Orion's Blet

Author : David Stevenson The ship got her name one time when she had to leave planet in a hurry. Usually “in a hurry” is a euphemism for “got into trouble”, but this was long before any of the shenanigans and high jinks which she became famous for. This time she really was in a hurry; ...

Inferiority Complex

Author : Bob Newbell "I'm glad to hear the medication I added at our last visit didn't cause any side effects," said the psychiatrist to his patient. "And I see you've had two sessions of psychodrama therapy. How did that go?" "I think that really helped," said the ...

The Lion

Author : J.D. Rice The lion stares at me with all five of its eyes, and I know that my death is near. I call it lion, like so many colonists do, because I have no better name for it. Tripedal, with scaly flesh and pentocular vision, the creature is nothing like the lions back on Earth, ...

Used and Abused

Author : Nicholas Short The first time I awoke, I was sitting on a cold, shiny surface. A curious energy buzzed through my body. I had never experienced the world before, but somehow I knew everything. I knew languages, 6 of them. I knew how to move my head, how to listen and how to ...

Sisyphus Redux

Author : Susan Nance Carhart It's always good to see Mom again. Exasperating, too. There's always that moment of mental groaning; always that "Here we go again!" That said, it's good to see her alive. July 15, 1964. I'm back. Always the same date. I'm ...


Author : Gabriel E. Zentner I first saw the ocean many, many years ago – of that much I’m certain. Still, at my age, memory has a way of slipping away in the night, ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I first noticed the red rash around his gills on Thursday. I asked him what it was. “My time is near.” His translator said. “I need to leave on Friday for mating. A replacement will be here on Monday.” “Mating, eh?” I asked, with a lascivious ...


Author : J.D. Rice Robots aren't supposed to travel through time, forget what the movies tell you. Aside from the incredible amount of electromagnetic activity that a temporal gateway puts out, the act of time travel itself is incredibly damaging to a robot's psyche. The ones ...

Potato War

Author : David Stevenson My uncle Frank was the first man ever to be killed by an interplanetary baked potato. He had fought in the first war; the war between our beautiful planet of Prutashka and the savages of Binkaret, one planet nearer to our sun. This war was fought by ...

The Web

Author : Townsend Wright “What––Where am I? How did I get here?” “Oh, good, you’re here.” “Who are you? What am I doing here?” “Don’t worry, a little amnesia, happens to ...

Robot Dance Party

Author : Bruce Lin “They’re all dancing,” Charlie said. “It’s a robot dance party!” He giggled, and tried to dance too. Joan observed her son with measured curiosity and abundant concern. “A software issue,” she surmised. Their Butlerbot was doing the Electric Slide through the ...


Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer Thick mist clings to the water when I enter Topside, my body still changing. Below, I’m Dolphin, but as I rise above the pre-dawn waves, cool sea water cascading down my shifting form, my body attempts to mimic a half-remembered land creature. A ...

Street Preacher

Author : Bob Newbell In the center of the vast shopping plaza, standing atop an old wooden crate, a robot harangued the passing crowd. The automaton was an outdated model, few of which were still in service. Its motors whirred and groaned with every movement and the machine's left ...

Long Live The Resistance!

Author : Eric C. Prichard “There is a certain sickening irony one finds in the pre-contact “science” fiction of the Utamin. They depict people from other worlds as invaders. To be fair, sometimes they are kinder. Sometimes “aliens” are diminutive bug-eyed sage-like psychic helpers who ...

Penalty Claws

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “It’s a vampire!” “No, it’s not. It’s a biological construct designed to look like a creature from mankind’s horror mythology.” “It’s got slicked-back hair, fangs, pronounces ‘double-you’ as ‘vee’ and is dressed for a black-tie reception under it’s ...

Hands and Eyes

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It’s the hands and the eyes that give it away. They’re too quick, too exact. There’s a precision and surety there that ‘belie the tech’, as they say. I wouldn’t say that there’s a war brewing but the division between the haves and have-nots is ...


Author : Bob Skoggins Jacob Nash was the first man to penetrate Titan’s ice and explore the world beneath. With a heat suit resistant to the dense atmosphere, for thirty-six years he lived in a small sphere of ice and metal. It was from him that we exist. Though we’re called Titans, ...

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