Ever Forward

Author : S T Xavier Gunfire. Small explosions. A hand on the back of my neck, pushing me down towards the small opening to the tunnel. Fragments of wood and rock under my hands and knees as I crawl through the darkness, following the distant sounds of those who went before me. One ...

The Prisoner

Author : Roger Dale Trexler Carpenter awoke in a tree, but the body he was in was no longer his own. They had taken that away from him, too…. just like they had stolen and plagiarized his work and called it their own. He moved, but his motions were not human. Not quite. Then, he ...

Six Degrees of Sky

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Ravella is a blighted world, riven and sundered before man ventured into space. The race or races responsible are hopefully dust as well, because the fury they vented upon this planet was breathtaking in its totality. But whoever - or whatever - ...

In Case of Emergency

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Sergeant Brake sat in the makeshift barracks reviewing the intelligence briefing he'd been handed just moments before. "These used to come on paper," he waved the digital tablet at the spit and polished runner who'd brought him the device. ...


Author : Chris McCormick Drone sat upon the empty dresser. A lithe little bundle of rods, wires and wings atop the last piece of furniture not yet pawned. From here it trained a camera upon another little bundle on a pile of towels on the floor. This warm little bundle had stopped ...

A Lesson in Being Human

Author : Doug Robbins His body was made of metal and instead of eyes, he had light sensors that flashed when someone got with in ten feet of him. ''Am I more human than you,'' the robot asked his human class. The human students looked at each other. One student, Todd Hallowell spoke ...

Enhanced Matching

Author : CR Briffett Welcome to Perfect Match. Please sign in through one of your professional or social media networks. Thank you, we will now gather all of your digital data. When you are ready to meet a perfect match, simply come down to one of our centres, donate a saliva sample ...


Author : Roger Dale Trexler I knew she was dead when I saw the blood. It floated by me and splattered silently on the console. Everyone else—Yanders, Diorino, and Rector—was dead, too. They were floating at the far side of the cabin, congregated strangely like a bunch of line ...


Author : Bob Newbell "This is the day it all ends," said Brosh. "Why don't you take one of the mood stabilizers the doctor prescribed?" asked Querna, Brosh's wife. She often wondered why she'd married Brosh. If I'd married that engineer who had a crush on me, she thought to herself, ...

Ark of Mirrors

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer One ingredient can change so much. In this case, it caused a genocide that’s lasting my entire life. It’s my birthday today. Me and my siblings. Well, I call them my siblings but they’re just hundreds of variations on a theme. ...


Author : Roger Dale Trexler The ship closed in on Earth. They’d been there many, many times before: Easter Island, the Pyramids, and the South American crop circles. Three tweenagers looking for adventure. It was off limits for them to come to Earth, but that was the very reason ...

Send in the Drones

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Bald Eagle, this is Leopard, are you receiving?” “Leopard, good to have you back. Confirm reinforcements. ETA three minutes.” “Bald Eagle, this is Leopard: abort, abort, abort. Total loss inevitable.” “Leopard, intel disagrees. Target is ...


Author : Tommy Walker Brian awoke from a blissful and exhausted sleep in his wide and comfortable bed. A successful business had provided a plush penthouse apartment with every possible luxury. He rolled, half conscious feeling for her, the silver haired girl he’d met and shared his ...

Speculative Fiction

Author : Bob Newbell Frejj glided two meters above the street of the marketplace, each pulsation of his gelatinous, umbrella-shaped body propelling him forward through the green chlorine atmosphere toward the cafe at the end of the street. Seeing his friend, Vallier, resting on a ...

Halfway House

Author : Rick Tobin Jason’s pale fingers trembled hesitantly across his gray suit pants. His first suit. Any job. Take anything. His father’s pleading reverberated like a taiko drum. Sweaty palms left dark trails across his scrawny thighs. He gulped. Worms wriggled in his stomach from ...

Door Number One

Author : Christopher Stewart Everything was powered up, the switch thrown, and she stepped through, crossing the threshold out of nowhere. I remember everything about her so clearly. Not that she was remarkable, other than appearing out of nowhere, but shooting the instrument panels of ...

The Last Emergency

Author : Jason Zinnerman Perched high on a sturdy branch, the man marveled at the intruders’ precarious fortune. They tight roped the border between likely and more likely death by landing in the hard green clearing instead of the dusty sun scorched wasteland just beyond their reach. ...

Wired Heart

Author : James Langley Dr. Livett tapped at the graphene strap around her wrist and the beachside illusion dissolved into nothing. She stood in the sterile, empty white room; the fragrant ocean breeze replaced by the smarting odour of bleach. She redressed into her uniform, the white ...

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