Cabin Fever

Author: Letícia Piroutek Hayden slams the door of his underground metal shoebox. Technology my ass. Everything is cramped and he can hear his neighbors yelling as if they’re inside his “apartment”. It consists of a sink with artificial water that tastes like plastic no ...

Moonville: Death Waltzes in the Sea of Tranquillity

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer Silicon ash flutes through ink and glints as ascending blackened leaves in my wake. I can hear my vertebrae as they torque. I hear them and the chatter shatters as they arch. I hear them even as my ears sear from my head and the torque ...

Never Ready

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer How were we to know How far this war would go? We weren’t ready, We’re never ready, To be over. Bombs rained down without warning. The Keloden landed on the planet the next day, while we huddled in a shattered basement. Clinging to ...

The Chrome Heart for Distinguished Service in Extraterrestrial Combat

Author: Moh Afdhaal Bile singed Vesper Krel’s throat as he squirmed at the dark shapes that haunted his periphery. The curious ailment that wreaked havoc on his gastric system, had been diagnosed as a probable symptom of expedited re-acclimatization to Earth’s atmosphere ...

Everybody Wants a Gadget

Author: Hillary Lyon In a far corner of the town’s public dog park, K’wren took out a small soft cloth from her designer back-pack purse and began polishing her gold-plated robodog. “I love how you shine in the sun,” she gloated out loud. It wagged it’s tail. “Now, ...

Stella Firma

Author: Rick Tobin The starship Seeker One’s domed Hall of Wisdom sweltered below its scintillating chandeliers. High Commander Razzra’s lavender skin glistened against his white majestic draping required for Priestess Masotulama’s Task of Finding for the Achaeans. She ...

Enjoying the Exquisite

Author: Rachel Sievers The old man sat with the shotgun in his lap. He sat in the wooden rocker facing the door. He had survived on this earth for eighty-seven years and when death came he would face it as he had lived, eyes open and hands full. The wooden cabin had been ...

Gone in a Flash

Author: Jenna Hanan Moore What began as an ordinary morning walk with the dog did not remain ordinary for long. As usual, Thomas was oblivious to his surroundings. He didn’t notice the coolness of the breeze, the birds chirping, the pink and gold hue of the eastern sky, or ...

The Lie of the Storm Nymph

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer The most beautiful things I’d ever heard entered through the ducts in the corners of my eyes and wound my mind in threads of sweat-tinged rapture: “I am so alone. Please, Captain of captains, please pass the order so that my withered ...


Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The room is full. The courtyard is too. They’ve put up holoscreens in the grounds for those who couldn’t get in. General Perkiss gestures for me to come up front. “Warriors, I can’t end this memorial. It wouldn’t be right. Major Cyo ...

Paradise Lost

Author: Alastair Millar It should have been paradise; a warm, azure sea lapped the shore, separated from a verdant pseudoforest by a broad expanse of golden sand. When it came to xenobotany, this was as good as field trips got, and Maggie still couldn't believe the grants ...

Planet K3997C: Ah!

Author: David Penn As with many worlds in the Small Megallanic Cloud, Ah! presents intriguingly aberrant evolutionary features. The dominant species, dubbed “exploders” by early missions, has, over several million years, developed a unique response to danger. Each ...

The Louse Spouse

Author: Armand Diab The inattentive student stared at his phone in the middle of the lecture. The professor was none too pleased. “Mr. Reddit, no phones during class”, the professor said. “Sorry”, replied the student. The hand device minced no words in letting him know ...

Mint in Box

Author: Steven French “They came out of nowhere” is what survivors of battles always say. But it’s true, they did. Somehow the enemy managed to open up warpgates without the usual tell-tale emissions and we barely had time to register their presence, before they were upon ...

The Saucer People Make A Discovery

Author: David Barber "I'm not asking you," cried the small grey. "I'm telling you!" The other, droopingly tall and thin, as befitted one of its great age, made a not while I'm eating gesture. "No, listen. They bury them in the ground. Or set fire to them." Greys ...

Graceless Rain

Author: Marcus Nielson The rain thrummed a little tune on her helmet before turning into a cacophony of sound. Each time the rain changed the tempo, she wondered if this was the time that it would finally stop raining. Then, without fail, the pitter-patter would become a ...

Just Passing

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer She’s down by the landing gear, waiting for the moment when the dockhands retreat before launch. There’s about forty seconds when a determined stowaway can get into the ventral landing leg housing and climb inside the survival shelter ...

First on Mars

Author: Kye Shamblin The first human being to set foot on Mars. That was all I’d ever wanted to be. Even at a young age, when the other children shared equally impossible dreams, this was mine. Other children eventually were sobered by reality and would settle for far more ...

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