Come On Out

Author : Jason Frank I sure don't mean to say that the pods they sent us here in aren't nice. There is a chance that they might be too nice, though. I'd be the first to admit that's a strange problem to have, but we have it. I'm not trying to say that I'm better than anyone ...


Author : Marlan Smith Tark stared at the diagram. It was a golden square, clearly valuable, more valuable than the machine it came off of. He honestly didn’t think he would ever have found salvage this far outside of the galactic rim. “What are they?” asked Pim. He was ...

Silicon Valley

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The humans have been gone for decades but we try to keep the traditions alive. All of us review humanity’s output. We see the movies. We watch the comedies. We review fashion shows. We witness the elections. We fashion ourselves to ...

The Vendetta

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer To say that my head hurt, is to say Canis Majoris is just a big star. My probing hand felt a large knot on my forehead, and a substantial amount of warm sticky blood. Despite the pain, I managed to force open my eyes. The first thing ...


Author : Asher Wismer Words cannot describe the light, the heat, the impossible closeness of a star. In this place, even with the best shields science could build, the sheer intense pressure of solar power is more than I can even attempt to explain. Of course, it was worse ...


Author : Noah Katz “Where were you when you first opened your eyes?” “I don’t know. I can’t remember.” “Ah, but you can,” Falero insisted. “The instant should be fresh, as near to you as the ground beneath your feet.” Antigone slackened her pace, beginning to study the ...

Death Dance

Author : John Eric Vona You didn’t see them with planets anymore. After the first billion years of Andromeda crashing into our galaxy, all the planets had been torn away from their stars, lost in the flurry of criss-crossing suns as the two galaxies collided and spun back ...

Birthday Suit

Author : Ryan Swiers James hoped the battery would run out soon. The manual had said it was only good for three hours moving, double that when not. He had been looking for Alex almost five now. There was only one more place to look. The woods were wet and dark, almost as ...

The Value of Archaeology

Author : Juliette Harrisson ‘I don’t know why you still bother with this,’ Sam said, looking down at me as I crawled along, knee-deep in mud. ‘There’s no funding for it, no one wants it, no one’s interested in it. Why do you do it?’ ‘That’s not true,’ I answered testily, ...


Author : Garrett Harriman The dockyard was fragmentary; it reeked of grease and seal. Jetties devoid of craft sprawled like shattered ribcages, and two figures perched atop a decommissioned cruise liner. This murky scene had backdropped thousands of Proto-Mob ...


Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer “Who are they,” the chief officer of the starliner, Raumfahrer, asked Captain Kurtzmann. “They’re a group of fanatic pilgrims,” he replied through a tight smile as he nodded perfunctorily at a small mass of red cloaked figures ...

Date 2.0

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I could tell from the way she softly clicked her teeth together twice while keeping her mouth closed, flicked her eyes to the top left and grunted once subvocally that she'd just adjusted me to be more handsome. She would probably pass ...

Command Decisions

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “This is Captain Thomas Rider of the Starship Dunkirk. What’s the nature of the emergency?” “This is Governor Wingfield of the Constant. We had a core breach, and had to jettison the reactor. We’re operating on minimum life ...

Good Man

Author : Jordan Whicker Henry Goodman sank readily into the welcoming embrace of his favorite recliner; the whoosh of air escaping these cushions and the groan of its leather was the only 'Welcome home, honey!' he'd ever known. He sat in silence for a few moments, his eyes ...

Open House

Author : Ian Eller People said that the house was haunted. It sat alone along the broken asphalt road surrounded by parched fields feebly overgrown with weeds and wildflowers. It was a small house: one story, with a covered porch and attached one car garage. The house would ...

Like Driving Through Nebraska

Author : Robert Sooter The captain watched from around the corner as his small crew nudged the sleeping form with their brooms, utility poles, and various other implements as gently as they could. As captain he certainly couldn’t openly condone such behavior, especially ...


Author : Wasco Shafter “Thirty minutes until heart failure” chirps a voice in Mark’s head. He flips through the internal photographs on his heads-up display, but there’s nothing new there. His heart is a confused, rotting lump of electrified meat rattling his ribcage. Five ...

Remember O'ahu

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer The skiff shot swiftly across the calm waters of the harbour as if pushed by a giant hand. A young woman, her thick red hair flying wildly in the wind, sat in the stern manning the tiller. Around the little craft, pacific striped ...

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