All Your Realities

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The trees are huge, thickly crowned with leaves that show a myriad of verdant shades in the setting sun’s light. The undergrowth is burgeoning with a diversity of flora and varieties of animal noises. “Man, this place!” “I know! Never ...


Author : Bob Newbell Pluto went dark first. Just some technical problem, everyone said. And, of course, we all knew it wasn't. Superconductors operate very reliably on a world with a mean surface temperature of -229°C. One moment the data stream from Pluto's metaprocessor was going out ...


Author : Tyler Hawkins Fifty dollars to go, and I can visit the clinic again. Man, do I miss it. I don't know if you've ever tried it, but you definitely should, dude. Tried what? You mean you don't even know what it is? Wow man, you're so behind the times. Diving™ dude! Its out of ...

6 ABD : The Gift

Author : J. Louis The day Hell broke through the surface of the Earth was etched in his brain. Sirens blared, signaling the air raid had begun. Shadows of zeppelins blotted out the sunlight, their engines roaring through the endless expanse of the sky. He looked at her, the woman he ...

Storm Rider

Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer “Doppler readings show primary vortex three hundred meters off starboard and closing fast on my position,” I radio to the control hub, half submerged into the desert mesa two miles away. “Wind speed… 400kph and rising. All systems green. ...

Even a Non Corporeal Can Get Lonely

Author : David K Scholes Deep Space The Far Future The entity slowed down to take in the grandeur of it all. It had seen much of wonder during what it considered its comparatively short existence. Black holes, neutron stars, binary star systems, magnetic pulse stars, wormholes, ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The worst thing about their weapons was the silence. They flickered like a strobe light but anyone caught in that beam had a layer of meat burned off for every flash. They melted like snowmen in a microwave but snowmen didn’t have bones or ...

Endless Sun

Author : Aiza Mohd Today is our last day on Earth. This morning, I beheld the sun rising over the Arctic. From all the way down in our dwelling, it felt like it was worlds away. Behind me I saw Naamin. She'd discovered her brother, who'd died in the night, while I pretended to ...

Future War 3

Author : Mordecai J Banda Michael had come back from his daily walk. He had eaten his breakfast and attended to various things to keep himself healthy. Now it was gaming time. This past month the Future Warfare 3 had had a special event that called on worldwide cooperative multiplayer ...

Green Lights

Author : Andrew Schnell On the twentieth anniversary of their launch, the citizens of the Lincoln gathered along the main promenade for a celebration. Chief Engineer Leonid Zuyev was in the avionics bay, keeping an ear to the ship’s broadcast of the proceedings. He hated these types ...

Leave Note at the 7-Eleven

Author : Aiza Mohd Haan has found a cup of noodles from the future. ‘Mfg. 09 Jul 2036,’ reads the bottom of the cup. The year is 2013. Haan is a penniless college student with an unbalanced diet, too much time, few friends and a cup of ramen from the future. All five of these are the ...

Sowing The Seeds

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Eddy and Rico performed the mundane task of sifting through tailings. It was standard procedure. All the valuable ore had been extracted from the captured asteroids, but the leftover rubble might still contain significant matter; so it was all to be ...

Beaming Errors

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer In a city this size, a dozen or so beaming errors a year were acceptable. In each gigantic waystation structure, the building blocks of life were kept in vats and tubs. There were huge enclosed swimming pools filled with chromosomes and proteins ...

The New World

Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer When their explorers first arrived they were few; we’d no reason to fear them. We welcomed our brothers and sisters from another world with open arms. We traded with them, celebrated with them, showed them our ways and invited them into our homes. ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Randolph Beaucoup of the Terran Diplomacy Wing had been selected from fifty candidates for this particular First Contact mission. Little was known about the Marenko other than they were anamorphic pseudopods without discernible features. Smooth ...

Before Resurrection

Author : Andrew Bale I see the truck drift across the median. In my mind, seconds become hours, but to my body, they flash by like lightning – I am paralyzed, watching my own doom in slow motion, unable to stop it. The impact is a blessing, a return to real time where the agony of my ...

A New Face

Author : Alexis Voltaire My fist thumps heavily on the metal door, echoing down the corridor. I'm soaking wet, some of it water, some of it blood. some of it mine. "Sandogan!" I yell. "I know you're in there, dammit, you've got business!" I thump a few more times, but I can't make too ...


Author : Cosmo Smith Within its cryogenic cocoon, the body lies inert, crystallized. Only with the most acute perception can I observe slight movement: the hourly rise and fall of its chest; its 6-minute heart beat. My hands mechanically perform their routine. Nasotracheal tube seal - ...

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