
Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer All six of my previous brothers had gotten past this point with little difficulty. The smoldering remains of my crashed lander blended in nicely with the gray hillside behind me. My atmospheric and biofunction readings continued to flash in my view ...


Author : Morrow Brady I scared myself again. But only briefly. Bored with routine, my mind zoned out. Wandering like a hungry dog. Dragging extraordinary notions to hell and back with me at the centre of it all. The snap-to was always a break in that routine and this morning it was ...

Raised by Wulvs

Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer The air is rent with screams, alien klaxons and a violent thundering that threatens to crush Kaam with raw acoustic power. All is dizzying confusion, a chaotic kaleidoscope of hauntingly familiar images, intertwined with deep inscrutable wells of ...

Of Fields, Half-Sown

Author : Kurt Hunt "Failed," said the ship. Its transmission burst into jagged waves, a white noise elegy. But the station didn't understand. "Greetings, Generation-32! Welcome to Centauri Colony!" It beamed yottabytes of data, everything from advertisements to ...


Author : Bob Newbell The Agent established contact with the High Command and prepared to deliver his latest report. Nothing about his outward appearance betrayed what he was doing. The entire procedure was telepathic. There were hidden machines in the vicinity that were able to ...

Barroom Theories

Author : Jay Haytch “So I walk into the warehouse, right? Was just looking for a quiet place to have a smoke – and it's full of the damned things!” “Wait, full of what things?” “Of them. Of... robots. Must've been thirty-five or forty of 'em in there. Dead quiet, just ...

The Angler Fish

Author : Eric Spery Teena Tolstarre's Interplanetary Cultural Archeological Team (ICAT) had been onsite on Gliese 163c for over a year. A warm super-terran mesoplanet, Gliese 163c had evidence of at least one extinct sentient culture. So far, the team had discovered camps, ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The bridge is quiet. Non-essential systems are shut down as avoiding detection by this world’s dominant species is essential. Two figures stand by a darkened control panel that has a single node illuminated; the white glow of the ring about the ...


Author : George R. Shirer They sat on the porch of the retirement home, in matching wooden rocking chairs. The late afternoon sun beat down on their aged, seamed faces. In the distance, they could hear the soft hum of traffic from the freeway. Closer, a bird warbled to its mate ...

Red Rock the Innocent

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Baxter stood in the atrium of Marpo One and gazed up through the greenery, through the clear observation port above and into the blackness of space. Three years he'd called this home, he with the sixty three other lost souls that had signed ...

I Miss Froot Loops

Author : Thomas Fay ‘Some cereal as well, thanks,’ I said to the checkout operator. I didn’t specify what kind as there was no need. There was only one kind of cereal. It was nutritious, filled with all sorts of grains, nuts and dried fruits. Shame it had no taste. Not like Froot ...


Author : Dakota Brown His words were calm and thoughtfully processed. Though the harsh and forceful voice wasn’t as evident as it was previously, she still recognized what was at the heart of the matter. He wanted her to finish the job. The room sparked and stank of chemicals. The ...


Author : John Kinney The soldiers walk down the empty street, bathed in red sunlight. A gun falls from above them and clatters to the ground. A body follows it. "Scan!" Says the Captain. He looks at the man who fell. 

 "Tick! Scan!"

 They scan. Two men ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer There used to be a saying: “how long is a piece of string?” It meant that you didn’t know how long something would take. I never understood it. A piece of string has to be a specific length, because someone made it. So my reply was usually: “ask ...

The End Inn

Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer In the years long after the cataclysms of fire and ice, embedded deep within the dark histories of the descent of man, when the waning sun still hung dim and bloated in its senility above the shattered horizon, there once stood, defiantly upon ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Captain Lewis gripped the hand-strap inside the copter's airframe tightly, the wind whipping spray up from the dark ocean below as the pilot tried to maneuver in the gale. "Your ride is below - when we get close enough, drop into the boat," ...

Vault Six

Author : Andrew Hawnt Frozen in time behind the door to Vault Six is an explosion, and it talks to me. How can an explosion talk to me? I don't really know, but then again I'm just a guard. I sit next to the door to Vault Six and I read, or I clean the corridor, or I check and recheck ...


Author : Tyler Hawkins "Well I think it's safe to say this project was a monumental failure" "Gee, you think?" We sit in silence for a while. All that needed to be said has already been screamed, yelled or pleaded in the last 24 hours. It's not like we haven't tried to fix ...

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