
Author: Suzanne Borchers I’m one of three applying for the position of Assistant to the Chairman. Why me? My parents placed my application to the Great One. Mother’s favorite story is about my birth. Daddy laughed, hugged me close to his chest, and called me his little ...

What Happens Next

Author: David Barber Nova Education was paying Jacee Egan a pittance to interview famous scientists. Nova hoped the links would make their failing on-line physics course less dull. It’s not about the science, they insisted. Give it a human face. Nobel-winner Darius ...

The Walled City

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer The little girl clutches into her blankets and runs her cheek over the ancient concrete veins that etch into the great wall at her side. “I love the wall. It is strong and tall and beautiful and long, isn’t it Dad?”, she says, thinking ...

Play Nicely

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The view goes negative, then my tummy does the thing where it tries to chuck everything out whichever end is the nearest. It’s an hour before I can pick up the coffee left by an orderly barely older than my little sister. She doesn’t say ...


Author: Gerard Baars Surging forward he crosses the sonic boom, his toned body unaffected by the turbulent forces. Accelerating he hits the second boom. Then the third, fourth... G-forces now threaten to rip his body to shreds, but his perfect physique shrugs it off. ...

A Wandering Mind

Author: Richard Wren “Aaaagh!” It was always a shock to return, to feel the meat encase him again, to stare out through balls of jelly. Felix Bonaparte, time traveler, twitched his body to relieve his aching joints and waited for his heart to stop racing. With eyes now ...

The Death of God

Author: Michael Hopkins It knew itself as awareness. No center. No end. Awareness. It did not know its name. It had no I. A perturbation arose - from where? The agitation expanded - a significant change. It grew. It caused disruption - a point of focus with hope for ...

Neighborhood Watch

Author: Jeff Hill A woman is crouching in the bushes, patiently waiting next to the house of her estranged husband. He has to know, she thinks to herself. The neighbors see her, but they pay no mind. They know she’s harmless, and they know she’ll never actually confront ...

The Secret Behind Her Smile

Author: Irene Montaner By the time the aliens reached Paris, the streets were empty. Parisians and tourists alike had sought shelter inside the many churches in the city or underground in the metro tunnels. They prayed and hid or hid and prayed but regardless of their ...

Villa Mater

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer Tāne hoists himself over the wrought iron gate and as he falls heavily to the ground, he feels it. A deafening coldness as the old building strains and grins. It had been enticing him here for years. Villa Mater had once been a home for ...

Like Mist in the Sun

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Another cold coffee. It's the last one I'll have for a while. Tigerhouse closes tonight and affording bean coffee will go back on the luxuries list. "Last one?" Elena slides into the seat opposite, looking like a pinup from the side of ...

Root Cause

Author: Rick Tobin Pressing slick walls within Perri’s briefing center opened gigantic multi-verse mapping systems across a great briefing hall aboard Haven’s interstellar spacecraft. The Order’s enclosure pulsated with its anthem, rising to crescendos oscillating beneath ...

The Explorers

Author: Bryan Pastor “We should have listened to your father and stayed out of this place.” “Nonsense… Woo what is that?” Neil and Toby paused to examine their find. It stood twice as tall as than them, reminding Neil of the holoart of Michelangelo’s David, they had ...

Scenes from the End

Author: J. Edward Hamilton Fragments of shattered glass float elegantly before him, and as Cameron imagines the glittering specs are stars in a little microcosm galaxy, he realizes this scene is the last beautiful thing he’ll ever see. It’s growing warmer now as their ship ...

Poker Night

Author: David Barber It was an old silver Zippo lighter. You had to hunt down little squirty tins of fluid for it. After his dad quit smoking, it had banged around a kitchen drawer until finally claimed by Max. He inhaled the heady smell of naphtha. “Hurry up, ...

Bot and the Beast

Author: Suzanne Borchers The rain pelted his metallic covering while his smooth rollers skidded on the sidewalk. How far to the warehouse now? Too far to go before the cracked seams allowed moisture into his circuits. Cyrus3 pushed up his speed, careening wildly, his vision ...

Bad Milk

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer The woman, who’d run to the farthest edge of a star system to find who she was, contracted into herself as she read the message and discovered that, perhaps, she had not. Renfield Station/ Pluto/ Transmission Incoming: “You don't know ...

The Low View

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Confined in a 4-metre cube with nothing but my thoughts for company. Poor conversation and haunting memories by day, convoluted dreams by night. The dreams are too disturbing to contemplate long enough to unravel, so they leave varying ...

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