False Positive

Author : Mark Robinson

“But, how is any of this possible?”

Despite the scene she’s making all I can focus on is the pink tip of the pregnancy test strip – which we stock on aisle five – that she’s waving around in the air; watching the droplets of pink-tinted urine fleck across the counter where I’m standing, completely at a loss as to what I should do.

A steady line of customers, hands still holding onto the item they were looking to buy before the woman burst into the store ranting, peek out from between the shelves I’ve yet to finish stocking.

Any answer I give will be the wrong one; even though the thought occurs to me that we currently have a special on synthetic breast milk.

“How’m I meant to tell my husband? He’s in deep space and won’t be back for another twelve months and what d’you think he’ll say when he lands and sees me holding another one of these?”

I never noticed the woman was holding onto a kid with her urine-free hand.

When she doesn’t get a response, she turns to the counter display of condoms; “And, these things don’t work,” picking up a couple of boxes and slamming them down in front of me on the counter. “I’m gonna sue the pants of your manager when he gets back from lunch.”

So that explains why we’re short on stock and he ducked out early.

A brief silence hits the woman while she looks at the clock above my head.

“Which one did you use?” A small, thin teenager standing behind the woman and her toddler.

The quiet woman looks at the stick in her hand and shoves it in the girls face.

“Yeah,” She nods, “I had a false positive with one of them.”

The woman’s eyebrows hover slightly before narrowing her eyes back at me then dragging her kid around to aisle five.

The teenager looks at me waiting for my thank you; I pick up the boxes of contraception and place them back into their racks. When the counter’s clear, the woman drops three boxed test strips down for me to swipe.

“Tell Joe if they come out positive again, he owes me nine-ninety-five.”

I scan the barcodes and hold out my hand for her payment which she ignores, snatching up the boxes and dragging her kid back out the door.

An elderly woman hobbles up to the counter, close enough to have heard every word of our exchange; “You’d think she’d be more careful in this day and age?” Dropping before me two packs of cancer cream and a USB vibrator. “They should bring back sterilisation,” routing in her purse for her money, “never did me any harm.”

When I look up the headset goes black and I hear my history teacher clear his throat. Back in the classroom, I remove the headset; afraid to look him in the eyes.

“Did you spot the deliberate mistakes?” He asks, greying fussy eyebrows bouncing above his head.

After a moment I think I grasp it, “It would take longer than twelve months to get back to earth from deep space in 2009.”

His mouth opens to comment. I hear a few titters from my classmates. Then I realise what I just said. “The cancer cream?”

Professor Grey smiles; “And?”

All I can do is shrug. Behind me, Stacie raises her hand to answer.

“Stacie?” He says, taking the headset from me.

She smiles at me, “When women used to give birth, it only took nine months to gestate.” She holds her smile in place. “And, the test turns blue when it’s positive, not pink.”

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Crash Protocol

Author : Daniel Fuhr

Red rocks crumbled under my heavy boots. I looked around the desolate Martian landscape and destruction thereupon. I could taste the acrid smoke around me as I walked through the wreckage of the downed ship, even through the environmental suit and protective gear, something for psychologists to quack at me about.

Carefully I picked through the remains of the transport craft and charred remains of what used to be precious lives. Protocol requires carefully documenting everything and keeping the crash site spotless. I cared about protocol fifteen years ago; today I’m just looking for the goods.

The small group of people stood at the edge of the crater the crash site created. I knew they were watching my every move apprehensively. Dead eyes of a hundred people staring at me from beyond the grave bothered me less than the brigands carefully watching me work.

After minutes of examination, I struck the treasure worth more than gold. I flipped open my netbook and sent a report back to my office “Crash due to natural causes, no further action required”. I would fill in more details at my leisure back at the office.

I pulled the slug from the hole in the hull of the ship and carried it out of the crater. The crash was open to salvage the minute I transmitted my report. I handed the pirates their metal slug as they handed me a small case. I knew they would have the entire craft ravaged for salvageable parts and take the rest for scrap metal. In less than two hours only the crater would remain.

If my report had any mention of foreign sources of a crash, I would look forward to months of investigations, inquiries and paperwork. Carrying the case back to my craft I looked forward to a month of fresh steak and eggs, a treasure worth more than gold.

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The Anti-Universe

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer

A small boy sat in his father’s lap staring at the full moon as it rose above the eastern horizon. “Daddy,” he asked, “Where’s mommy?”

The father rested his son’s head against the inside of his right bicep and pointed toward the moon. “See that dark circle. It’s called Mare Crisium. That’s where mommy is. She’s going to become very famous tonight.”


At the Buzz Aldrin Advanced Research Laboratory on the moon, Doctor Julia Hess adjusted the baryogenesis detector for the hundredth time.

“Vill you relax, Julia,” said Doctor Lukyanenko. “It’s going to vork just fine.”

“I hope so, Alexander. Everything hinges on this ‘proof of concept’ transfer attempt. Imagine the consequences; unlimited energy, forever. If we successfully transfer conventional matter to their anti-universe, and we get back an equivalent mass of anti-matter to our universe…” Her voice tailed off as she made a tiny correction to the asymmetric compensator. “I can envision Earth dotted with hundreds of anti-matter power generators within the decade. No more carbon dioxide emissions and no more nuclear waste to deal with.” She took a deep breath to force herself to calm down, and then checked the microscopic particle of osmium on the transfer platform. “The integrity of the containment field is at maximum intensity, and the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is ready to verify the matter-anti-matter transfer. Okay, we’re as ready as we’re ever going to be. Signal the anti-Doctor Hess in the Anti-Universe that we’re ready to make the exchange. Have them initiate the transfer at exactly 2100.” Doctor Hess nervously watched the chronometer.


Joe cradled his sleeping son in his arms as he watched the full moon drift higher into the cloudless sky. He wondered how different their lives would be tomorrow, and the days after. There would be parades, holovision appearances, and wealth. Unbelievable wealth. That was a good thing, he concluded. Then again, how would the fame and fortune affect his relationship with Julia? Could he and their son live a normal life after today? He shifted Joey’s weight to ease the numbness in his legs. He noticed his son’s eyelids twitching in the pale moonlight as he entered REM sleep. He wondered what Joey was dreaming about? Then his son’s face became very bright, as if a helicopter searchlight was suddenly shining down on them. He was forced to squint his eyes as the entire back yard was washed in bright light. In horror, Joe tried to look at the moon, but had to divert his eyes. The right hand side of the moon was an intense fireball that was many times brighter than the sun.

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The View From Below

Author : Elbie Kruger

I was born on the Calcarus colony settlement, a city floating 50,000 miles from planet Earth with a breathtaking view of the solar system. Having been born in space there were perks, however there were also drawbacks. You became used to cramped spaces and the lack of privacy, having known no other kind of life, but I, unlike many of the colony’s inhabitants, could not get used to people’s desire to someday live on Earth.

I must admit it was a surprise when Calcarus Regional Administration decided I should be one of only five space colonist to qualify for a month long surface trip. I was sanctioned to attend a major medical seminar on behalf of the colony.

As a high ranking Medical Officer on Calcarus I suppose I was a logical choice. The extra credits would lift my medical rank to level 7 and also meant I would qualify for my own room.

On the day of our departure I met my fellow travelers who were all extremely excited to say the least.

They kept on blabbering about how fantastic the trip was going to be. The one girl, I think her name was Menusa, went on and on about seeing real live animals. Personally I have never seen a real live animal and the only animals I have ever seen were from documentaries about Earth. On the colonies animals were strictly forbidden. This was mainly due to the fear of animal diseases, however I can honestly say after her non-stop whining about animals that I would happily die without ever wanting to see one.

We entered the atmosphere on the dark side of the planet, which meant there was not really much to see. At least the entry was quite a rush.

Upon our arrival at the spaceport we were quickly off loaded and huddled straight to our residence via hover tubes.

The rooms did not differ significantly from our rooms on Calcarus, obviously this was excluding the fact that they were about double the size. The bed was so huge that I actually had trouble getting comfortable.

I finally gave up trying to sleep around 5 am and being ever so slightly agitated and more than a little bored I decide to explore my surroundings. At the main entrance hall of our residence there was an exit to the outside gardens. We had no gardens on Calcarus, hydroponic food plantations sure, but the luxury of gardening for fun was never an option. I decided to take a stroll through the gardens, after all I was on Earth might as well enjoy it.

As I walked outside the sun started to rise over the horizon. Hues of red, yellow and purple streamed into the sky, a magnificent symphony of light and color. I had never witnessed something so spectacular or nearly as beautiful. When the sun finally emerged I felt my heart explode with emotion. Tears filled my eyes as the warm rays of the sun enveloped my face.

I don’t know exactly how to describe it, it felt like a complete sensory overload as my mind tried to process the absolute bombardment of beauty.

All around me I could see rolling hillsides covered by the most exotic blue sky. The smell of grass and fresh air filled my nostrils as I took the deepest breath I could. It felt like the first breath of my life.

As my mind regained control of my senses, I came to a complete realization.

I could never go back to the colonies.

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Way Out

Author : Ellen Couch

“Don’t you love me?” she asked.

“You know I do,” I said quietly, “but you’re not mine, you never really were.”

I could tell she didn’t understand- how could she? As far as she was concerned, we had the perfect life.

Late one night in the physics lab, working on my PhD (what else was there to do?), the idea for the Paradox Isolator had come to me. I knew it would work. Many months later, I tested it.

I was 13 again. I knew everything that 20 years of therapy and personal trainers had taught me. I kept the Paradox Isolator strapped to my wrist, keeping me safely in the same timeline I had come from, as I changed my life.

Then one day, 2 years after our wedding, the isolator did something very odd. Examining it in my shed, I shorted a circuit and saw the timelines I had stolen from. So many others, so much sadness. And I knew what it felt like, all of it, because it was mine. The one who had been fit and strong was fat. The one who had been confident at school was shy and scared. The one who had married Petra had taken sleeping tablets- a whole pack- when the loneliness got too much.

I had it all. Everyone said so. Now I knew why. I had taken it from them.

I thought it mattered when I changed my life- that it would be better if I had it all to do again. And it was. I wouldn’t have wished my old life on anyone, least of all myself. That was why I couldn’t do it to them.

“Petra, it’s been wonderful- you’re the only woman I’ve ever loved. But I can’t go on like this. It’s not fair.” Tears now stinging my eyes, I took out the PI.

“I don’t understand,” I heard her say as I smashed it on the laboratory table, “fair on wh-…”

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