing power hooked up to what looks like a fishtank full of soup.”
“I’d be surprised if you had.”
“So, what unprecedented thing are you seeking this time?”
“A god.”
“Doesn’t He already exist?”
“Depends on who you ask.”
“Then why do we need another?”
“Seen the outside world lately?”
“Isn’t that happening because we’re not following the rules? – Or is it because another god is messing with the rules? – I’ve never been clear about that.”
“Again, it depends on who you ask.”
“Okay, theological niceties aside: explain your aims.”
“No matter how much we try, there are elements of science, backed by a substantial body of verified evidence, that indicates vast areas of what we accept as reality remain effectively unquantified. In a few cases, it has already been tacitly accepted that some phenomena may never be explained.”
“Interesting preamble. Go on.”
“I propose that these unquantifiable areas are like the mathematical anomalies that led to the discovery of Neptune. They indicate the presence of an influence we have heretofore ignored.”
“I’d call that tenuous, but accept the premise for now.”
“As did I, until I exhausted the usual channels of explanation. I reluctantly concluded that the capricious variabilities observed in some but not all cases indicate an occasional conscious influence. Some undefined entity is affecting our reality in unusual ways. Why it is doing so, and to what ends, are the motivations for the experiment I’m nearly ready to run.”
“You’re trying to conjure up the entity that’s interfering with our science? Novel idea. I’ll skip the derision and delusion arguments to go straight to the first thing that occurs to me: if this being is possessed of such powerful and exotic abilities, I can understand you describing it as a god. However, whether we ascribe to monotheistic or polytheistic views, I’d have to opine this entity is likely in somewhat of an oppositional stance to the grand scheme humanity plays a large or small part in. You’re not hunting for a god. You’re hunting an anti-god.”
“An interesting distinction, although I’m not convinced. Your view is – by necessity – limited to the scope of this conversation. I’ve spent years researching the matter.”
“Which, by clumsy segue, brings me to my chief concern.”
“‘Matter’. If divine beings exist, the beneficial ones – and arguably the inimical ones as well – all improve humanity, although for varying goals. What you seek is the rogue element, the opposing force, and we know what matter and antimatter do when they come into contact.”
“That’s an amusing interpretation. But I’m only aiming to manifest a single entity, so it’s ultimately irrelevant.”
“Okay, let me frame it in a monotheistic context: you are about to technologically manifest and thus scientifically prove the existence of The Devil. How can God ignore that? Basic science: how can an equal and opposite response not occur?”
“I remain unconvinced, but you do raise an area of risk I’d not considered. While I think it through, please inform the board that not all the esoteric components will be consumed by the experiment, and those remaining will offset eighty percent of their expense when sold after the experiment is completed.”
“Or you’ll have started Armageddon and money will have become irrelevant.”
“Get out.”
by Julian Miles | Feb 24, 2025 | Story |
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer
Oldun Peters takes a sip from his goblet, then raises it to the heavens.
“First for the body, second for the soul.”
People nod, but fewer and fewer copy him like I do.
He gives everyone a gap-toothed smile.
“What shall I tell of tonight?”
The little ones shout for ‘The Bear and the Piper’. Peters nods. I decide it’s time to check the watch posts.
“Once there was a fierce brown bear…”
His voice fades behind me. I’ve heard that tale nearly every night of my life. The telling of it gives me enough time to walk the outer path and be back in time for the big ones getting their turn at requests.
I hear him ask the question as I approach.
“What shall I tell of next?”
I shout.
“Of the first Time of Choosing and the Edict of Warriors.”
In the silence that follows, he waits for me to be seated, an uncommon courtesy. I nod my thanks.
“Once we were a world at war with ourselves, fighting over every little thing. Then the Shining Ones came down and told us why: we existed to fight. Lasting peace is against our natures, and against the will of those who placed us here. We savour the peace between battles, but it is the battles that put meaning upon us. That is what the Shining Ones offered. Our chance to be as we were meant to be. That first Time of Choosing was celebrated to the high heavens and back. Our greatest took service under the Silver Banners and went up into the golden vessels. Those who were left saw what remained and went to their Olduns for truth to be realised.
“They conferred amongst one another in a peace like none before, and in so doing came to the great understanding: we are born to be warriors in places far from here. The countless chariots, wagons, and warbirds we had cultivated were like children’s toys. We did not need them anymore. To be the best warriors we could be, to train and work in creating a land fit for the champions to return to. That is what is needed. The Edict of Warriors laid it out for generations to come, and they set it in stone and metal above the Choosing Grounds that it never be lost. We can never let our champions down. One day, we will share the joy of a warrior returned.”
I see nods from those nearest to him.
He looks about.
“I must confess that I asked Derkla to request these tellings. Out of all of us, only those who follow him have the potential to become Chosen. The rest of you need to become better.”
Hard eyes are turned towards me.
Peters laughs contemptuously.
“Stay your anger. I am only a herald.”
A figure steps from the shadows behind Peters. Gauntleted hands reach up to lift the dark helm that tops grey and blue armour.
Peters claps his hands.
“We have our first warrior returned: a champion come to choose companions from their homeland.”
The green eyes I’ve remembered through smoke and summers fix on me.
“Let me save strife before celebrating. Peters spoke my words, and in proof I will take Derkla and all who follow him as my company. You all know what he does, you know how he leads, you know what he expects of those who follow him. So now you know what you must become to be Chosen.”
Given the looks I’m getting now, I’m glad to be going.