Brought to You With Limited Commercial Interruption
Author : Michael Herbaugh a.k.a. “Freeman”
Tonight at 8:00 Eastern, 9:00 Central – 11 hour delay on the Lunar Colonies
Warning – this broadcast contains real battlefield footage, viewer discretion is advised.
This program is broadcast in Holographic THX.
Tonight on Holographic Battlefront, the Historical Channel presents “Iwo Jimaâ€, a two night presentation. Join us on your holographic table-top set as we explore one of the most memorable battlefronts of the 20th century. You will be there through the use of our ChronoCinematic cameras and with your interactive controls you will be able to follow the battle from the first beach landings to the raising of the flag on top of Mount Suribachi to the final counter-attack at Airfield #2. Most surprisingly of all, you will see for the first time the final moments of Japanese Lieutenant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi.
On your table top choose from any one of 30,000 US Marines to storm the beaches or take the viewpoint of all of the 21,000 Japanese soldiers dug in on this pivotal island in the Pacific. Should the soldier you choose perish, you will be able to jump to any other soldier on the battlefield. You may choose first or third-person perspectives for up-close views of the battle or zoom out for a bird’s eye perspective of the confrontation.
Explore the numerous tunnels throughout the island with the Imperial army or get behind the controls of a M4A3 Sherman tank equipped with flamethrowers as you attempt to clear hidden bunkers.
So stay tuned for Holographic Battlefront – Iwo Jima
*commercial break*
Before we begin our program we will bring you scenes from next week’s episode Holographic Battlefront – AI Uprising: the Four Day Conflict. Please insert your hand into the holofield now to set your wristreminder for next week’s showtime.
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Kathy Kachelries
Founding Member

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