Entangled in Greed

Author: Lance J. Mushung I tightened my grip on my black mini tote and stepped out of the elevator on the top floor of Parasol Corporation's headquarters. The CEO, Kal Shakti, used the entire floor for his office. A few steps brought me to a human receptionist with ...

She Found Hope in a Pool of Rainwater

Author: Katelyn Goule Traveling along a lesser known path, she found Hope idling at the side of the road. He was dressed in all blue and white, and the reflection of the sun smoldered in his glossy eyes. Hand outstretched, he beckoned her closer, sunlight gleaming against ...

Trials of a Designer

Author: Carolyn Myers A well-dressed woman flung the office door open and collapsed onto the sofa across from me. I pretended not to stare at the woman whose body appeared completely artificial. She had cosmetic work done to accentuate what I supposed were her good ...


Author: Thomas Mills Some say it was bound to happen. But people no longer talk about it. After years of governmental and military alien cover-ups, who could be shocked at all? We saw something, that’s for sure. But what? Millions of flying saucers just started ...

Home Where I Feel Alone

Author: Hari Navarro She sits at the console, the warm glow of beading sex sits at her lip and the sleeping monster it shifts and turns in her bed. Silently her fingers glide, swirling across the holographic keyboard that projects from sensors embedded into their ...

Wormhole Revisited

Author: William Gray These bite marks on my forearm. Just below the crease of my elbow. They’ve always been there, even as a child growing up on the colonies of Ganymede. Their pattern is unique. All slim, clean lines with the exception of one wide, jagged rip exactly ...

Growing Back

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The snow is so fine it sometimes drifts about for hours before finally settling. The result is a mist that makes everything vague before fallen snow obscures it completely. This being acid snow, obscuring may become erasure when thawing ...

Memories Light the Corners of our Minds

Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer I look out the viewport to the crushing void of space. It doesn't feel real. I don't feel connected to any of this, out here alone amidst all this nothing. "Put all the weight on the balls of your feet and press them into the floor," ...

The Day Everything Goes Down

Author: David Henson I wake up sweating, check the alarm clock. Three fifty-nine? Too light. I fumble for my watch. Almost 10. “What’s wrong with the a/c, Daniel?” Jean says sleepily. *** I come back from Kyle and Lisa’s across the street. “They don’t have power ...

Sunset on the City

Author: Mark Joseph Kevlock Solinsky sat upon the mountaintop and watched his hometown die. As the sun set at his back, the farthest outskirts of the city fell into shadow first. Solinsky had his telescope trained there, upon the edge of town. He gasped to see the first of ...

Close Enough

Author: Abigail Hughes Sure, he’s not exactly the same. There are small differences. Some easy tidbits that I picked up on. Like, he’s right-handed. Ian was left. And this morning he asked if I wanted to take a week off. Save up for a get-away. The Ian I married would ...


Author: Daniel Thron Thirty breaths, and then my world will be over. I know I will die from the moment I know anything at all, an understanding so innate, so instantaneous and thorough that it seems to precede me, which makes sense, as it was coded into my mind before you ...

Blue Face

Author: Hari Navarro The girl sits atop the corrugated roof of her grandfather's garage as her fingernails loosen and flake from her hands. Her dog, Apollo, a grandiose name for so tiny a pup lays curled into a tight coil dead at her side. Absently she caresses the ...

Ashes and Dirt

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I see her shoulders tense, then one hand releases as the other arm swings out and round. Ashes form a plume on the wind. “He’s gone, Darion. Free at last.” Essa blinks back tears as she smiles at me. There’s a release in her eyes, a ...

Moon for Sale

Author: Lora Kilpatrick Moon for Sale Looking for space? No pun intended. 14.6 million square miles of untouched beauty (except for a few boot prints, rover tracks, and flags). Half of the property looks out into deep space—great for stargazing! ...

Teleportation Tricked

Author: Alex Z. Salinas Erections used to mean something. This is the summation of my research at the bibliotech. Long before Dr. Claude “Stretch” Kransenberry, “the Grand-Godfather of Teleportation,” untangled the stickiest of equations in quantum entanglement and ...


Author: Roger Ley The Land Rover stopped, and Riley pointed, the prehuman footprints showed clearly impressed into the flat, dry, African rock surface. It was the third day of their family safari in the Great Rift Valley ‘We can spend a few hours here but we need to get to ...

Scratches in the Wall

Author: Hari Navarro Large Hadron Space-Time Shunt, Saint-Genis-Pouilly/Global Broadcast in ...3...2...1 - Transmitting: "I'm no speaker. My life a desert of beautiful numbers, a place where words stick as I swallow. I haven’t been chosen, it’s but chance that I find ...

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