Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer

“Did you see that?”
I look at Lopaka.
He indicates with the muzzle of his laser.
“Over there. To the left of the big blue rock that’s right of the black cube.”
“Between the dark monolith and the blue boulder?”
He gives me the side-eye.
“That’s what I said, Kimo.”
I shrug. The armoured shoulders of my suit squeak. No matter how much maintenance, cheap kit will always be cheap. Okay, back to it.
“What did it look like?”
“Purple. Came to about three-quarters of the way up the blue boulder.”
That’s a two-metre figment of his nerves, or something to worry about. I switch channels.
“HQ, this is Kimo at Post Seven. Lopaka has a possible. Far side of blue object closest to central monolith.”
“Hold for quick detailed scan.”
Lopaka snorts quietly. I start counting in my head: 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… 10… 11… 12…
“Post Seven, we show no definite trace.”
“Thanks, HQ.”
I’m about to give Lopaka a piece of my mind when I realise I’m being watched. Looking to one side, I meet the gaze of three shining black eyes arranged in an inverted triangle, set in a bald purple head. The unknown seems to jump in surprise and disappears behind the blue boulder.
“HQ, Kimo at Post Seven. Confirm possible.”
Lopaka turns his head to stare at me.
“Alert raised. Hold for tactical scan.”
I tap the ready button on my laser, gesturing for Lopaka to do the same. Tactical scans take longer than detailed ones. Long enough that people waiting have been known to be dead before the result arrives.
Lopaka comes over private channel.
“That’s against regulations.”
I switch channel and reply.
“They deduct the cost of body repatriation from any death benefits.”
Lopaka has a family. He taps his ready button.
A pair of purple unknowns charge round either side of the rock, coming for us, green crystalline weapons shooting blobs of orange fire.
I start firing as I bring the laser up. Stuff the Proper Fire Procedures, I want to survive. I’m surprised when Lopaka switches his beam to blade style, exactly as required. My needle style beams are going through the left-hand unknown, but it’s not slowing. Lopaka’s first shot takes his target clean off just below the lower eye. It topples. I switch to blade beam, flick it vertical, and cut my target in half just as it enters close fire range.
“Post Seven, we show two traces and unauthorised energy discharges.”
“Engaging, HQ.”
Lopaka does a silent two finger count.
“HQ, Post Seven requesting rescan.”
That’s the quickest type. 1… 2… 3… 4…
“Post Seven, we show no trace.”
“HQ, Post Seven. Requesting after-action processing.”
“Post Seven, confirm implied successful action. Verification and science teams are on the way. Hold until relieved by Fitafita Mauli and Palakiko.”
Lopaka chuckles.
“They will not appreciate being woken this early.”
I grin.
“Serves them right for using hack codes in Tekken 37 yesterday.”
He bursts out laughing.
“Cheat action verified. Penalty applied.”