Empathy Test
Author : George R. Shirer
The assessor is attractive in a button-down kind of way. Blonde hair, pink jumpsuit, digital makeup set to minimal. Her face is a sculpt, something from one of the mid-level catalogues. Attractive, but not too attractive. The same face you see on a thousand ...
Author : Bronwyn Seward
I know this letter will be nonsense, beyond your wisdom and understanding. But I need to write it. You need to read it. I dated it so that years after you have shoved it into an old shoe box or tucked it away in your hope chest, you can look back on ...
I Just Want My Dreams Back
Author : James McGrath
The knife blade gleams in the half-light, sliding through its target.
The tape then gives and the box lid opens. This must be box five-hundred, I think as I pack the circuit boards onto the conveyor belt. But what do I know? All time has moulded into a lump; one ...
The Bar
Author : Bob Newbell, Featured Writer
The man wearing Victorian garb with what appeared to be brass welding goggles pushed up on his forehead walked into the bar. The look of confusion on his face had little to do with the bizarre menagerie that comprised the establishment's clientele. ...
Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer
“… Mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell.” - St. Augustine
Numerals flow in random digital pulses around a wide black band high in the perilous chapel’s white marble ...
Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer
“Oh for god’s sake, not again.”
It’s only the fourth time I’ve thrown up in the last hour. As I reach for the towel, everybody in the room tenses. They relax after I wipe my mouth and sag back into the chair.
“For a killer, he doesn’t show ...
An Offer He Couldn't Refuse
Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer
We were pretty much finished. A dozen seven-foot Parakti loomed over us, spewing their fowl breath past yellow fangs. The survivors huddled behind me, fourteen hungry women and children. They had all looked up to me for protection. Now?
The leader’s ...
Player Pianos
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer
That’s where we discovered them first. All melted wires and skin grafts. Christmas lights in their eye sockets and playing poker with old-school punch cards. The population of an entire small town turned into player pianos.
We found ...
Full Circle
Author : John Kinney
When I was twenty years old, advancements in medical science and our understanding of DNA coding finally climaxed. I invested half of my money in a company called Stockholm and Siegfried, who specialized in genetic manipulation and, most importantly, cloning. They ...
It all Makes a Difference
Author : James McGrath
"I know you've all heard it, but you have to hear it again..."
We'd heard the guide's speech six times, so Kirstin and I stood at the back joking around as usual. He'd recite the dangers of leaving the tunnel, how we'd be guarded and eventually he'd tell of our ...
Author : Travis Gregg
As I fired my gun into the Stim’s chest I wondered if he saw me as a monster or if he understood that I was only doing what he had forced me to do. His choices had brought us to this point and I was just trying to clean up the mess. My partner and I got the call ...
Author : Bob Newbell
The Cold War between the United Colonies of the Asteroid Belt and the Oort Cloud Alliance had been going on for almost 50 years when open warfare finally broke out. The planet Uranus proved to be such a rich source of helium-3 that neither side felt it could allow ...
The Final Assault
Author : Josie Gowler
I opened my eyes. I was lying on an army bunk. My lieutenant and best friend Nick was sitting at the foot of the bed. He sat there in silence looking a cross between concerned and pissed off. With a black eye.
I got up, staggered over to the toilet behind its ...
Guide To Alien Sex For Dummies
Author : Geetanjali Dighe
Congratulations! You are one of the lucky few who has just won the underground bestseller “The Guide To Alien Sex For Dummies”!
Trusted Industries, now in their 100th year of mining, and the sole asteroid mining company (37th asteroid mined!), are giving away ...
The Time Goblin
Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer
Throughout the universe there are many creatures that eat other creatures. Few however match the intelligence and hunting prowess of the time goblin.
His species is incredibly rare, a solitary armless biped said to have originated from an ancient ...
The Mathematics of Future Paradox
Author : joe malone
"Can we watch Michelangelo work today?" my wife said, at the breakfast table.
"I have to go into the future today," I said.
"The future? You said that you would never go into the future. You said going into the future is like a man opening his girlfriend's mail. ...
Police Control
Author : Stefan Aeschbacher
The look down the barrel of a gun was frightening; much more frightening than I ever imagined it to be.
'ID yourself citizen' the cop behind the barrel barked.
I moved my left wrist, containing the ID tag, towards the reader. Much faster than I expected ...
Field Test
Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer
The moonlight is cut off by drifting clouds as I hurdle the wall and drop into the shadowed mess that comprises the unfinished foundations of what will be the Chibakan headquarters when they finally find some new backers.
Behind me I hear the ...
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