Update Required

Author: Kathryn Smith I see them at night the most, the cogs turning in her head. She thinks I don’t know that she’s awake, going over thoughts again and again and again. She’s always been too open, maybe that’s what drew me to her in the first place. I tried to persuade ...

Let’s Play a Game of Right or Wrong

Author: David Henson Frank leans back in the recliner and loosens his belt. “Reginald, dinner was superb.” “Of course,” the household android says. “Anything else?” “Take the rest of the evening off, Reginald. I’ll get Gwenn and me some dessert in a bit.” Reginald ...

Bite Back

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer There we are, minding our own business, watching our quarters, when some maniac breaks cover and sprint towards us. Charlie Four - John - knocks him down and sits on him. “Heads up!” A mob of ragged soldiers burst from the trees. Not a ...


Author: Joe Graves “With this top-of-the-line casket, you have unlimited destination opportunities,” explained the funeral director, tapping the back where the propulsion sat, “these boosters will send your husband to the nearest asteroid belt, planet or for a few credits ...


Author: Anna Hamilton After the seas rose and the Earth caked, after the crops withered and died, after you launched spacecraft into the upper atmosphere, silently watching from above as the greens faded and the browns grew and, too miniscule now to see, your buildings ...

A Klingon Love Story

Author: Shannon O'Connor We met at a Star Trek convention in New York. I was dressed as Worf; she wasn’t dressed up, but she was wearing a Quark T-shirt, and she looked out of place. “Have you ever been to a convention before?” I asked her. “No English,” she said. “What ...

The Differences

Author: Alzo David-West Unlike what most people were used to seeing, the “Squirmers” were nothing like us. To begin with, though about our size, they were horizontal, flexible, and a deep murky grey, with tufts of neon green fur. They had twelve eyes and a mouth like a ...

It’s a Boy!

Author: Peter Tittle It was understandable, really. By far, most of the crime— 97% in fact—was committed by men. Prisons are expensive to build and maintain. Prisoners are also expensive—they don’t work while they’re in prison, so we have to support them. Then there’s the ...


Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer He'd spent forty years running rescue and salvage operations in deep space, had hundreds of engagements, many responding to distress beacons, but he had never experienced anything like this. His entire ship resonated at some experiential ...


Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I can hear his controller yelling at him to shoot. His eyes flick left and right, then he stares at the woman with the kid a short distance behind me. That shouting must be deafening. It’s certainly not helping him do anything ...

Noah the Wiser

Author: Jason Graff I was a child, asleep in a patchwork oxygen tent when he first appeared. Since I’d slept through it, my first encounter with him was in my imagination fueled as it often was by the ramblings of the others who shared the apartment with my family. He came ...

Araceli’s Stars

Author: Andrew Dunn Araceli’s stars sparkled like diamonds in a patchwork piece of sky, ringed by the edge of the caldera that towered over the city. Jennifer had a story about why she wanted that sky, and Araceli’s stars, inked into her skin, droplet after droplet of ink. ...

The Price for the Future

Author: Alzo David-West Pellucidar Corp. had launched a new campaign: “7 million dollars for the year 7 million.” In a time of mega-trillionaires, the price was cheap change, and the prospect was attractive. Decisively, the distant future promised wonders the year 2143 ...

Crawl Space

Author: Rick Tobin “Know the right people and get your right place.” Ted Aaronson’s huge fingers straightened wrinkles in an undersized, blue t-shirt irritating his neck. “The right people get the best.” Aaronson twisted his powerful, athletic frame, popping noisy vertebrae ...

Cry of Mine

Author: Morrow Brady A silver float-stone fell silently, colliding with Birb the hover lamp. Birb flickered as his failing battery redirected power to his stabilisers. Shadow and sulphurous light warred over the silvery rock tunnel. “Nice Birb, nice” I mumbled ...

Cutting Grass

Author: Hayden Waller It is impossible to determine where my body ends and the universe begins. My blood cells are stars, my veins their galaxies. Every muscle feels as if it were coated in a thin layer of cloud, cool and dewy, gently lifting me into the sky above like an ...

Lochstein’s Gambit

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Have you ever tried to outrun God? An idle question, but valid. Can any sinner avoid their fate? Pondering such considerations passes the time. Hunkered down in a grassy nook amidst the densely planted fields that surround Karnourie, a ...

The Appeals to Lilly

Author: Alzo David-West 1. “Lilly, can we?” “Not tonight.” 2. “Lilly, how about today?” “I'm tired.” 3 “Lilly, maybe …” “Next week.” 4 “Lilly, it's been a week.” “I changed my mind.” 5. “Lilly, I was wondering.” “Is it all you think ...

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