The Story of Howard

Author: Glenn Leung In the skyscraper-laden landscape known as Tri, Howard lived and worked as a lecturer and a father. His students were the exciting sort, always full of surprises with their in-class antiques and colorful essays. His family was the loving sort, his wife ...


Author: Rick Tobin Sanders’ trembling hand hovered over an ejection hatch separating him from interstellar vacuum. He paused, chest heaving, fighting his ending as if a stealthy gorilla was reaching through cage bars, catching him staring too closely. “Always heard ...

Heretic 2.0

Author: David C. Nutt The chief of security removed the object archaically nailed to the briefing room door. There were gasps. It was paper. Forbidden by their protocols on the station. With a reverence and awe once held for holy relics, the chief delicately unscrolled the ...

End Times

Author: Robb White “God, not Apophis again,” Eddie said. He set the tray in the middle of the table. “‘fraid so,” Kathy sighed. “They started up as soon as you left. All the bars in town and we choose the space nerds hangout.” “I beg your pardon,” Bill said, “but as a ...

Travelling To Isfahan

Author: David Barber These days visitors were few. The slim guidebook mentioned the Palace of the Red Emperors, famed once, but felled by an earthquake and never rebuilt; also the market, where travellers of discernment might purchase items from ages lost; a broken radio, ...

The Hood Rat

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer The cliff face rises shear above the old skeleton. A tidal wave hewn in ancient granite, it crests high above the smoke that bleeds a bitter mist from the ruined city. A thin wisp that sweeps out upon the great lake that fans out as ...

No Need to Conceal

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Tuesday night, post-shift beer in hand, prodding my phone with the other thumb to see what Alanna’s up to. Looking up, I see I’ve emerged from phone fog in time to take the shortcut I usually miss. The cut-through runs behind some empty ...

Dirty Dancing

Author: Jeremy Port-Tuckett They danced until midnight. She kissed him full of hunger. Her chaperone watched from afar. “I have to go,” she said. He walked her to the car. “Who are you?” Dave whispered into the neon. “Where did you come from?” He watched the ...

My Monsters

Author: R. J. Erbacher What is it that grips onto the edge of a shadow in the too-close distance and peers around its corner with yellow pinprick orbs and a spiky grin? Who is the ethereal figure in the night that I scan for outside my window as the rain sheets down but ...

Stella, Stella, Fortune Teller

Author: Hillary Lyon The beaded curtains sounded like the patter of soft rain as they closed behind Georgina. She navigated the dimly lit room, taking the only seat at the small round table situated in the middle. In the LED candlelight, a crystal ball gleamed in the center ...

I, Sea, Memories

Author: Skye Sweven Sand slips through my fingers. The sky is dusty gray, with a mix of amaranthine glow reminding me that it is dawn. This time of the morning is quiet. Stars, too, must feel this way, as they lose their glitter on the clouds and begin to fade away into ...

How The Singularity Arrived

Author: Arkapravo Bhaumik Meera was a superhero minus the cape, the streaky lightning, and the fan-following. Right from her childhood, she could listen-in to the thoughts of other people. Unfortunately, her superpowers were a curse and her own social skills were never ...

Pink Mist

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer Into the gaping maw of death we strode. Legion stacked upon legion, a tidal deluge of unstoppable military might. Battle chants booming from mass-produced lungs as we called out to and pulled down our gods and we swallowed whole the ...


Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I can see the lights of the screens up in the control room as I cross the silent studio. Nothing will be happening down here for another year. Up there, nobody goes home until their replacement is onsite and up to speed. Kelly once ...

Birdu Vanilla

Author: Desmond White We were all playing Birdu Vanilla, rumored to be the latest lightbug of Hayashi. The game was a free download on his blog but was posted after his arrest and extradition from the Philippines. The file was up for two hours before someone, probably ...


Author: Glenn Leung We decided to go on foot, so we left 'Yes Sir' Dave guarding the Rover with orders to keep the engines warm. The regiment of monoliths stood at attention as we walked towards them, piercing the alien sky like blunt yet deadly spears. Streaks of blue, ...

Praemonitus Praemunitus (Forewarned is Forearmed)

Author: David C. Nutt The Chair of the Classics Department made her way through the corridor of the ship to the command section. Along the way the bodies confirmed the Captain had been correct in his assessment: mutiny. She knew what would come next. Execution of the loyal ...

Blind Date

Author: Malcolm Carvalho Bhumi’s idly slurping her milkshake. She has a playful air about her. Okay, I’ve only met her an hour ago, but this feels great. I have a simple rule when it comes to dating. Get her to acknowledge three common things between us and it’s a good ...

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