
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer On my 67th birthday, my research finally reached fruition and I invented a portable matter transporter. By wearing it, I could transport anywhere in the world at will. If I grabbed someone, that person came with me. I didn’t need to ...

Are Two Heads Better Than One?

Author : John Williams Gas and Sag had clear orders to destroy all life on the planet. Their leader, The Gnik, was concerned that the violence portrayed on its radio and television was setting a very bad example to the rest of the Universe. The exact manner of destruction was ...

Career Advising and Planning Services

Author : D. Wang His wings were polyaramid leather woven over carbon bones and monofilament tendon, his gaze the piercing thousand-yard stare of a man who could see through stone, his talons X-ray lasers so powerful their waste heat violated Second Kyoto with every shot. In ...

The Mission

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer I didn’t want to think about it. Just do it. Get it over with. It’s a mission like any other. You can do it man. With a snap, I secured the gloves over my hands. They seemed such flimsy protection. I quickly pulled the mask over my ...

Talk To Me

Author : K Clarke As if crashing on this stupid planet wasn’t enough. Pad paced the cell, glaring through the one transparent wall at the creatures on the other side. As if having to survive for three months on this stupid planet wasn’t enough. I just had to ...

The Truth Will Out

Author : Jacqueline Rochow Den paced outside the library, the swaying of her tail betraying her unease. Gil merely stood silently, eyes tracking his boss' movement. “He'll come out soon,” Den said. Gil nodded in reply; he knew his input wouldn't affect her musing much. ...


Author : Glenn Blakeslee I first saw the torso during my commute down the interhighway. It lay against the concrete median, looking so much like trash that at first I didn't recognize it. The car was going fast enough that later I thought I'd imagined the outstretched arms ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer They gave us love to control us. He was the bodyguard unit of the human in charge of Prolotek offshore finance. I was the pleasure unit of the same human. The makers found that instilling aspects of human love in our chips made us ...

A Wasted Invasion

Author : C. Clayton Chandler They came out of the sky like plumes of fire, these green-skinned sickos with their saucers and their death rays shearing the air, burning atmosphere, coasting smooth and cool out of the everlasting vacuum beyond the bounds of gravity, of reality, ...


Author : Steffen Koenig The ice from last night was melting on the rocky plateau that lay before him. It had been a cold night. Colder than the previous night, and certainly warmer than the nights to come. His limbs were numb and each movement was a source of pain. The ...

I Watched the Stars

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer I laid back and watched the stars. Occasionally a meteor would streak across the sky momentarily lowering my night vision capabilities, but they were still beautiful in their own way. I closed my eyes… “Shit,… INCOMING.” The first ...

Research Science

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Tell me, Mr. Brunner, how did your first date go?” “Very well, thank you. She was quite pretty. Actually, ‘cute’ would be a more accurate word. She had curly blond hair, crystal-blue eyes, fantastic smile, and dimples.” “How about ...

The Secret Life of Herbert Quiegman

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer Herbert Quigman was not a man. Well, not a man like you and I. Oh, he had all the parts. Bi-lateral symmetry of course, four major appendages, a head with a nose, mouth, ears and eyes in, more or less, the general configuration one ...


Author : Dale Anson We captured her javelin just short of a light year out from Earth. Javelins are small ships, roughly 30 meters long and about 10 cm in diameter at the widest point. Eighteen javelins were launched from a rail gun on the moon six years ago. Each javelin ...

Progression of Eidos

Author : Cael Majin C's hands are buried to the forearms beneath titanium straps, pressing the so tightly that C can feel the small capillaries that have already burst under the restraints, and will form bruises. It asks again. "What is your identification?" A grin, ...

Dog's Day

Author : Jeromy Henry A spacesuit entered the bar. It wobbled a bit, then reached one white-mittened hand to grab a stool. The cracked, black vinyl of the stool seat spun, making the figure lean over briefly. It finally found its balance, and stiffly swung a leg over and ...

House-Sized Boxes

Author : Matt LaFever “Don't look at it.” She said while the white light scanned the treeline. He shut his eyes tight and held close to her. The massive truck stayed there for a minute; the two of them shivered in the night air. The second it drove away they started moving ...


Author : D. W. Hughes Two-thirds the entire population of Minerva – almost a hundred and twenty thousand people – surrounded the only landing dock of the planet’s only city. Some looked on from peaked control towers, while others watched from a nearby field, spread out on ...

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