On My Mind

Author: Majoki You know that feeling you get when you’re halfway to work and you realize that you can’t remember the last fifteen minutes of your drive. You know you’ve been gripping the wheel staring out the windshield, but you aren’t really there. Some part of your ...


Author: Mark Renney Over the years Tanner had become highly attuned to his work and was able to spot the conspirators from afar. He could pick them out on a busy street, in a crowded bar or restaurant. This wasn’t ever based on anything concrete but he just knew. Perhaps it ...

The Last Stand

Author: T. Thornton Gray I stopped wearing a mask. I don’t know if it was because I was used to the stench around me or if it was because decomposition was turning to mummification. My search to find canned food that is over a year old has become far more difficult. If I ...

Good Job

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Any final thoughts, Captain Macawdy?” Macawdy smooths their layers of bright clothing, then leans forward with a smile: “I’d like to thank you for having the courage to invite me on your show, Miss Dreams. All the other networks have ...

Dear Angelic Members

Author: Rachel Handley “Bloody hell.” “Shush, Terry, don’t go invoking hell willy nilly.” “I’m neither being willy nor nilly, Martha. Did you not see the email? “Oh, what email?” Martha pressed the button on her wrist. A small hologram screen spread over her left ...

Green v Grey

Author: Andrew Bird Kerrrrr-SHAZ felt his taut antennae shudder as he struggled to slow the Flying Saucer’s plummet towards jagged Nevada mountains. His face, reflected in the mirrored control panel before him, drained from bright to pale green in fear. Desrius in the ...

I, President

Author: Arkapravo Bhaumik FADE IN (A newsroom setting with the reporter and the President seated face to face) Reporter: Mr. President thank you for this interview. President: (smiles, nods in an affirmation) Reporter: Mr. President, as it has ...

Wild Thang

Author: Majoki Thang Danang balanced the hypodermic on the tip of her index finger. Reckless. Irresponsible. Crazy. That’s what her cousin Luc had called her. He’d yelled that her visions of their family ancestors weren’t real, that she was hallucinating. Thang had ...

The Soldier

Author: Alzo David-West A soldier – roving through the miasma streams of rended forms and spectral cores, the broken gangrene and the fractal pain pouring from the fading – an anxious, empty, frenzied atavism without love and without feeling, except for the instinct to ...


Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “This is the Stop Fraud hotline of the Department of Employment Assistance. My name is Flynn. How can I help?” “I want to report the woman across the road. She’s ripping you off.” “I can certainly assist with that, madam. Do you know her ...

Cut Time

Author: Majoki “Hustle, hustle, hustle,” Selse hissed. “In this universe, you gotta go fast to go slow.” Her training team was darting between a random course of high stone pillars, low walls and short ledges, crouching low, praying not to mess up. Selse was praying how ...

Waiting Room

Author: Michael Kerby A guy, licking the carpet. He's on all fours, in a Doctor's waiting room. And he's licking the carpet. Tongue out, dragging it across the rough blue carpet like it's the most important job in the world. It's the kind of carpet designed for ...

Family Reunion

Author: T. Francis Curran People stand in the vestibule peering in, hoping to spot someone they know. Some enter, making that “am in the right room?” face. Some linger out there, pretending they are waiting for someone but sooner or later, everyone summons the courage and ...

Birthday Apples

Author: Brooks C. Mendell “Happy birthday!” said the spectral dame in a form-fitting doctor’s gown standing at my door one hundred years ago. “This is a milestone for you.” “More like a millstone,” I said, leaning on my staff. “Feeling weighed down?” “I feel ready ...

The Fetch of Space

Author: Majoki Iowa. It didn’t take me long to figure out. That all of us selected for this mission were from the heart of the Midwest. But I didn’t really get it until we came out of cryo-fugue beyond Eris. The earth is patient with us, the heavens are not. If you ...

Be Kind to Your Android

Author: David Henson “Dort, take a break,” my wife, Maureen says. “You’ve done the laundry, cut the grass, cooked three meals and washed the dishes today.” “Yes, Dort, rest awhile,” I say to our android. Dort smirks. Sarcasm. He’s acquired another human ...

Life on Tarko

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The auditorium is full to capacity, aisles filled with standing attendees as well. The rush and lull of a thousand conversations fades as a single figure strolls out onto the stage. Pausing by the lectern, the figure picks up a remote ...

Deeper Inside

Author: David Berger inside , eddie is a strange combination of blandness and aggressiveness . he has a gift for sales , so he can always get a job selling something . eventually , he figured out that his gift also worked online . so now he buys and sells electronically , ...

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