Author: David C. Nutt

All of us on this mission were eager to explore, chosen from among thousands of applicants as being restless beyond restless to know what was next as we traversed the void.
When we landed on this new planet, we could not believe our eyes. An entire continent developed- farms, industry, homes of every kind. Vehicles, transportation centers, complete infrastructure millions of years ahead of our current technology, and no inhabitants. Wildlife to be sure to include birds and some interesting megafauna, but no sign of the builders. We went to their libraries, their data centers, their movie houses, hospitals. We found out about their culture, what they looked like, their political systems and art- and found no reason why they left. Then, in an ordinary house on a well-kept street, on a kitchen table we found a note: “Beware our lonely planet.” My colleagues laughed, and so did I.

On our third day of exploration the centuries old signs in the cities began changing. All from alien characters to the many varieties of our crew’s native tongues. By day five our languages changed to new amalgam of all our languages. Our transformation was so complete by day 20 we had to use the planet’s library to translate our own instruments and personal journals from our former mother tongues. By day twenty-six we were in a state of anxiety- we knew we had to leave but our planet made it quite clear we could stay. Contrary to what you may think, we did not find this odd or sinister; it just left us all relieved. No one wanted to return to Earth or our homes in the colonies.

Where there was restlessness before, we all now had an evangelistic zeal bordering on mania for our new home. We wanted millions- no, billions of people to come here, join with us. With our planet’s help, we sent fleets of drones back to our launch point, with our message, our invitation. As expected, our collective governments suspected we had come under alien influence…and I suppose we had but our new home made it quite clear if we wanted to leave we could. In a moment of either zeal or bravado I volunteered to go back to our former home to bring them our invitation in person to come and colonize with us, but as soon as my space craft cleared orbit I was so overwhelmed with sadness I couldn’t bear being away. I programmed the return and landed to a tear-filled reunion and not one unkind word.

Now we wait. Some thousand or so have arrived since our landing and we are expecting more, much more to follow. All who have come here have set themselves up in homes according to their desire and need. We’ve taken up trades, revived the traditional arts. We are reviving the old ways, singing the old songs in older temples.

The first child was born a month ago and her parents named her Harnuit, after our planet’s longest river. It seems all of us have pair bonded and soon more children will be born. My spouse and I are having twins and feel them inside me- a boy and girl. They will be Zsa and Ool, after the twin plateaus that are in the center of our continent.

As we gaze back to the time of ancestors that were never ours, and forward to a time when we will again be billions, this we know for sure; none of us will willingly leave ever again and no one will ever be lonely.