The Legion of the Dead

Author : Andrew Bale "Five minutes, General." "Thank you, Gunner." Anywhere else in the fleet she would be an impossible escort. Her dull-black skinsuit was topped with a spiked leather jacket, her hair gelled into liberty spikes, her face painted like a skull. She still ...

Still Nothing

Author : M. A. Goldin "Anything?" "Bacteria, some multi-celled organisms, but nothing complex. Nothing sentient." Captain Dalmar nodded, and the technician's projected image blinked out. She stood alone on the bank of a river. It rushed, boisterous, from the mountains ...

Sons and Fathers

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Stuart lost his footing scrambling over the shattered garden wall and fell, hard. As he struggled to his feet, his head still ringing from the tumble his pursuer caught him up and knocked him back down harder still. "You frickin bastard," ...


Author : Michael Georgilis My hand scrambled over tiles studded with shattered glass until it found my gun, clenched, lifted, swung over the bartop, and pointed between the deepest blue eyes I'd ever hunted in the entire system. The gun cocked on reflex. Her eyes ...

Ultra Man

Author : Clint Wilson, featured writer "Unbelievable Simmons! We actually have him mainlined through the wormhole!" The assistant was no less excited than the good Doctor. "Professor!" he shouted as he checked the subject's vitals. "The fractal condensers are working ...

Hello World

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer /run -verbose -output=screen * Did you know that programmers have a higher rate of obsessive behaviour than any other occupation? * Watch your terminators, they taught me. * Always free the memory. * Never goto. I love sloppy coders, ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer The Dean of Admissions flipped once again through the file in front of him. He'd memorized the contents, but hadn't quite found a starting point. Pulling his pocket watch from his waistcoat he regarded it solemnly over the rim of his ...

Who's Got The Time?

Author : John Arthur Beaman Why should we expect God to keep track of everyone in the world? The galaxies, you know, take a trained eye and eons of proper management to turn a profit. It's quite an operation. I don't blame God for losing me. It's funny when you think about ...


Author : Alanna Cohen She set the plate before me and grinned with pride over her homemade dish, her hair falling in strands over her shoulders as the steam rolled in curls of fog from the meal. I looked down as my stomach roared loudly and admired the look of the food. The ...

Rover and Me

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer For the hundredth time, I glassed the area. Nothing on visual, nothing on thermal. I bumped the gain until individual grains of sand stood out in stark detail a thousand metres up the broken road. Nothing. Winter was setting in and game ...

Wolf-Rayet 104

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Doctor Letum stood on the bridge of the Galaxy Explorer, staring at the forward viewscreen anticipating his first up-close look at Wolf-Rayet 104. It was not easy getting to this point, he mused. Ten years of filing applications, dozens ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer There are those amongst us that still refer to it quietly as genocide when they have the courage to bring it up at all. Never in any official capacity, only at interface groups and multitap fileshares, and only then after a few jolts of ...

Drilling Through Infinity

Author : Clint Wilson, Featured Writer "So this is it?" I asked, more than just a little depressed and disappointed. "Well what did you expect?" asked Grrrrshnk. The giant veins in his bulbous blue head pulsated visibly through his space helmet. "I dunno," I replied. I ...

Walk Softly

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Roscoe dimmed the lights in the living room and then powered up his suit. In the floor to ceiling mirror beside the stone fireplace he could admire how truly daunting a warrior he looked. From the heavy platform boots on his feet to the ...

Library Loan

Author : Suzanne Borchers Bea stared through the 10 mm thick window at the metallic mining equipment covering the gray landscape. One more plate to wipe then she'd be able to read and escape this. She'd be in a colorful world filled with fascinating sights and enchanting ...

The Showdown

Author : David Nutt It took all of Jimmy J's concentration to lock out the invading minds trying to pry the secrets from him. The first attack was dealt with easily, the Thulian from the belt. It was straight forward frontal lobe probing. Brute force, horribly off balance, ...

Eight Years

Author : Tim Rouse It's been eight years. I suppose it had to happen sometime. They've been here longer than that, of course. Just shy of a century, they say. But eight years ago they revealed themselves, thousands of people enslaved, with aliens in their bodies, and ...

To The End of Time, Or Lisa

Author : Damien Krsteski "One more and you're done," the bartender informs me. I nod, then take a large sip from the bottle. Due to the nature of their work, bartenders tend to know certain things about people. Fortunately, the multiversal collapse that would lead me to her ...

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