Cold War

Author : Bob Newbell Antonio pitched forward onto the ice, the exit wound in his left upper back clearly visible. He was dead. I finished reloading my rifle and took cover behind what remained of the wall of the dome. It was almost entirely a ground war now. Between our ...

Thank you

Author : Debra Lim When the call finally came, I just stared at the phone. The answering machine picked it up, and Dr. Wainwright's voice echoed throughout my small room. “I'm afraid the implants didn't take. I'm terribly sorry to tell you that she didn't-” I shut off the ...

Free Minded

Author : Ian Florida Metal grates against stone as my cell door shrieks open. They shout as they slam their rifle stocks into my ribs. I laugh. They pause. They think I should be afraid. They think the metal mask they’ve strapped around my head keeps them safe. I know better; ...

Little House on Thuprair-E

Author : Desmond Hussey When John Allen wakes, two suns, one red, one blue, peek through the line of smoking atmosphere generators fencing the horizon. He glances at his snoring wife as he shifts his weight to the edge of the bed. With luck he can get out of the house before ...

Maintainer Of The Machine

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer I descend deeper into the heart of semi-quadrant 26F, my maneuvasuit’s floodlights guiding me all the way. Massive gears and cogs riding on giant turbine shafts dwarf me, rotating silently on their bearings as layers of viscosium, barely a ...

The Accidental Godling

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer George stood on the fused glass at the edge of the crater. It had taken him a while to climb out of the hole, but at least it allowed the forces arrayed against him to reassemble. He watched them advance, flicking his eyes between reality ...

Humans Don't Belong in Space

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The robot pirates picked The Royal Flush because it had humans onboard. The ships warped into realspace like darts coming to an abrupt stop, surrounding The Royal Flush in a sudden and precise pincushion ambush. Onboard The Royal Flush, ...

Parallel Quantum Universe

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Uh oh, I think we ended up in a parallel universe,” said Senior Technical Specialist Jim Wright. “What are you talking about,” replied Ensign Vince Saccomandi. “We teleported to exactly where we were supposed to, the lobby of the ...


Author : Kevin Crisp The four rotary blades of the harvester chopped violently at the dank, cold air as it rested with spidery legs on the jagged rock. The sickly sweet smoke of its four combustion engines wafted faintly up the heights. Every thought was punctuated by the ...

Commercial Break

Author : Desmond Hussey Black rain streaks the windows of Mr. Nielson’s 35th story apartment. Beyond the aqueous smear, a tiny room is illuminated by the hypnotic flicker of an enormous, wafer thin television screen. Outlined by the electric glow, a mass of limp flesh, ...


Author : Thomas Desrochers “Hi Kristen, it's your mum...” Jaques picked up a picture of Kristin Trinket off of her bedroom nightstand. Twenty years old, red hair, stunning green eyes. Crooked, imperfect teeth at home in one of the warmest smiles he had ever seen. He set the ...


Author : Andrew DiMatteo "Now, there are a lot of channels down there. Some of 'em may surprise you. Be careful . It's easy to get distracted when you're Immersed. Always remember to pay attention to your surroundings and…" The dive operator was giving us condescending ...

Generation Gap

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer The one-hundred-and -eleven year old man stood at the transit stop listening to an antique MP3 player. His electric blue faux hawk practically glowed in the afternoon sun. Suddenly an eighty-eight year old man came strolling up, twirling a ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The pastel decorated walls were hung with tasteful art that changed as needed to offset any negative morale the system garnered from the gestalt of everyone’s mindnets. Since the advent of the cranial implant, society had changed beyond all ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer We were so wrong. We saw evolution as a paring down to essentials. Our pinkies were getting shorter and soon we might only have four fingers, for instance. We theorized evolution as a process that winnowed away the unnecessary. It ...


Author : D. Ahren Bell “Peregrine, this is the ship. I… I have an important issue that I must discuss with you. Our fuel reserves have run out, and photovoltaic energy is not enough to keep me in orbit for much longer.” Peregrine’s response time was, per usual, long delayed, ...

I Friended an Alien

Author : Brian McDermott “This could be the single most important event in the history of our planet,” Jake leaned over the formica. “I think I've been friended by an Alien,” Amir's stunned silence was broken by the sounds of his legs peeling off the vinyl bench. Jake slowly ...

Salvage Operation

Author : Bob Newbell Ship's Log, 1330, 24 June 2533. Captain April Green recording. Al-Basri and Sanchez continue to work on the alien ship's engines. The vessel appears to use an antimatter-enhanced helium-3/deuterium fusion rocket not unlike the interstellar drive on the ...

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