Damn Kids

Author : Roi R. Cechvala, Alumnus Graham Banyon was enjoying a television retrospective, "2012: The Mayans Were Right and Other Crackpot Beliefs", when a tremendous explosion rocked the house. "Damn kids," he muttered. With a weary sigh he rose from his chair and walked to ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The Neosatian hits me at the base of my spine so hard that I flip over backwards and land heavily, knocking the wind from me. By the time I get my breath, I cannot breathe properly because it’s sitting on me, front paws on my shoulders. I ...

Grampa's Stories

Author : Desmond Hussey, featured writer The red ball ricochets down the corridor before careening off a table leg into the kitchen. A trio of giggling children is in hot pursuit, but when the ball rolls silently across the kitchen floor and slips through the slim gap of an open ...

Seven Days

Author : T. Gene Davis "Next up: the calendar," droned the chairman over every speaker surface in the colonial ship. Sam yawned. "Excuse me," she said though a second yawn that pushed its way past the first unfinished yawn. "Doesn't get more exciting than this," Rod ...

Nano Chevall

Author : Morrow Brady Like unfolding origami, my plan emerged making me swiftly forget what disappointed me in the first place. Then it came back. The glowing gold logo of my local planning department told me this email was pre-approved permission for my neighbour to ...

The Game of Life

Author : Desmond Hussey, featured writer The cavernous chamber of the Galaxy Arcade is filled with phantasmagorical colors, super-nova bright and a deafening riot of beeps, blips and core shuddering rumbles. Most of the games – “6th Dimension”, “Quantum Exchange”, “The Abyss” ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer There was one thing I missed more than anything else when I was planetside. A zero-g bath. I’d think back. I’d remember turning the taps on and seeing the water spill out in braids of steaming hot water, glittering in the light. Seeing ...

Lonely Planet

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer I wander the jungle alone as always. Ducking beneath thick vines and scrambling over massive fallen logs, some stories high. I do as always. I explore and I record. Earlier today a beast of which I have no file approached me. It was ...

Caveat Ereptor

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer As far as pirates went, Jack Hoorn was not the brightest star in the constellation. To be sure, what he lacked in reason and forethought, he made up for with guile and spontaneity. Even as he presented his stolen security clearance to ...

Wake-up Call

Author : Desmond Hussey, featured writer I hate psychologists with a passion, but when I saw the ad requesting lucid dreamers for research into the origin of dreams, I couldn’t resist. Besides, they’re offering stipends and I need the cash. I stub out my cigarette and suck ...


Author : Bob Newbell "This time we're done for. This is finally the end, I think," said Triana. Of course, she didn't really "say" anything. She communicated her thoughts to her husband, Loret, by modulating the zero-point energy that comprised her being. "You say that every ...

The Things We Do for Love

Author : Ian Florida Jack was grateful he had never been human. He was thankful that he’d skipped out on that entire sliver of Earth’s history. He knew humans: pink bundles of flesh with more emotional baggage then a type IV psychic could ever hope to unravel. That he didn’t ...

Cerebral Mechanics

Author : Desmond Hussey, Featured Writer “Good evening honored representatives of the World Coalition,” Dr. Dretch drones standing near an unconscious patient strapped to an inclined table. The top of the patient’s skull has been removed, revealing grey brain matter. A neural ...


Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer “Indestructabuddies! They’re completely indestructible! Drop them from skyscrapers, throw them into traffic! Freeze them, burn them, blow them up reeeal good! Indestructabuddies, your new best friend who will last you forever and ever and ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer My mount is about an acre across from wingtip to wingtip. I’m sitting between her eyes, up near the front. I have a windshield set up, sheltering my sleeping quarters, replicator, garden, fridge, toilet bag and pilot’s chair. She’s the ...

I, Rifle

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer I am a rifle. There are few like me, but I am unique. I will fire true. I will fire straighter than any other. I know that only hitting the target counts. I will maintain myself clean and ready. I will defend my country. I will master the ...

Hard Currency

Author : Desmond Hussey, Featured Writer “That’ll be two-thousand kilowatts,” the droopy eyed clerk said when he finished scanning Sarah’s purchase. She held out her debit battery, which was running depressingly low; prayed she had enough. The clerk barely looked at her as he ...

Two's a Crowd

Author : Tom Coupland Rob grinds his cigarette on the outside of the window, letting it drop down to the pavement. He knew it’d annoy Dave, but recently he was beginning to care less and less about what Dave thought anyway. Closing the curtains against the sun’s light and ...

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