
Author : Matthew Banks “Brankahhh nakahhhsret,” said the vibrating sphere. “Much impertinence is hydroscopic,” said the speaker on the translator console. McGuine frowned, but Leak still had that constant, infuriating grin plastered on his face. “Frehhhnat bossssth ...


Author : William Tracy, Featured Writer A lone figure swung precariously from the side of a sky-scraping tower, painfully inching his way up a rope. That tower and others stood in rows, crowding out the sky. Their sides gleamed silver, studded with large, black windows. The ...

Hand Hinunter das Licht

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Hans lay face down on the surgical table, completely immobilized and wide awake. His father's rubber shoes moved in and out of his field of vision as the older man busied himself in preparation, his voice a constant hum of information in ...

The Company Store

Author : Ian Rennie Hilton's eyes opened, to his own mild surprise. Everything he saw was in dim monochrome, suggesting it was either really early or he was really tired. He was sitting in an armchair in a small office without the faintest clue how he had got here. The ...

The Survivor

Author : James Marshall Foray wondered why he didn't just sit down and die. He was naked but for a pair of underpants, and his skin was stained red with the blood from hundreds of cuts and scratches. He was gaunt, and his hair and beard were long and itchy. The vines and ...

The Encounter

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Major Clanet’s head felt like it had split in half. He forced his eyes open and saw his android navigator standing above him. “What happened?” he asked. The android extended a hand and helped the human to his feet. “We delivered the ...

Stars going out

Author : Chris Abernethy I don’t know why I ran. Caution, paranoia, groupthink... pure blind panic maybe, god knows what finally sent me scurrying up out of the elliptic, screaming in tight round ol’ Ares and out into the darkness. Guess it won’t really matter, hell it’s ...

A Rose by Any Other Name

Author : Jacob Lothyan When the box was finally opened, it was assumed by some that it had been tampered with beforehand. After all, there was a fairly explicit warning that stated: ANY ATTEMPT TO OPEN THIS BOX OR OTHERWISE INSPECT THE CONTENTS BEFORE THE INTENDED TIME WILL ...


Author : William Tracy, Featured Writer 1165 Third Street is quiet, as it has been quiet for over a century. Once, its two hundred floors housed accountants, engineers, executives and staffers. Its occupants ebbed and flowed with the fickle whims of the economy. All that ...

Holy War

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The oval office had been compromised. I knew because I was the one who compromised it. I was standing over the body of the atheist president. The dark hues of her face were being framed by the blood from her slit throat as she lay on her ...

Cogito, ergo sum.

Author : Jacob Lothyan It comes back to an inherent flaw in the system. The Incident Imprinter isn’t exactly time travel, not as time travel was originally imagined. That is to say that we still don’t fully understand how matter on the quantum level can be in two places and ...


Author : Bryan Mulholland “I’m afraid I can’t stay long Doctor Einstein, I really must go, I’ve stayed here for far too long” I apologised. “Time, I have studied it, explained it and theorized it. Now it slips through my fingers” he muttered as he looked into the spring ...

Monkey Business

Author : Jennifer C. Brown aka Laieanna Shimmering just before, the dome door melted away into nothing. The vibrations that came with the shield opening left Henrick feeling a little nauseous. Between the clear slats of the dome’s walls were colors of light pink to ...

Beware of Aliens Bearing Gifts

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer When the 4 mile long asteroid hit, the damage was devastating. Billions died from the earthquakes, tsunamis, and fires. And billions more would have died of starvation, if not for the “fortuitous” intervention of the Dowliens. During ...

Being Frank

Author : Michelle Keeley Frank stared impassively as the Floridian dawn crept silently across his bedroom, the line of accolades on his antique dresser cast long, foreboding shadows onto the elegant wallpaper. The day had come. He showered as usual. He dressed as usual. Even ...

Unusual Methods

Author : Martin Berka Clawed front feet scrape rock away to the sides, while the back ones push forward. A sensor in the brain judges that the distance traveled is satisfactory. A thought — no, a feeling— is released: too little air. The ascent begins. It has copious amounts ...

Through the Hoop

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It was like a hula hoop hanging in mid air. Looking through it, Todd could detect a little something that looked like a heat shimmer even though the lab was pretty cool. The hoop-gate didn’t hum which was odd considering the amount of ...

Extreme Synesthesia

Author : Ali Simpson “Sew him up…and we’ll see what happens.” The letters were crunchy and a distinct scent of Fritos wafted from them. Dr. Paul Marshall’s name tag would go great with bean dip, Leroy thought. He smacked his dry lips and squinted against the bright light ...

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