Let Him Down Easy

Author : Eva Schultz To: John (john823x70@cbdynamics.com) From: Alison (ajeffries@starnet.com) August 23, 2079 at 9:14 p.m. Dear John: I don’t know how to do this except to just come out and say it. I’m so sorry, but it’s time for us to break up. I’ve met someone. ...

Decisions, decisions, decsions²

Author : David C. Nutt The notice hit Carlton just as he was about to base-jump off el Capitan. He tried to ignore it, but each time the simulation got to the jump point it wouldn’t let him go any farther. Carlton sighed, “Fine.” He took himself out of the jump line and sat ...

The Ultimate Prison

Author : Beck Dacus “It says here you’ve been experiencing depression, Nathan,” Dr. Krosett said. “Can you tell me more?” “Okay,” RX-1017 said. “I just have this negative feeling all the time. It’s almost like a voice, telling me I’m doing something bad. That it… needs ...

Tourney of Dominance

Author : Dylan Otto Krider Qualifications for the office of Head Chieftain were demonstrated by the battle of wills: Each was given a vehicle of equal weight so they could drive headlong toward each other; the one who didn’t swerve was chieftain. A head-on smash prompted a ...

Crush Test

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The bridge is quiet. That special kind of quiet when everyone is busily engaged in not paying attention to something. In this case, it’s the trio who stand in a tight group to the left of the command chair. “I didn’t mean it like ...


Author : David Henson Bridget goes to the DBG keyscreen in the kitchen, taps in a detailed proposal for Frank and her to host Clarise Jenkins and Tremont West for dinner, then hits SEND. "Please specify reason for engagement" appears on screen. Bridget rolls her eyes ...

The Press-Conference of Dr Moreau

Author : David Barber "Yes," answered Moreau. "A landmark legal verdict." Absently he trailed a fingertip between the vorpal racer's eye-nacelles and down the streamlined wedge of her face. They had opened windows but the crowded room still sweltered beneath the lights. ...

The Empty And The Dark

Author : Phil Rejmer Humanity and its lost tribe met, finally, in between the stars. We faced each other, the representatives of each clan, standing in the metal halls of each others' vessels. It had been so long since humanity had abandoned Earth. Almost as long since ...

Identity Theft

Author : Jules Jensen She needed a couple more voice samples. And then this would be the perfect catch, exactly what the buyer wanted. She sidled up closer to him, and nodded to his wife as she browsed the wares for sale at the next booth in the bazaar. “So, does your ...


Author : Janie Brunson "Welcome to the Talent Exchange Office. You must have a talent you would like to trade?" "Yes." "What is it? Your talent?" "I ... I can write poetry. In two languages. Puedo escribir en inglés y español. Sorry, English and Spanish." "A poet! ...

Additional Benefits

Author : David C. Nutt Major Janus took one last look at the soldier’s file. Rank & Name: PFC Johnny Benton Ralston. DOB: 12 SEP 2134. HOR: Southington, CT. Psi Aptitude: Off the charts. The accompanying progress reports told a familiar story. Phase I & II of ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “I can see it from here, Duke, and it’s quite something, I can tell you. Let me give you and our other listeners what I see. I’m on Parliament mound, facing south. The river Thames is a shallow umber trail flowing sluggishly from west ...

Clinching the Semi-Finals

Author : Anthony Rove King Alexander—that was the name he had chosen for himself, anyway—leaned back on his throne. It wasn’t very comfortable. After a lifetime of resting his considerable girth on plush synthetic fabrics, the primitive wood-on-iron chair hurt his backside. ...


Author : Andrea Friedenson “Such an expressive planet,” Lana said. I watched the reflected light from her monitor flow reds, greens, and blues across her perfect face as she admired the image of Earth that floated before us. The data visualization made the planet seem to ...

Mighty Pet

Author : Jules Jensen The gray fur was dry and dull. The small hollow horns on his head were curly and crooked. She stroked a finger over the horns. He closed his eyes, like he enjoyed the touch. The claws on his four paws were long. They needed to be trimmed at least once ...


Author : Matthieu C. R. Cartron “And why is it that you wish to explore deep space?” said Allen, the director of the space program. It felt like an obvious question to Gyron. Why did anyone wish to explore the unknown? For the same reason no doubt. “Exploration is the ...


Author : Jules Jensen I stopped and sighed, and then crossed my arms. This wasn’t a normal game animation, but there was no one out this far, so I didn't have to pretend. A field of short grass met up with a lake. It was peaceful. And it was hot. I hated the heat, but so ...

The Cow

Author : Charles Paul Wallace Ashura contorted her body, thrust her arm through the jagged rip in the ship's inner hull and aimed the flash-driver at the stuck bolt. Which, as ever, refused to turn. She slumped back down to the shrapnel-strewn floor and considered her ...

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