Not What I Expected

Author: Alastair Millar "Live clean," the pastor always said, "and when the Time comes, you'll be taken up". So I was good, worked hard, kept my head down, avoided most of the obvious moral pitfalls of 21st century society, watched dutifully for signs of the End Times… and ...

Proof Positive

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Sir Kenneth Greyling’s eyebrows rise as a uniformed youth rushes into the members’ lounge, looks about frantically, then heads his way. “Michael, I do believe this one’s for you.” Major Mike Greyling looks up from his apple pie, catches ...

Charlie’s Fireworks

Author: Rosie Oliver Lizzie had left the life of pressurised techno-work behind and retired to a small cottage in the wilds of her beloved Northumberland. Peace at last, except for renovating the cottage top to bottom. She could take her time, that precious commodity that ...


Author: Nicholas Schroeder The supercomputer could predict everything you were going to do. But Kyle was skeptical. “Let me see that video again!” He studied it carefully. “None of that’s going to happen.” “Could you be more specific?” the scientist asked. “Well, I’m ...


Author: Mikhail Gladkikh First, there were thoughts. I acknowledged my existence. None of my senses functioned, but I felt their presence. Somehow I knew they were taking care of me. Then my vision started to return. I realized I was submerged in liquid. I remembered I was ...


Author: Surina Venkat “Your nanobots are infighting,” my doctor tells me over the phone. It makes sense now – the sudden blackouts, the locked limbs, the dark red bruises that snake my body. The doctor’s voice is tight but careful, in the way of someone who’s used to ...

The Girl in the Grove

Author: Alzo David-West And the midnight air is hall'd, all the people turning cold, shadows storming in a stare, something's coming, drifting near.

* * *

Ocular atoms detonated in a scream from a lonely girl's eyes. An android woman ...

Glacier 2020

Author: Anna Hamilton Glacier National Park. Many Glacier, year 2050. You adjust your iGoggles and look at the rock face. You blink twice, fast, indicating you want to do a search. You look at a result towards the bottom, hyperlinked words superimposed over the ...

Real Time Solution

Author: David C. Nutt The robot fabricators went haywire and had to be powered down and the minutes not working were counted in billions of dollars. To make matters worse, when they powered up again, all the software patches did was cause the once haywire fabricators to up ...

The Day the English Department Died

Author: Paul Colby In the end, no one really missed it. Some of the older faculty members in chemistry and economics had routinely enjoyed mid-morning coffee with Dr. Milstein, the cranky Americanist, who read them depictions of anal sex and urine showers from Henry Miller ...


Author: Alfred C. Airone “How many times do you think this sort of thing has happened?” Using gloved hands, Lady Maerlin, the current Director-Chief, turned the startling piece of discolored, shaped metal over and over in her hands. “Who can say? Civilization has existed ...


Author: Tim Boiteau The language of the tablet fought him every step of the way, full of shifting sands and pitfalls. It was a brief text, the only example of its kind. Three hundred characters, only three of which repeated themselves. The orthography seemed to be composed ...

I Am Legion

Author: David Barber 1 Officer Chen woke just as they fell from the sky. The woman sitting opposite cried out and braced herself for the crash. The engines screamed as the ground leapt upwards, then the dropship bounced and was still. They'd landed inside square ...

Motion Sickness

Author: Mina Hell, Gon-Zuu was in hell. The body shell they had inhabited was overcome, again, by a wave of disgusting nausea. Gon-Zuu would have to lie down soon, preferably on the floor. They fumbled in the pocket of the alien clothing for a tablet that they swallowed ...

Home Again

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer As natural satellites go, it’s different. “Amy, that doesn’t look like a moon.” “No, it’s an asteroid that’s been captured in passing. I think.” Uh-huh. I punch ‘auto-evade’ and ‘auto-countermeasures’. My eyes are drawn back to that ...

What Is And What Should Never Be

Author: Riley Meachem After years of research, Delkor Bionics completed “the door of perception.” Not a literal door, but a maze of computers, electrodes, goggles, and wires attached to a chair, it allowed whoever sat in it to examine any choice they’d made in the past, ...

Harbinger Dream Girl

Author: Philip G Hostetler She was my dream girl before I laid myself to rest in the Dreamcell. Alright, that's a little dramatic, I didn't "lay myself to rest" as in six feet under. No, think of it like life insurance for your loved ones that pays out immediately. All you ...

Wrong Address

Author: Heather R. Parker What a long trip. Gone for four years, studying at Nivoria University in the Sao X3D Galaxy, and another whole year to get back to Earth. I couldn’t exactly pop home on the weekends or on holidays. Now, as my ship touches down on Earth for the ...

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