Land of Opportunity

Author : Daniel M. Bensen "Ta zemya." The lookout cried from the crow's-nest like a muezzin. "Ta zemya~a! Kapitane, eto ya~a." Hristo Galabov gripped the plastic gunwale of his ship and squinted over the heaving Atlantic. "Ta zemya," the sailor said. Land. The last time, Hristo had ...

The Scientist

Author : Meg Everingham In the night Tom rolled over and opened his eyes. Through the dark like a ghost floated the low sound of his mother crying. She had arrived home earlier, from the airport; she had stared past him like a blind person and disappeared into her bedroom. Tom ...

Be Patient, Brethren

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Astronaut Lazo Hora drove his rover down the sloping interior walls of the 3.6 billion year old Shackleton Crater near the moon’s South Pole. As his headlights probed into the perpetual night of the crater floor, he spotted a saucer-like object ...


Author : Bob Newbell The members of the Galactic Security Council watched on the viewscreen as the bipedal alien in its bulky, white spacesuit erected a rod with a rectangle of cloth into the regolith of its planet's satellite. The starred and striped flag, the computer noted, ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It started, as these things always do, with a kiss. Advice is useless to the young. That is their curse and their strength. They have no idea that some of the things that they attempt are impossible. That’s why an alarmingly high percentage of ...

Far Deep

Author : Katrina Johnston Within the Caves of Lozac under jagged vaulted ceilings, Razie Tay ventures eastward. Explosions crack like gunshot. ‘Sharding’ echoes bounce. Razie adjusts her helmet, snugs it tightly. Razor stalactites loom high above and sharp. Mineral icicles cleave and ...

Return From Red Zone

Author : Ray Daley It'd been a great day in Red Zone. We'd been first to apply for passes since it was classified safe. 800 years is a long time. Even then, it was 'droids doing the rad sweeps. Residuals had dropped below the safe limit so The Council lifted the blockade. When we ...


Author : David Gill The voice woke Phil from a sound sleep. “There’s a problem, Phil.” He found himself in the midst of saying, groggily, “What is it?” “Supply pressure, Phil. It’s too high.” Wiping the sleep from his eyes, Phil was at the console correcting the problem. “Thanks, ...

This Is What It's All About

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer We’d found some bizarre planets before, but this one required a whole new category of its own. I maneuvered my one-man exploratory craft toward the strange surface. The rest of the crew waited aboard Wanderer in high orbit. Some called this place ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Unauthorised access to archives. Overdue viruser ‘Aloysius’ in serious breach.” The info-alarm finishes as I slide onto the longseat, dermal plates on mesh conducting me into the antechamber. Checking my vody for artefacts, I find my virtual self ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The Man in Charge wears a transparent faceplate. The only muscles still present are the ones needed to move his eyes, eyelids, and jaw. The rest is just chalk-white bone under two inches of glossy, transparent resin. The irises of his ...

The Needs of the Few

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Slowly, the door of my stasis chamber lifted up. Warm cabin air eddied in, rippling across the exposed hairs on my arms and legs. The tingling felt good. I had started this mission more than seventy years ago, a mere decade after the invention of ...

Priest Hole

Author : Morrow Brady It wasn't unusual that Captain Boscobel wanted the Priest Hole built on his flight deck. What was unique was that he wanted it directly connected to a portal. Portals offered instantaneous escape to a predetermined destination, but like most emerging technologies ...


Author : Derrick Paulson “Uptown” When Principal Wallace came back from his mid-morning meeting his secretary informed him that a student had been sent to see him; but, when he opened the door to his office, he hadn't expect to find the sophomore girl kneeling on the carpet, her hands ...


Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer The other twenty-nine prisoners of Asteroid Mine 119F stood around me in a tight circle, their faces besieged by both fear and anger. Henderson, almost sixty, yet fifteen kilos my better and as hard as the rock around us, screamed at me, spit ...

War is Hell

Author : J.D. Rice No one ever comes into manhood dreaming they'd one day go off to war. Sure, some boys sign up voluntarily, in peacetime and besides, with good notions like “defending one's country” and “promoting democracy.” But those are just words. No one ever really goes to war ...

The Inheritors

Author : Desmond Hussey, featured writer When the Quantum Drive was invented in 2023 the world was transformed; not all at once, mind you, but by degrees. Initially, it was just the career explorers who ventured into the vast and unknown regions of space in their state-of-the-art ...

The View From Here

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer After the successes of breeding for telepaths and telekinetics, they moved on to the more esoteric strains. My mum and dad had the right genetic markers for rarest of them, precognition. So they joined the program and had two kids with everything ...

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