The Burgarii Collective

Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer Darwin was wrong. The Burgarii Collective is living proof of that. Watching the massive arcologies floating above the old city is surreal – mountains literally drifting among the clouds. I am reminded of a text book found deep in the library’s ...

Cheddar Plain and Mordeck

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Mordeck and Cheddar Plain were field-stripping their weapons on top of Concourse B. No one came by here. They talked and smoked openly. Eyes in the sky were a thing of the past. They perched there on an I-beam, ten stories up from the concrete ...

Special Ops

Author : Bob Newbell, Featured Writer "Can you see him?" asked the SWAT team commander. "Yes, commander. I'll stream the video feed to your display," said the CASO officer. A live video of a disheveled, wild-eyed man of about 20 years clutching a girl who appeared to be about 14 ...

A Day in the Office

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer It's dark when my ears finally stop ringing. I lie deathly still and carefully inventory my corpse. "Not such an unstoppable bastard now, are ya?" Docherty is still here. That explains the pain in my jaw. He put one in my head, two in my ...

Lucky Day

Author : Dennis Von Euw “ 'X-ray 3' to 'Harvest Queen', come in, over” “This is 'Harvest Queen', what is your status?, Over” “We've completed the survey on the asteroid. It shows no transuranics, and damn little heavy metals. The bulk is just stony ...


Author : Ryan Watson The war had finally been instigated. Nobody was truly certain how it had started or which nations were involved. All anybody knew was that it had been a month since the missiles were launched. All high profile personnel were secretly escorted to underground ...

Judge Not

Author : Bob Newbell, Featured Writer Vandrin walked into the officer's club and saw Rudneth sitting by himself at a table in a corner. Fleet Admiral Rudneth was drinking shots of straight tyrofin. To all appearances, he'd been at it for some time. Vandrin doubted if his ...

The Paradox Bomb

Author : Townsend Wright "Now, who can tell me what antimatter does?" said professor Argent as he tightened the rope around his waist. We were all a bit disturbed by the professor's request to go stand out by the empty old building and tie ourselves to a tree, so he was forced to ...

Built To Last

Author : Rob Sharp He woke with the cursed sun. The sky had been swirling black and crimson, barely enough light passed through the veil of cloud and ash to power his sensory circuits, but he saw and heard all the same. It was an azure blue today, brighter and more vibrant than he'd ...

Adventure in Space

Author : Bob Newbell, Featured Writer Captain Saylor walked on to the bridge of the Starship Endymion. The huge, panoramic windows showed innumerable stars streaking past the vessel. Saylor leaned over Lieutenant Shah's shoulder and looked at the velocity readout on his control panel. ...


Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Three and a half billion years ago, Mars was teeming with life. Plankton filled the fresh water seas, and tropical forests covered the four large continents with trees that stretched a thousand feet into the indigo skies. However, the Shangri-La ...

Postcards to the Edge

Author : David Stevenson A yellow flashing beacon. Another package spinning through space. I reach out and snag the drag line carefully. The beacon is attached to one end of a line, at the other end is the supply crate with another flashing beacon. It’s a lot easier to catch a line ...

End Game

Author : Mike McLaren Shmuel Berkov grew up in Logoisk, and lived a regular life like any other boy in the village, until his eighteenth birthday, when he made the decision to run for Prime Minster of Belarus. He wanted to grow up and save the world. His dream to be the leader of his ...

Freaks of Nature

Author : Bob Newbell, Featured Writer "The corporeals have sent another machine to planet four," said Wyvin to Lekvar. Of course, Wyvin had not really "said" anything. He, or more precisely "it," had communicated its thoughts via short range radio frequency modulation to its companion ...

Blue on Pink

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Screams mingle with the hiss of blood on coals. The clatter of dropped gear and the sound of running feet. When will they learn that using small weapons against us is the same as committing suicide? > CMNDLCK0 I jerk into wakefulness as the ...

Distance Between Us

Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer Our Probation. That’s what the first hundred years of our subjugation by the Thkar were called. After a long history of subservience to home-grown oppressors, we were extremely pliant to the superior wills of alien powers. Universaly speaking, we ...

Waking Up

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Dawn jumps up from behind the mountains and splashes over the city, making a high tide of light that reaches with bright yellow fingers up to my bedroom window. The glow filters through the dust motes and the blinds. It paints stripes onto my ...

Breeding For Luck

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer “Breeding for luck?” “Breeding for luck.” “Why does that sound familiar?” “A famous 20th century science fiction writer once hypothesized…” “Okay, okay I remember now. I read the whole series,” waving his hand in the air, “Plus most of his other ...

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