They Snuffed the Rooster

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer "Curfew, curfew. Off the streets. Curfew, curfew…," the recorded voice droned from a passing tank. The accent was oriental. Korean? Japanese? He didn't care. As long as he could order a beer in Japanese, biro, he didn't care. It was all ...

Pay Yourself First

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer The Argon cruised through dense fog heading out to sea in weather most trawlers wouldn't brave. She lined up between the marker buoys and throttled up, downwash from her propulsors kicking up spray from the water thirty meters below her ...

New Frontiers

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer A year before the New Horizons spacecraft was schedule to fly by the dwarf planet Pluto in July 2015, NASA awakened it from its scheduled hibernation for equipment checkout and trajectory tracking. During the systems check of the LORRI ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Stephen hadn't been feeling well. The search for a cure was tedious work and it didn't look promising. He had had seventeen operations in his life. He was nearly one hundred and fifty years old. Stephen was one of eight hundred and ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Mandragora worked to provide for his family as his father had. He was far across the fields when the Autarchy ship descended through the clouds. He watched aghast as it incinerated his home and then scattered the embers as it ...


Author : S. Alessio Tummolillo Year 3187 “This is Lieutenant Edge requesting docking permission from the I.S.S.” Aurelius brought his Q-Fighter to zero speed, floating before the massive space station. He focused on the dull stars in the distance. He thought back to his ...

Flash Fiction

Author : J.D. Rice "John, I asked you a question." I shake the images from my head as quickly as I can. It can sometimes be hard to concentrate after engaging the interface. For some reason I always thought I'd get used to transitioning in and out like this, but she's ...


Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. Soft blue eyes. She had on a rumpled olive drab Viet Nam era jacket. An embroidered patch of a bald eagles head adorned the right shoulder. It ...

Apex Predator

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer The regiment's remaining survivors set up a parameter around their crashed transport ship. "Lieutenant Colonel," called out Corporal Kuroki as he climbed over the twisted remains of a cargo hold bulkhead. "Colonel Searcy is dead too, ...

We Could Be Heroes

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Tom fished through the basket of coffee pucks until he found one marked simply 'Columbian'. "Got a thing against coffee flavoured coffee do you Sam?" He couldn't see his friend through the glare of the flood lamps, but he could hear him ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I was ecstatic that I could create this kind of complexity in a chain-reactive static chemical crane array. The underchains made a little room between the different string permutations when the time came. It was the moment I'd been ...

Once Bitten

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer In the steamy clearing, Roda crouched to be at eye level with the small centaur-like creature dressed in spider silk trews and waistcoat. Professor Malken stood, dressed in a way that indicated many years of expeditions. Roda's fashionably ...

Hollow Planet

Author : D'n Russler "Quick! Someone get Raul some water, he's nearly finished!" The Survey team rushed to follow Hallie's shouted command, as, verging on panic she checked her barely-moving team member's vital signs. Yahn, the team's medic, slowly moistened the dark-haired ...

The Life of Flame

Author : Joe Russell Awakened. Confused. Red alert. Hull breach. Life support failing. Mad scramble. Explosions. Death. Escape hatch. There is a blur and then for a time nothing. When I awake it is to the vast cold of space. I am alone. The HUD on the suit displays system ...


Author : Damien Krsteski Just as I made my way next to an older lady on the pew, the general climbed on the stage. All the commotion died down, everyone's ears eager to hear him speak. After some quieting down, he began, his tone as morose as the weather outside. "My fellow ...

Watching The Stars

Author : Cal Glover-Wessel I guess I thought there would be more turmoil, more mounting panic, but when you know the date and time of the end I guess it's easier to accept it. There were no riots; there were no religious upheavals. It was as if the whole world had skipped ...

Which Way Is Up?

Author : Julian Miles, Featured Writer Gravity sucks. I mean, who wants to be stuck to anything because it’s so big you can’t get away from it? I was born in the same cubby that Mom and Dad raised fourteen of us before the aches got ‘em. “Drive stress”, the officers call it. ...

Super Troopers

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer Packed into the ship's tight squad bay were twenty five lockers and twenty five cryo-beds. Inside their frozen coffins rested men and women engineered for their speed, agility and overall physical prowess. Perfection incarnate. These ...

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