Destination Titan

Author : Patrica Stewart Jim Roberts continued to stare at the chronometer in the center of the ship’s instrument panel. Thirty minutes past the scheduled departure time. Damn, why can’t they ever depart on schedule? He pressed the intercom button. “Sam, I’m losing the ...

Breach of Contract

Author : S. Clough

"All units, fall back to waypoint epsilon. Marking recommended routes now."

Reeve did as he was told. Command whispered into your head and they could easily put pain there instead of whispers. He was with four tax regulars, covering a breach in the ...

Service the Masses

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer He eyed her cautiously as they undressed, her gaze wandering over his muscular frame, he picking out the subtle characteristics that identified her as a mech; her stance, the symmetry of her body and its flawlessly calculated motions, the perfect ...

Time and Again

Author : Steven Perez

The drive to Persepolis from Shiraz had been longer than expected due to an unexpected radiator leak, and at that moment, all I wanted to do was stand up and walk around. I've always loved to visit the ruins here, mostly because I have a fondness for the era of ...


Author : B.York, Staff Writer "So why did you come on this trip, Micky? You didn't bring a crew. Not even a single camera." Charles was loading the grappling gun like he could do it blindfolded. In fact, he was just staring at his partner while he twisted the grapple into the ...


Author : Daniel Longwing

Two steps forward, don't shuffle your feet. You already accrued three points in the way you took off your shoes...

Don't look at the carpet. Don't look at the carpet! Sod, that'll be another four points for not looking the guard in the eye with a ...

Looking Forward

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer With an almost discernible sigh, the bridge ceased its seemingly endless attempt to shake the crew unconscious.  Captain Jax waited until he was sure the worst was over before instructing the muscles in his body to unbrace themselves from his seat, ...

Parallel Universe

Author : J. S. Kachelries

As the spaceship exited the wormhole, its forward thrusters brought it to a relative stop. The ship sat motionless for an hour as its two occupants tried to determine their location. The pilot, Teeh Ar, balled his two-fingered ‘hands’ into fists, and ...

Local Food

Author : J.R.Blackwell, Staff Writer Russell came home hungry. When he walked through the door he was thinking of lasagna, steak and sherbet. Leo often had dinner waiting on the table when he came home, their three children occupied in their study pods. When Russell came home he ...

Perfect Match

Author : Hannah F

"What do you mean, you knew it wouldn't work out?" Emma's brow furrowed as she regarded me across the table. "I watched the simtapes with you; I saw the results. Everything- preferences, intellectual profile, moral standing, even your damn sleep cycles said you ...

The Gift of Naiveté

Author : James Weirick

Fear. Doubt. Uncertainty. Emotions long gone from this society now found new life in the minds of John and Paula. For the first time in their lives, they were unsure. They didn’t know if what they were doing was the right thing. They didn’t know what ...

4B45 494B 6F

Author : Dee Harding

Keiko 610618, or 'keiko610', as her work is signed, has just returned from yet another business meeting in a far flung industrial sector. Making idle conversation, we ask her if she enjoyed her flight, we ask her where she's been. She simply shakes her head, ...


Author : Dr. Alexanders

Kevin stared upward at the “Arrivals/Departures” sign in the main concourse of the Europa Delta Interplanetary Spaceport. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and looked again. The information didn’t change, not a single number. It read:

IBSF ...

The Great Pervasor

Author : Phil Jacobsma The magician known as the Great Pervasor finished his trick with a flourish. As the audience applauded, Anders sat nervously awaiting his cue. He had agreed to be part of the show because he needed the money. He had already missed two car payments, and the ...


Author : Michael "Freeman" Herbaugh

I know he’s been here. I’ve seen the signs and clues of his passing. It feels like ages since I started waiting for him to show himself. Heh – that’s almost funny, thinking about the relativity of time passing and all this time I’ve been ...

Water of Life

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer It had been eighteen years since they'd seen their home world.  Eighteen years since the earth had lain before them vibrant and blue. They had come home, and brought with them the water of life, salvation for a world in need. They'd left a desperate ...

First Contact

Author : Patricia Stewart

“Commander’s Log, Hyper-light mission Alpha-one, Ship’s chronometer, Day 23,: Commander Adelmann reporting. The Tycho Brahe has completed another uneventful day. We are currently 7.1 light years from Earth. All systems are operating in the green. ...

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