Dry Lightning & Providence

Author : Shaun.K.Adams South of his lofty position in Tempest stations observation tower, Kane De Souza observed a vast cyclonic column of dust drifting across the Syria Planum. He marvelled at its frenetic energy as it tracked slowly across the highest plateau elevations on ...


Author : Erin Cole Dawn fractures through the glades of the development. Solar-paneled rooftops refract the cadmium light of sun and men prepare for their busy days, hefting briefcase to hybrid. Jen-6 wakes and rises erect. Inside a petite helmet, embedded with black silks, ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer It looks too soft. This thread-like network of blue filaments and their pale red host substrate cannot possibly give me my right arm back. For the eighteenth time, I reconsider my decision to volunteer for this experimental ...


Author : Roi R. Cechvala, Staff Writer Helmut Rose made his way down the broad avenue to his office at the Aerospace Centre. He looked up at the hundred foot long banners displaying the movie star good looks of the President's face. Hitler's picture was everywhere. The only ...

In Good Times and in Bad, Er, Never Mind

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer "Receiving a distress call, Captain," reported the communications officer of the SS Diciotti. "It's coming from Lavello III." "Lavello III?" repeated Captain Campbell. "What idiot would land on Lavello III? It's a death trap." "Captain," ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer My entire celebrity life is online for people. There are over a million people looking out through my eyes, breathing in time with me, feeling my exhilaration as six months of rehearsal come to a head and I perform my number-one hits to ...

Orbital Debris

Author : Aradhana Choudhuri "No. There's no funds, Mr. Lawrence. None. We work with what we've got." "Then you have to repurpose this satellite, Mrs. President, or we start losing vital assets. We're deep in Kessler syndrome time — LEO and GEO are going to have one ...


Author : TJMoore Sam squinted into the dimly lit cupboard, the all but extinguished ICL held out in front of him like a jar of fireflies. With a sigh he gave up on the fading lamp and began searching for the rye seeds by hand. He did like a good seeded bread and if he didn't ...

Lost In Time

Author : Ian Rennie It's not really time travel. Not how that expression is traditionally meant, anyway. It has long been a maxim of those involved in my kind of research that you can look back and travel forward, but never the other way round. In a way, everything we know ...

Goodbye Jenny

Author : Tris Smith She sat down on the bench, overlooking the local park. She and James used to meet here. It seemed a fitting place to say goodbye. After the operation, she might never come here again. Worse, she might never want to come here again. At 13, it had been ...

For Love of Kraytor

Author : Julia Reynolds My darling Lord Kraytor, I'm so sorry. You know I would never leave you; you are my love, my life, my everything. I long to feel your tentacles wrapped around my hips, to kiss your face parts, and feel the delicious sting of your mandibles when you honor ...


Author : Chris Daly The dust was unbearable. Dry, grey, clinging powder draped over every surface, clogging the machinery, grinding against gears and wheels. Water refused to wash away the dirt, forming only a cloying mud that was just as abrasive. His hands bled, crisp and ...

The Message Goes On

Author : Andrew Bale "Jack! Come in here a minute!" "All right Mary, what is it?" "Check this out. I was running down that noise on the comms channel, but it wasn't noise. Listen." Mary touched one of the controls in front of her, and a crackling voice erupted from the ...

Passing of the Baton

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer There was a knock at the door. Now who would be calling at this time of night, I wondered? I got up from my workbench and headed toward the door. When I opened it, I found myself staring at myself. "Now, I can't possibly be that fat," I ...

Advancement of the Xzeckqi

Author : Clint Wilson The intelligence level of the Xzeckqi people was growing at an exponential rate. Just a few centuries prior they had been cooking over open fires and using stones to sharpen animal bones into spears. Now they were hunting with exploding projectiles and ...

Flying Lessons

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer They always told me about the stately elegance of space warfare. The distances involved and the participants like battleships of old on the high seas, with all the computer aided aiming and evasion systems, and man seemingly only there to ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Eliot hunched his shoulders against the wind, the relentless sand picking at the seals of his gloves and headgear trying to find a way inside. He watched the glow of the sun disappear beyond the horizon, his waking period now fully ...

Sunset's Rest

Author : Martin Berka 'Ebra drifted down the hallway, the candle hanging by a string from her wrist. It gave no warmth, a blessing: even in the far-ship's state of efficiency, ambient heat was plentiful. It barely gave light either, which was fine by the bearer, but since ...

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