A Limited Imagination

Author: Palmer Caine. “Have you heard about Lauren?” the fat thing asked, “Apparently your old partner, as wonderful as she is, has upset everyone, dealing to all sides...apparently.” Grottman scratched his flabby, floppy head. Felix smiled. He knew about Lauren’s ...

The Red Plateau

Author: Alzo David-West Wind blew over the plateau. The sky was a desolate faded blue. A woman with tangled black hair rode a slow-moving horse, a travois with a bundled load drawn after it. She wore a hide shawl and carried a broken spear. Her feet were bare and ...

Look into the Screen

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “That’s it. Let the colours soothe you. So easy. Relax. It’s all here. Anything you need to be concerned over, everything you must have. There’s nothing you need to fear because we’ll tell you if there is. No, don’t worry. You’re not ...


Author: Morrow Brady It had all become so complicated. The way we worked. The way we interacted. The expectations heaped upon us by our forebears. We needed to look back at where we had come from. It was how it was though. This world with its regulated cultural norms ...

Terms of Service

Author: John McLaughlin Toru Sato was negotiating for a new body. "And they're rad-resistant too?" The blonde sales rep smoothly reclined, a wide smile ratcheting onto her face as if delivered from an assembly line. "Oh yes, as of last year the radiation resistant ...

Visions in Nanometers

Author: William Gray “I’m scared,” Leanna said, staring into the kaleidoscope, eyes wide, turning the aperture. “Scared of what? It’s just colors,” I responded. She put the kaleidoscope down on the bedside table. Her skin was pale, as if she had coated her entire body ...

The Ninth Circle of Automation

Author: David C. Nutt “Is this trip really necessary?” “Beg your pardon?” “Repeat: is this trip really necessary? What is the nature of this excursion?” “Ummmmm…not that it is any of your business, but I was going to make bread and I realized I’m all out of yeast.” “Did ...

Cold Cut

Author: Hari Navarro Raymond gulps the weight of his breath and it tastes like death as he lays unable to move on his bed. "Does the name Lucas Lockwood mean anything, Raymond?", coos the shadow as she paces, her bare-feet crunching on the tattered pile of his ...


Author: David Henson It was a windy day in the park. I opened my arms, skipped backwards, pretending to be a kite. At first, he seemed pleased. But something tugged away his smile. I knew he was thinking about her again. I suggested we have a picnic sometime, recalled ...

The Courtesy

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer We’re glaring at each other across a gap that is – as we have repeatedly tested – exactly nine metres wider than either of our best reaches. The ground for kilometres around us is nothing but churned mud and scoured rock. Not a leaf, not a ...

Little Lambs Eat Ivy

Author: Timothy Goss Lieutenant Tann wiped his fuzzy torso. Months in a Chrono-tube caused the growth of a downy hair that matted together on the backs of his legs and arse. The computer suggested both Lieutenant Tann and Major Spar rub themselves with oil before taking to ...


Author: John McLaughlin I took my shot and it landed true; a beam of light, passing briefly through the void and extinguished in a collapse of reality. Well, not exactly. There is no direction, or time, in the Manifold--only the roiling chaos of the quantum fields. I've ...

We Are the Wolves

Author: Jules Jensen “The wolves are always at the door. Remember that.” His voice was cold and dark, like an unlit cellar. The intensity in his manic eyes made me wonder if he honestly thought there were real wolves literally scratching at the door, their hungry maws ...

Divided by Zero

Author: Rick Tobin Matt drifted in distant thought, staring at melting butter pushing raspberry jelly seeds up and over the pockmarks of his whole wheat English muffin. His senses filled as a mix of fruity sweetness rose up, enhanced by toasted bread essence to dance with ...


Author: Morrow Brady It always starts with a gentle scratch. I pressed activate and watched Robot, still as a statue within the secure concrete chamber. Processing fired up and Robot slowly drew its finger across its abdomen. It gently scratched, then clawed, then dug at ...

Top Cover

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Dino’s at the hatch, jigging up and down like he does when he’s worried. “Table Seventeen, the Lantoran’s getting antsy!” I flip the trout end-over-end in the pan: “Tell the lovely cephalopod that his trout is being sautéed in ox butter ...


Author: Mina As non-corporeal xenobiologists, we are trained in riding corporeal forms. The forms we ride are oblivious to our observation from the inside out. I was specialised in hominins. Our training insists that we change host regularly which, on a spaceship with a ...

The Adjuster

Author: Helena Hypercube The Adjuster rubbed his aching na'ora. Consciously, he eased the beating of his hearts, so that the blood flowed with less force. He was used to having to make a few adjustments when he encountered a new species, changing a few social structures, ...

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