
Author : Chris Deal It’s the only story the news is talking about today: twenty years since the fall, since the wall came down. My boy asked me if I remembered it, where was I when I heard it had come down. Told him I was right where he was, asking my father what it meant, ...

Heavens Above

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer The radiation levels following the Great Holy War of the twenty third century made living on the surface of the Earth impossible. Consequently, humanity moved underground. After millennia of self-sufficient, artificial environments, ...

It's Complicated

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The way my race has sex has made me a natural choice for the role of diplomat, lawyer and event organizer at an interplanetary level. Our planet adapted to overcrowding by creating new sexes. We have seventeen now. It seems to be holding ...

Flight of the Crimson Dawn

Author : Roi R. Czechvala: Staff Writer The Crimson Dawn hung in geosynch above the besieged planet. Far out of reach of the meager defenses the primitive populous threw at them. “Skipper, another salvo is being launched.” Captain Dimitri Sardukar gave a bored sigh; ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Nick inhaled on his cigarette until the glowing ember reached the filter, then flicked it absently out the driver's window. His younger brother James sat upright and fidgeting beside him, eyes wide trying to look at everything at ...

Pied Piper

Author : Kathy Kachelries, Staff Writer There are two things I hate about a job like this: Carrie, and the viewer-at-home. That’s not true.  There are dozens of things I hate: network executives, directors, producers, footage editors with their nasally little 'we could have ...


Author : Petter Skult “How was the game?” Ann asked as Jeremy crawled through the hatch. She had to wait with the answer until he had pushed it close, metal screaming. “It was awesome!” He replied breathlessly, as he threw his bag off his shoulders and went directly for his ...

Machine Monastery

Author : Credentiality Cynthia was reluctant when it came time to leave the Machine Monastery. Nobody had predicted that machines would be Buddhists. Crazed killers, perhaps. Indifferent to humanity, perhaps. Cold calculators, almost certainly. She had learned the tactile ...

The Second and a Half Law of Thermodynamics

Author : William Garnett The day the universe stopped expanding was the same day all the traffic lights failed to turn. But it wasn’t just the traffic lights. Cars didn’t start. Dogs didn’t bark. Radios were silent. Microwaves paused. Automatic drive-thru teller machines ...


Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer and J. S. Kachelries “Command and Control says that we will not be permitted to land,” stated Taylor O’Leary, the pilot of the return module. Despite knowing that O’Leary wasn’t responsible for the decision, Jonathan Hartwell argued, ...


Author : Bryant Pocock “Dammit,” grunted Sam as the wrench slipped and he lost his grip, drifting slowly away from the mining craft. “Now I’m really in deep shit.” Mentally running through his options, the panicked miner came up with nothing. The battered and stinking ...

The Barate

Author : Daniel Fuhr The haze of smoke lingered over the sharp nose and into aged eyes. Smoking on spacecraft was strictly forbidden according to regulations. Jascon owned this tugboat; he made his own rules and could give a damn about those regulations. He squinted to try ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I woke up with pain in my head and a shrieking in my ears. All I could hear was this horrible sound ringing around in my head. It was like car tires and screeching baboons and fire alarms all mixed together. A migraine pounded through my ...

In HIS Name…

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer Put on the armour of God… to stand firm against the tactics of evil. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, the Word of GOD. from Ephesians 6:13-17 “In the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, ...

Get off my lawn, robot!

Author : Patrick Kennedy “Mom, there’s something in the front yard!” “What is it, Billy?” “A robot, Mom! What’s a robot doing in our yard?” “I don’t know, Billy. It must have gotten past the fence somehow.” “But I thought the fence was supposed to keep them out!” “It is, ...

Hold on to something

Author : V.L.Ilian "Hogwash! There was a mathematical proof the sound barrier could not be broken even tough they were breaking it with cannons in Newton's time! There was a mathematical proof the light barrier could not be broken even tough they were breaking it in ...

Can't You Find Anything Up There?

Author : Sean Monaghan Sid smiled as Alex handed him the separation results. One more test and they could announce. They'd known all along of course, since the first samples, but Mars Twelve operated on a government testing regime. No disclosure until verified. Too often ...


Author : Liz Lafferty “Tell me the story again, Grandpa. Did we really have automatic lights? And could you really talk to someone on the other side of the planet?” I laughed. We huddled by the fires every night, the children always wanting to hear one of my fantastic ...

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