
Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer This is what I’ve been waiting for my entire adult life. All my work has come to this. From the moment I signed up for theoretical physics as a youth, I was destined to arrive at this day. Countless alternate universes with a finite number ...

Brave Old World

Author : Bob Newbell Hugo swallowed his last protein pill, paid his bill, and left the cafe. As he walked out the door, the rocket thrust from a young lady leaving the parking lot by jetpack blasted him with fire. It was only his quick reflexes that prevented him from being ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The sentence was passed. The switch was flipped on the transporter and Caleb’s protests were cut off in mid-scream. The concrete block fused with his head. The first transporter accident taught us a valuable lesson about the covalency ...

Who's Better, Who's Best

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Jack withdrew the blade slowly, knowing with the sudden swell of blood from the wound that the blow was fatal. "Nothing personal mate, it's a survival of the fittest thing and I'm simply better than you." He felt the body beneath him go ...


Author : Bob Newbell Jimmy Shindorf reclined on the hospital bed. A hollow filament as thin as a thread penetrated his neck over the right carotid artery. An IV dripped normal saline at a slow rate into his left antecubital vein. They had suggested placing a Foley catheter, ...


Author : Methias He slumbered. He remembered. His recollections were filled with vague, half-things. Muted feelings, dulled senses, broken memories. He remembered the last time he slumbered. He remembered the fall. He remembered the fire and the death. He remembered a heat ...


Author : Suzann Dodd They were supposed to come for me in a hundred hours. That was the deal. I was passing for a local, having done the course. I knew how to get over. I'd been given enough currency to survive for two hundred hours; that was also part of the Contract. What ...

Building World

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer I lowered my huv from the sky and dropped into the garbage-strewn parking lot of Building World. Parking next to a contractor’s huv-truck I made my way inside and stood there in front of the directory. Behind the digital sign was a sixteen ...

Keep Watching the Skies

Author : Bob Newbell I set the display to pan to the constellation of Canis Minor. The holographic celestial sphere rotates all around me until the Smaller Dog comes into view. I wave my hand over the controls. The display zooms in on Procyon A. The white main sequence star ...

Come Tomorrow

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The echoes are thunderous, something that keeps most of the predators down here away. This far along, everyone is fatigued. Even the children no longer have bursts of energy. Existence is eat, sleep and march to the beat. The chant cadences ...

And Yet, It Moves

Author : Susan Nance Carhart "There's no way to program my time machine remotely. Not really," Solberg told his friends. "I can't perform a unmanned test. I can't even use an animal for the passenger. But the modeling works. It all comes down to me." The friends caught each ...

Prometheus Station

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer The Prometheus Station was an engineering marvel. Orbiting the Earth in a low altitude sun synchronous polar orbit, it did the impossible. Its six mammoth hyperspace siphons sucked more than a Zettajoule of energy directly from the ...

Specimen 459

Author : Melinda Chapman Specimen 459 cannot see its reflection, or the glass itself, or the woman entering the room beyond it. Christine enters the small laboratory and settles into the office chair in front of the glass capsule. Contemplating the specimen inside, she ...

Touching Heaven

Author : Sierra Corsetti The visor of my pressure suit starts to fog up at 11,243 feet. My pilot notices as he tweaks the gas valves that propel the balloon ever higher into the winter night, and grins knowingly. I adjust a knob on the control panel that’s inset to my right ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer “This is not a conspiracy theory” was tattooed across the dead boy’s back. Below that it read, “It’s a matter of public record.” This was all in black gothic lettering above the twin towers. Below that was a multi-headed snake monster ...

End of the Universe Theories

Author : James Bambury V pricked the side of the universe and giggled as it contracted and spun about in circles. “Did you see that?” V poked another universe. It collapsed into a space-time singularity and V laughed again. “That one had more of a fizz. Make some ...


Author : Sierra Corsetti “Have your cards out and ready for inspection! Anyone holding up the line will be left behind!” Renee slipped through the throngs of people, patting a pocket here and there. She couldn’t take anything now of course, not when she was about to board ...


Author : Daniel “Mother unit, what happens to humans when they die?” The mother unit, 523 as she was usually called, stopped in her work for a second and thought about what her offspring unit had said. “Is 43 thinking of 1001?” She asked the question lightly, hoping not to ...

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