Tabula Rasa

Author : Daedalus I look around, one last time, at the empty apartment and the packed bags. One last time? Nicholas Jameson will see those old, beat-up duffels often, but I can't think of him as being me. As being real. It isn't my new face I see in the mirror, courtesy of ...

Love Sounds

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer "Mama?" A tiny voice slipped quietly through the room. Between her and the woman in the bed an impenetrable forest of metal stands, tubes and blinking machinery stood guard. "Come in sweetheart, it's alright." Her mother's voice warmed the ...


Author : Gwen Harper The math, of course, came first. It took a while, nearly forty years, for the technology to catch up to the possibilities in her set of equations. They said it was impossible, the body of those who considered themselves enlightened thought. Even if ...


Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Quite frankly,” said Stuart Whitley, the Director of Operations at Computerwood, “I am not pleased with this vendetta that you’ve launched against our movies. We are clearly producing products that the public wants to see.” “The ...

Go Northeast

Author : Imran Nazar He found himself waking up in a field. There was nothing unusual about that; he'd camped up in fields many times during his travels. Something was different this morning, though. For one thing, he could feel the wind over his face, and that meant he was ...

Sorry About the Apocalypse!

Author : Trevor Foley Dear Miss March, I’ve read pamphlets: “88 Reasons the World Will End in 1988”, “Give ‘Em Hell in 2012”, and my favorite “Apocalypse is Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose”. I proved the world’s going to end next month: Your month. I’m writing, ...


Author : Steven Odhner Entropy gnaws at the walls, shaving them away molecule by molecule. Jeremy calls it the Nothing, after some story that never existed anymore. It’s as good a name as any - certainly I’m not being scientific when I call it Entropy. "The Nothing is hungry ...

Airport Security

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I’ve rented my persona out to a smuggler. I’m a chip in the back of his head. I'm a soldier that died a while ago and I’m making a few dollars post-mortem by being an emergency safeguard for morally dubious people. I’m riding in his ...


Author : J.R. Blackwell, Staff Writer Was it the crisp hard skin of an apple that hurt her teeth? The texture of sand beneath her feet, soft in summer and rough when bound with winter ice? Or was it the smell of autumn, all bones and fire? I lost my mother to these things; ...


Author : Paul Bort The stars twinkled as they always had; a hint of purple in the west showed where we had missed sunset, the better part of an hour ago. But most spectacular was the Aurora Borealis, flickering, twisting, glowing in the shades of green and blue that I could ...


Author : Ian Rennie Anton opens the door with a blank face. He is worried, but can't show it any more. "How's she doing?" I ask. "Not good," Anton replies, expression neutral and voice flat, "I think she's dying." I move past him without a word. Laverne is lying in bed, ...

You'll Never Go

Author : Claire Webber “Excuse me, miss?” he said, raising a finger to get the stewardess’ attention. “Yes, how can I help you?” she said with a smile. Her accent was faint, and a single curl poked out of her modest hijab printed with the airline’s logo. “I’d like a copy of ...

Punishment 2100AD

Author : John Logan The metal clasps dug into my arms as they strapped me to the chair. I spat on one of the guards and called into question the loyalty of his wife. He raised his hand to strike but the other guard stopped him with a simple movement of the eyes. “Let me up,” ...

Picture Postcard

Author : Ken McGrath The car pulled to a stop overlooking the city. “There it is kids. Dublin, where your old Dad grew up? What do you think?” “It doesn’t look like the postcard Dad,” Amy said, looking up momentarily from her computer game and at least showing some sort of ...


Author : Matthew Forish It was cold. Of course it was cold. Now though, I could feel the cold. Feeling returned to my body, and a faint light was starting to filter in through my closed eyelids. I was waking up. Thoughts filled my mind. I was shivering, hungry, thirsty and ...

The Eyes Have It

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Blue. That’s the colour I remember the most in that operating theater. It was the last honest colour I would ever see. I had them installed as part of my training. It was something I had a choice over. I regret that decision now but ...

She Hunts

Author : Helstrom They call her “The Flying Dutchman”. Don't ask me what a Dutchman is, or whether or not it is supposed to fly – it's apparently taken from one of old Earth's folk tales. It doesn't really matter, but I suppose every ship needs a name. The Flying Dutchman ...

The Birds and the Bees

Author : Roi R. Czechvala “…but I think,” it said “No, you process.” “I dream,” it replied. “You analyze.” “Cogito ergo sum,” it asked hopefully. “No, Cogito, ergo SUM.” The overworked engineer’s voice was strained. His patience was wearing thin. He thought of his three ...

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