The Reluctant Dystopianist

Author: Soramimi Hanarejima We need the dystopias she is adept at crafting—need them to serve as compelling cautionary tales now that nothing else does. But she much prefers to render quotidian moments of splendor and serendipity. She doesn’t want to put herself through the ...

The Specialism

Author: Mark Renney At age ten, Martin had been selected for the Specialism. He, and just one other pupil, were singled out and chosen and she promptly disappeared from the school and entered one of the Academies. But Martin’s father was against the decision. He, like so ...


Author: Neil Burlington Detective Gallant holds me down while his partner hits me even harder than he hit his wife last night. I bleed from my nose, my lips, and pretty much everywhere a face can bleed when under merciless attack by cops. I’m squeaky clean and eighteen, but ...

The Martian Invasion

Author: David Barber Across the gulfs of space, intellects bold and curious observe our world and hasten their plans against us... Buried deep in our cold, slow cities, age after age passed unregarded and we cared nothing for the world above until fiery scouts began ...

Merry Christmas

Author: Cal Wallace "So," Ftk'al said, slithering gently down the steps next to his friend. "You were cancelled." "Yeah, man," said Karl, chewing gum and spitting nothing despite his best efforts. "That's how it goes out here. Dog eat dog." Ftk'al tried to shrug, all ...

Not A Creature Was Stirring

Author: R. J. Erbacher Timmy woke with a start and looked up. He heard scurrying overhead. On the roof? Hooves, maybe. He laid perfectly still and listened intently. It only lasted a moment and then stopped. For a while there was nothing and he began to lose hope that he ...

The Last Year of Confusion

Author: Majoki Pioneering computer scientist, Alan Kay, once said, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” I have to disagree. I’ve found the best way to predict the future is to control it. And the easiest way to control the future is to be in charge of ...

Quicksilver Angels

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer There’s an angel on the veranda, stealing my tomatoes. Well, not actually on the veranda. She’s too tall for that. Got one foot at the top of the steps, the other on the ground. My daughter’s fascinated by the flickering shadows cast by ...


Author: Jeremy Nathan Marks ‘Sir, I hope you’re happy with the service you’ve received thus far.’ ‘Please alter your voice to that of a woman.’ ‘Sir, I hope you’re pleased with the services you’ve so far received.’ ‘I am, Moneypenny. May I call you ...

The Traveler

Author: Jean-Philippe Martin The traveler came to our house the day before harvest, detective. I did not notice anything amiss. He said the had nothing but was willing to work, so we housed him and showed him the next day how to pack, haul, and stack the boxes of fruit. He ...

Beacon Five

Author: Stephen Dougherty The wind picked up the dust with brutal force. It ripped up the scorched land and tossed it into the never-ending night. Through the dark maelstrom, he could see what he hoped was Beacon Five through the scuffed glass of Beacon Two, its amber light ...


Author: Hillary Lyon “You have three minutes,” Harmon said, sticking the end of an unlit cigar in his mouth.“Go.” “Okay,” Jepson nervously began. “Picture this: an unlikely romance between a peppy vacuum cleaner and a stoic lawn mower.” Harmon struck a match and lit ...

The Other Place

Author: Mark Renney Each time Rod pushed his way through the portal, his initial response was disappointment. Although he hadn’t been aware of it the first time, he was actually stepping into the future. He realised this was an immense and astounding feat but it was just ...


Author: Majoki To dream is the dream. Anyone thinking that we need to sleep to live is missing the real payoff. We should be living to sleep. Snow White had it right for the wrong reasons. She didn’t bite a poisoned apple, she micro-dosed from the forbidden fruit of the ...

Just One More Bite

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “DAY-NA!” The roar of anger is so loud it stops everyone. Dayna, presumably the being we’ve managed to corner after a three-hour citywide chase, was dubbed ‘Jaqueline the Ripper’ by the newsfeeds. Surrounded by rings of armoured vehicles ...


Author: Don Nigroni I met Nancy in college, and we got married shortly after she received her PhD. While I'm smarter than the average bear, Nancy is brilliant. I work for a stock brokerage firm, and she worked for the Department of Energy until three years ago when she ...

As Always with Tyrants

Author: David C. Nutt I took a swig straight out of the bottle of the rare, vintage wine- didn’t even let the damn thing breathe. It cost me only $8,420.00 USD, on sale from $10,000.00. As a relatively new multi-billionaire I didn’t even feel the cost. The wine sucked. ...

It would be Pat’s fault

Author: Clare Strahan Pat had to turn the drone over, to get to the metal hatch door and unscrew the screws that fixed it to the body. What did the drone think of, when Pat wasn’t there? Did it remember the battlefield, the shrapnel and wounding, the fall into the ocean, ...

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