Unexpected Beginnings

Author: Jeff Mauser They peered through the small site-port of their shuttle in astonishment. Their small ship had been designed for docking purposes only, not for landing on a planet. The sky was becoming dark, the Blue Giant sun was setting, following the Red Dwarf that ...

Call Me Monday

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer That leaden feeling in your gut as you trudge from transport to entrance. The warmth of the lift buttons under your fingertips. Those shooting pains in your head as Maxine punctuates a story of her weekend with piercing giggles. Your ...

Me, Myself, and I

Author: Rollin T. Gentry I'd heard stories about my doppelganger for over a month, but I'd never seen him. My supervisor saw this guy singing in her church choir. The geek two cubicles over saw him in the coffee shop. The lady running the cash register in the cafeteria ...

The Night Martian

Author: Hari Navarro The Martian, he creeps through my window and sits on my chest whilst his steed it looks on with eyes swollen and glazed. Eyes whose voyeuristic bulge look set now to split and ooze their shimmering vitreous down upon the taunting rhythm of his billowing ...

Sowing Season

Author: Colin Lubner The year is 2296, and she’s doing that thing, with her knuckle. She doesn’t bite down, but she sucks on it, you know, so her bottom lip’s lipstick makes a little top lip on the inside of her right index finger. This finger not-biting is her thing, ...

The Tunnel

Author: Ken Carlson I was scrambling around my apartment for my shoes. How does anyone lose his only decent shoes in a suburban studio apartment? That’s what Deanna would have asked before she walked out. How does anyone lose his shoes, lose his keys, lose his job, just ...

Coffee and the Fate of the World

Author: Mina - “Mind if I sit here?” - “Go ahead,” I mumble as I look up. Then do a double take. Hey, this guy is gorgeous. I look around the small café and I see that there is nowhere else to sit. Figures. This guy is sooo way out of my league, he can’t be trying to chat ...

To Die For

Author: Leanne A. Styles Tim spat and wiped his mouth with his sleeve, but the metallic tang of blood lingered. The memory of the hot crimson spray, spurting into his mouth, flashed in his mind. He glanced down at his shirt, suddenly aware of the damp chill down his front. ...

The Folding Hack

Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer Erik heard them in the lobby, dividing up the elevators and the stairwells. He owned the building's cameras and their audio. The Situation Commander barked orders. Under no circumstances was the hacker known as 'HvnSvn' to be allowed to ...


Author: Kim Kneen Recently I have taken to sitting at portholes. I angle myself so I can see my reflection; reach out as if to clutch a hand or stroke a cheek. I choose remote locations where Gala can’t find me and remain as long as I dare. My eyes ache from focusing on ...


Author: Ajith S Nair It was a Friday and in Saudi Arabia, Friday is a holiday for most people. I just got home after finishing the night shift. I am not supposed to be back for work until Monday night. Though I was tired sleep eluded me. I turned the TV on to see if there ...

Mistaken Identity

Author: Mina I don’t know how I came to be. I only know that I am the only one here now. Immortality is not all it’s cut out to be. Not when you are alone in the vastness of space and time. The others like me have chosen to travel beyond my reach – either by disappearing ...

A Ripple in the Fractal Pattern

Author: David Henson The table is still set, and one of the plates is untouched— baked cod, peas, potatoes. Cold. Ruined. I was so upset at work, I forgot to call and tell Helen I wouldn't be home for dinner. I hurry upstairs and find the bedroom door locked. “Helen, I'm ...

Save the Lamprey

Author: A.K. Blake “You can’t be serious.” The President squints, shielding his eyes. “We find blunt assessments most expedient.” The agent from UPRA oozes twenty meters away, sunlight glancing off her transparent flesh in rainbow prisms that give all the humans ...


Author: Matthew Harrison “Good morning, Robert, how nice to see you,” Jenny said. “What do you want to do today?” Robert smiled as he settled down at his PC, even though he knew Jenny couldn’t see him, wasn’t even a person. She was the little chat-bot icon at the top ...

Dial Up

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer By the time the stubborn git drops, I’m not sure if my nose is numb from the cold or from him hitting it. Christ, what a night to be out earning. Snow up to my ankles and only a footie top under my now-torn padded jacket. Dammit, I like ...

You Love Watching Your Human Sleep

Author: Martin Lochman You love watching your human sleep. You love watching as she lies on the bed almost motionless, eyes shut, her face a mask of perfect serenity. You love seeing what she is dreaming about behind closed eyelids - sometimes about her family, friends, ...

Unwelcome Sunrise

Author: J.D. Rice As the sun rises, the ruins of the city begin to glimmer in orange and gold. Mangled hunks of metal and shards of glass reflect the rising sunlight, making the landscape come alive in various hues, welcoming me to a new day – another day of loneliness and ...

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