Incident Desk

Author : Oisin Hurley

On my first day on the incident desk, a distraught little man well into his second century burst in through the door of the station. "I've killed her!," he shrieked at me, "Killed her!" He punctuated each bespittled utterance with a spastic wave of a cricket ...


Author : Sam Clough, Staff Writer "Look, man," I'd noticed that Mark's type always seemed to call you 'man' or 'mate'', "I did some proper analysis of the whole tinfoil hat thing. You'd need almost a full helmet, a nice thick grounding chain, and preferably an electrified ...

Gods Upon Gods

Author : Ryan Somma

"Is that one of those computers?" I asked gesturing at the flat, monolithic screen hanging on the far wall.

"Sort of," he replied, staring oddly at the housewarming gift I'd set on a table. "It's more of an entertainment center, but it does a lot of the ...

A Question of Rights

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer The men that delivered Louis to the Chancellors chambers had done so quickly, forcefully and without remark. Louis had goaded them through the tunnels from the parking garage, up the elevators and along the corridors without rebuke until ...

Technologic Encounter

Author : Renee Leyburn “I object to this kind of treatment! I'm an upstanding citizen. I've an elderly mother to care for,” Paul exclaimed vehemently, gathering himself up to stand as straight as he could in front of the droid. The robot stared back at him with unblinking, ...

Unforeseen Consequences

Author : Luke Chmelik With a timid knock on the door, a pimply faced messenger poked his head into the sumptuous office of the Head of Commercial Relations. “We're having some p-p-problems with the Turing units, s-sir.” Ezekiel Jonas Tate tapped his cigar into the nickel ...


Author : Summer Batton We bled orange. Not some giddy childhood sherbet kind of orange, but the sickly rusty kind that comes off of metal barrels after they’ve sat out in the rain for 10 years. Orange like the rust that comes off slowly in chunks, running down into the ...

Escape Pod

Author : J.R. Blackwell, Staff Writer I awake for the first time and feel the comforting press of Mother around me. She has woken me up for a reason, but I do not know why. Mother is big and strong and knows everything. She holds me and my sisters and all the people inside ...

Taking a walk

Author : L.Hall "I loved a woman once.." Lil looked up sharply, immediately checking the oxygen gages. Walkers usually started talking morosely when they had a pressure leak. If that was so, she'd need to pull him in quickly. All the gages showed 80%, no pressure ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It was Momma Spokes that helped me in the afterlife. It was a hard first few months of living back then in the rusted shards and sewage filters. Sustenance was brutally fought over and hoarded. Flatlines happened every day over ...

Human Integration

Author : Sam Clough, Staff Writer "I cannot sing the old songs, the songs I sang so long ago..." Guin kicked her heels, muttering the misremembered words to herself. She hadn't changed. She still looked as young as ever: her dark skin was as flawless as it had ever been. For ...

War Games

Author : Phillip English It began with the PC release of Armageddon. No, it's not what you're thinking, the kids didn't rise up and swallow us with anarchist notions imbued through Satanic images found in a video game. The violence presented in that game was simply ...


Author : Robert Niescier

When the captain sent the message, he wasn’t thinking of the texture of the button his finger had depressed. He didn’t hear the low bass of the shields as they were freely deactivated, allowing missiles long kept at bay to whisper through the fading dust. ...

The Aquarium

Author : William Tracy

“The commander will see you now.”

King Kôrtof stepped through the doorway. His body was adorned with precious metals and gems, a show of power. Planet Tokonia had little to boast of but its mineral wealth—even as that wealth was rapidly becoming a ...

Space-Time Amnesia

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer

As I slowly regained consciousness, I became aware that my universe was a black, soundless void. Then the thought “where am I?” popped into my mind. I couldn’t remember my name, or what I looked like, but surprisingly, I had knowledge of many ...

A Good Run While It Lasted

Author : Michael Varian Daly

Roegher was dying, which he did not think a tragedy. Everyone was dying one way or another. He was just dying a bit faster and, as he was The Last True Man, his impending death was 'special'.

He had actually been 'dying' for nearly a century ...

Face the Face

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Erik had been in this room before, although it seemed smaller this time. "Please, Lieutenant Skane, have a seat." The room's other occupant was well weathered, maybe not retirement age, but close to it. The bars on his uniform, like the ...

Carl, the Cubical King

Author : J.R. Blackwell, Staff Writer Before the Fall, your father was what they called a temp worker, which means he was hardly anyone at all. Temp workers are like the kitchen boy, every day they show up, hoping there is work, and getting paid in scraps and ribbons. Your ...

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