The Mushroom and the Cold

Author: John McNeil The weather was too good. It should be twenty degrees with snow on the ground, but it was sixty-five and sunny. Milo hiked the forest outside Edgewood with unease. Edgewood was a mean, hypocritical, self-regarding city, a place of enlightenment so bright ...

Imprudent Judgment

Author: Rick Tobin “Who brought that thing on deck when we’re closing in on the ORC?” Captain Telsey snapped at his first officer, Eloy Thompson. They were a generation apart with Thompson’s massive athletic structure a contrast to the wizened, gray-haired ...

CompBot finds Christmas

Author: Elizabeth Hoyle Sloane sounds like a sea monster after he emerges from cryo. Not that I know what one actually sounds like. Humans are mostly composed of water, so I figure I’m technically accurate. “Date and time, CompBot?” He asks, more growl than question. “And ...

Eternal return

Author: Jeremy Nathan Marks Poor me, the Israelite -Desmond Dekker When the trawlers made their move, shaking off dromedaries and clumps of grass, none of the old fishers noticed. In Kazakh and Uzbek cafes, places where patrons sat on stools made from salvaged steel and ...


Author: Robert Beech The water off the point that juts out from the beach at St. Cabo is deep, really deep. The fishermen who sit out at the end of the point all day talk about the strange fish they have brought up sometimes, fish with huge eyes to catch the dim light far ...

Fighting the Good Fight

Author: Connie Millard His eyes are going. The images on the other side are blurry when he attempts to peer through walls now. He squints. Is that the criminal or a floor lamp? Sighing, he decides that he can problem-solve when he arrives and bounds off the ground with a ...

Sad Songs

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The world burned. Several places only did so until they sank. Congregations sang paeans to the skies, the fires, the waters, or the earth. The rest of us listened to what we had while we could. All of us heard the songs coming from distant ...

Arms of Venus

Author: Steven Lombardi He boarded the ship, trailed by gray robes that hid his emaciated frame. An escort of guards met him in the docking bay, and per the Astronautical Law, he requested that they replenish his ship’s fuel, water, and oxygen. Then he relished the sweet, ...

Foreign Tongue

Author: Madeline DeCoste The silence is unbearable. So too is the darkness, so too is the light; all are absolute. The primordial and the pseudo-holy converge from all sides. Like warmth, like humanity, the stars and home are unreachable. This is the wild, lonesome ...

The Light of Creation

Author: Beck Dacus I watched the luminous tails of thousands of ships decelerating into the Alpha Centauri system from all directions. A stray few of them fell prey to my frag mines, but most maneuvered or blasted their way through. *Good,* I thought. *Keep them cocky.* ...

The Bicyclist

Author: John McNeil A yellow bicycle leans on the sign at the trailhead. Its narrow tires are completely unsuitable for the trail. The sign says "Closed For the Season." It's November and there are several inches of snow on the ground. These are just foothills, not ...


Author: Lisa Jade My battery’s running low. I jiggle the connection to my hip, hearing a beep as it clicks into place. In a few hours, it’ll be light out – and I can sit at the window and gather some paltry amount of solar charge. It won’t be much, but with luck, it’ll ...


Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer The crawler sat heavily on massive tires in the only area of the hanger not lost in shadow. Its exterior bristled with scanning apparatus, and Baker knew from experience every cubic unit of interior space was packed with storage. The smell ...


Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Opening clip: a heavily-built man sits on the tailgate of blue pickup truck. He’s smiling and unshaven, taking tiny sips from a red and white can of beer so quickly it doesn’t interrupt his speech. “Well, it’s been difficult, that’s for ...

Out of Office

Author: Leo James Topp Out of my office window, the colony ship sits low in the sky. The Test of Time. Sleek and flat, a shimmer along its underbelly, the viewing deck’s dome sat on top… I should be working. I know it’s a marketing technique, parking it over the city, just ...

Albemarle Lake

Author: Jeremy Nathan Marks Her eyes are a blue million miles -Captain Beefheart It was October. The hickory leaves were yellow and smoke emerged from the woods. She was a woman and she was a girl and I was sure we had met before, walking this shoreline. I didn’t know ...


Author: Connor Long-Johnson It drifted there alone, on the precipice of the infinite abyss of space. The shiny, metallic surface beginning to melt as it moved ever closer to the nearest star. The blinding light of the sun reflected off of its red and white ...


Author: Greg Roensch The transport came in for a bumpy landing on Hos as the twin moons rose on the horizon. A medical technician by trade, Rael-6 had known this journey would come one day, though he worked hard to put it off. “It’s just normal aches and pains,” he’d say to ...

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