Apocalypse On Time

Author : Jedd Cole The hours have become mere tick tocks of clock hands since Lonny flipped ahead on his desk calendar this morning, noting with some surprise that the pages stop tomorrow with the End of the World. He eats his bowl of wheat puffs contemplatively. On his commute ...

When the War is Over

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer I can hear them inside, their voices loud and fast with teenage enthusiasm. This was a bad idea; I should never have taken the assignment. “Look at that! Hyper-alloy combat chassis, full-spectrum vision, cross-frequency hearing, graphene ...

Heaven In Their Own Minds

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer After my initial arrival I concentrated mainly on research. This is what I found out in those first couple of minutes. They had all been once trapped inside cumbersome organic bodies like I was used to. Some dozens of centuries ago though the final ...


Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer Detective Wu found Hitari in an executive hotel on Luna reveling in bohemian delights involving a low-G hot tube, two kilos of Moon Dust and four, identical, hermaphrodite pleasure clones engaged in activities both indescribable and illegal on most ...

Speech Crime

Author : Haydn Kane The Sergeant sat down across the table from me. “Commencing interview with Daniel Ambrose,” he said to the room in general and then to me, “you are a resident of Mars?” “Yes, Olympus City.” “Ah yes, capital of the North, North Eastern Accord” he said, ...


Author : J.D. Rice “What’s wrong?” she asks, dialing her emotion control implant down to ‘concern.’ I watch as her brow furrows and her mouth turns from a smile to a frown. The shift is gradual, like a water droplet running down a window. “The damn thing’s broken,” the words sound ...

Digital Footprint

Author : Sean P Chatterton ‘How long has she been dead?’ ‘We don’t know.’ ‘How come?’ ‘Katherine Danderfield was a plugged in person. She had autresponders for her email, bots to update her social network status and MyFace Blog. Her web presence had auto updates scheduled. No one ...

The Ascent of Man

Author : Bob Newbell The Landreb fleet didn't travel across space. It simply appeared suddenly and without warning in low Earth orbit. One of the fifty starships fired an energy beam that obliterated an uninhabited islet in the Dodecanese Island chain mere moments after the vessels ...

Just Desserts

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Their blood was like a cross between egg nog and hollandaise sauce. Their skin was like bacon jerky. Their internal organs tasted like pecan pie filling with veins of peppermint running through them. Their muscles tasted of tarragon and ...

Into the Void

Author : Ian Hill “Please, I don’t want to be here. Just- just help.” The voice was distorted and compressed, only decipherable after being ran through an extensive quality recover system. “I need- I need to leave. I don’t want this.” The message went on for about a minute, a minute ...


Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer None of us would have signed up for this had we known of course. There were now sixteen ships left in the convoy. Sixteen left from the original forty that had set out from Earth all those years ago. I had been a much younger man then. This was ...

Remember Then

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer It’s not like I meant to end the world. I was just scared. “Mike! Another side of fries for table fifteen!” He should be shouting for bread and cheese. It’s my fault that he isn’t an innkeeper. I found it lying in a clearing, limbs turning from ...

Heaven's Gate

Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer “I assure you, Mr. and Mrs. White, the procedure is quiet painless.” I steeple my fingers together and settle deeper into my chair, smiling with cunning charm at the elderly couple sitting across from me, their doubt and fear clearly at odds ...


Author : Roger Dale Trexler They knew that it was the end. They saw the mushroom cloud grow out of the ground, a bright, blinding light providing the seed. They knew about seeds; they were farmers who grew corn and soybeans and milo. They were simple people who did not understand the ...

Getaway Gear

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “We are in so much drek.” “Did I not say that you were to be nice to him?” “Nice? Emmett, he had his cyberpaw so far up my skirt I thought he was a gynaecologist!” “Easy, Celene. Watch the tollway.” “We’re only doing two hundred. I can ...

Daily Dose

Author : David Kavanaugh “But I don’t want to!” she whined in her little voice. “Why do I have to? It’s. So. Boring! I hate it there.” “I know, baby, I know,” said her mother. “But it’s good for you. Just for a few minutes. Understand? Then you can come back in.” “Humph!” If only ...

Shelf Life

Author : James Zahardis Inside a low-rent apartment a wall-pocket hums, then illuminates. An aerosolized admixture of stimulants and bio-stabilizers wafts toward Alron Chattobee’s face, awakening him: “Tatti! Forty days down the drain!” he thinks, reaching for the red button above his ...


Author : George R. Shirer The room was bright and airy. One wall was transparent, revealing the crumbling Old World city, overgrown now by forest and vine. A flock of iridescent birds shot across the sky, their wings flashing green and gold in the late afternoon sunlight. There ...

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