Author: Welsh Diepreye

The discovery was accidental, like most revolutionary things.
Dr. Elara Voss, a brilliant and obsessed astrophysicist, had spent years studying the gravitational anomalies at the edge of our galaxy.
What she discovered was not just a black hole or a pulsar, but something far more mysterious: a shimmering veil in the very fabric of space.The veil was invisible to the naked eye, detectable only through a complex array of instruments that recorded faint fluctuations in dark matter.
Elara could not believe her discovery. There it was, a seemingly thin membrane separating our galaxy from another that operated under entirely different physical laws.
She named it the Veil of Kosmos, a poetic nod to the ancient Greek word for the cosmos.
The Veil had become his obsession. For months, she had led a secret mission to understand its properties. The more she studied it, the more he challenged explanation.
It was as if the veil wasn’t just a boundary, but a sentient entity guarding the gateway to a parallel universe. Elara’s data showed that the veil pulsed with a rhythm akin to a heartbeat, as though it were alive. As word of the discovery leaked, the scientific community was split.
Some hailed it as the most significant finding in human history, while others warned of unimaginable dangers.
The military, predictably, wanted to weaponize it.
But Elara, with her unwavering determination, fought to keep the project in the hands of scientists.
The breakthrough came when Elara and her team successfully sent a probe through the Veil.
For a brief moment, they received data from the other side – a galaxy of inverted stars, where light behaved like a liquid and time ran in a loop.
But then the probe was suddenly destroyed, as if torn apart by an unseen force.
Undaunted, Elara prepared a manned mission.
She knew the risks were great, but the potential rewards were even greater.
A glimpse of another galaxy, another universe, was a dream no scientist could resist.
As the day of departure approached, however, a series of cryptic messages began to appear in their communications a language no one could decipher.
Elara was confused.
The messages were being transmitted through the Veil, but not to the other side.
They came from the veil itself.
As his team worked tirelessly to decode the messages, one word became clear: Stay.

The warning was ominous, but Elara insisted.
She could not let fear stop her from making the greatest discovery in history.
As the shuttle approached the Veil, they received one last transmission.
This time it was not a word, but a call: Do not cross.
War awaits. The crew debated whether to continue the journey.
Was it a trap?
A deterrent?
Elara, driven by curiosity and pride, made her decision.
They were going to cross.
As they passed through the Veil, the shuttle’s equipment failed.
The laws of physics were warped; the crew felt as if they were being torn apart, their atoms scattered across dimensions.
Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the chaos ended.
They were on the other side.
Before them lay a galaxy of breathtaking beauty: planets glittering like precious stones, stars pulsing with unknown energies.
But there was something else too: an armada of alien ships, massive and menacing, the likes of which they had never imagined.
The warnings were proven true.
In the distance, a giant rift rippled through space, a tear in the cosmos that threatened to destroy both galaxies.
The fleet was not prepared for battle; it was desperately trying to close the rift, to prevent the two universes from merging a cataclysmic event that would wipe them both out.
Elara understood that their presence was the cause.
By breaking through the Veil, they had destabilized the fragile balance, and now both galaxies were on the brink of destruction.
Wasting no time, she sent one last message through the Veil, a desperate plea for help for the world she had left behind: “Do not follow.
Seal the Veil.
Save yourself.
And then, silence.