
Author : Bob Newbell It's been a subjective month since we changed history. It feels like ten years. In reality, an infinitesimal fraction of a second has passed for us in the Stopwatch. That's the unofficial and pathetically unoriginal name some smart aleck gave to the Temporal ...

A Girl And Her Tree

Author : A. Katherine Black Titanium corridors were empty, galleys and docking bays silent, save the faint echo of rodents scuttling about. Still the ship continued on. At its center stood a tree, supported by a system set in motion centuries ago. Its enormous black trunk sprouted ...

Robots Don’t Kill People

Author : Gray Blix "Why do we have a dog bot in the first place?" Offended, "Robot K91 is my PARTNER, sir, and its very shape deters crime by evoking a primal human fear of wolves." "'Deters crime'? The only bot on Mars that can harm humans has KILLED one." "K91 is not ...

Kids and Pets

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer My world is Kayden, and it is orbited by a plethora of satellites with deadly defensive natures that all look really pretty from the ground. In higher orbit, space stations and roving warships patrol like sharks at idle. No ship matches it’s ...

One Man, One Vote

Author : Sean Kavanagh A third term as President. No one since FDR had served three terms, but he could feel that tingling sense of anticipation, that odd, pulsing of the blood that foretold victory. He was on the verge of making history. The campaign had gone well. He’d connected ...

Gray Magic

Author : Rick Tobin “So why spray millions of tons of toxic soup on the U.S. for years in chem trails if we had this fungus ready?” Harold Simpson leaned forward over half-finished plates of veal chop Milanese and Coho salmon amandine, adding impact while interrogating Elliot ...

Like They Used To

Author : C. J. Boudreau The algae were there! In the deep permafrost. Turning up the magnification and refocusing the cam, he could see the nuclei. They were photosynthetic, the rare green color in the frozen soil. Perhaps hundreds of millions of years old. Mars was not dead! ...

Phantom Test

Author : Kate Runnels “There,” said the doctor. “Try it now, agent Sasaki. The neural connection should be hooked in.” Lia stared down at her cybernetic left arm, recently attached after a case went horribly wrong. The murderer, after killing her last victim, sliced Lia’s arm, ...

Sunday Morning Abduction

Author : Izabella Grace Inside the smoky crystal, everything glows. I hang suspended in sunlight and tiny bubbles, like a fly trapped in amber. I scream for Mum or Tyler, but the crystal’s hum swallows my voice, like it swallowed me. My pale skin glows orange as the sunrise over their ...

Sunday Morning Abduction

Author : Izabella Grace Inside the smoky crystal, everything glows. I hang suspended in sunlight and tiny bubbles, like a fly trapped in amber. I scream for Mum or Tyler, but the crystal’s hum swallows my voice, like it swallowed me. My pale skin glows orange as the sunrise ...

Phantom Limb

Author : Kate Runnels “There,” said the doctor. “Try it now, agent Sasaki. The neural connection should be hooked in.” Lia stared down at her cybernetic left arm, recently attached after a case went horribly wrong. The murderer, after killing her last victim, sliced Lia’s arm, ...

Robots Don’t Kill People

Author : Gray Blix "Why do we have a dog bot in the first place?" Offended, "Robot K91 is my PARTNER, sir, and its very shape deters crime by evoking a primal human fear of wolves." "'Deters crime'? The only bot on Mars that can harm humans has KILLED one." "K91 is not ...

Robots Don't Kill People

Author : Gray Blix "Why do we have a dog bot in the first place?" Offended, "Robot K91 is my PARTNER, sir, and its very shape deters crime by evoking a primal human fear of wolves." "'Deters crime'? The only bot on Mars that can harm humans has KILLED one." "K91 is not ...


Author : Jess Cowburn ‘You know what’ll happen as soon as you set foot on that ship? You’ll start changing. You will. I read about it. You won’t notice it but just being there, it’s not natural for us.’ Hack. ‘Little tiny bubbles will get in between your bones and then the gaps will ...

Message from Space

Author : Victoria Randall General Jackson was not exuding patience. His lips were thinned, his gray eyebrows bristled in irritation and he snapped at the two men standing before him. “Well, can you or can you not decipher the messages?” Charlie had never seen his boss so nervous. ...


Author : Suzanne Borchers Lieutenant Sher took a deep breath then pushed the button to open the door to the officers’ lounge. She made sure her open friendliness included the five officers in its beam. Her eyes met a gray-haired general fighting to keep his gaze above her breasts, ...

The Maintenance Man

Author : Rachelle Shepherd Two men sit together at a desk. Both men hold their glasses as if to warm them. All of the other desks, which spread like shadows across the open office floor, are empty. They drink to the end of an era of domination. They are soldiers on the wrong side ...

True Believer

Author : David Nutt “Not just a thousand millennia ago, you sat in that chair and told me point blank that the only way to prove it to you was through mathematics.” “You are correct Dane, but this isn’t really proof at all.” “Lyle, you are such an intellectual fraud of the worst ...

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