The Centennialists

Author : Steven Holland Their time was up – 100 years had past. Fourteen vitrified bodies began the slow warming process. The cryoprotectants that had saved their bodies from the ravages of water’s freezing expansion were slowly pumped out, replaced with fresh blood. The ...

Sometimes We Wake Up Alone

Author : Steven Odhner I can't stop staring at the massive crater, watching the clouds of dust that blow out past its rim before curling down into the bowl and dissipating. For the hundredth time I wonder why the crater hasn't filled up with water; maybe it just doesn't rain ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The tattoos writhed. The tattoos strobed through creatures and colours in time to the music and the backbeat of her heart. They’d flash up in blues and purples, mapping out her internal organs before slashing to a zoom-in of Hercules ...

Aftermath of the Fountain of Youth

Author : Lliir Mary Ellen Gratcke had never contemplated murder before. She'd never felt so betrayed, helpless, and naked before, either. A mere thought, a flip of a switch, and the killing began. The fluid levels in the special bath that protected her betrayer from the ...

The First Superluminal Data Stream

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “You know, Cyrus, you can’t violate the law of causality. Even a freshman Liberal Arts major understands Feinberg’s reinterpretation principle. I swear, if I’ve lugged this receiver out here for nothing, I’m going to kick your ass ...

The Future Was What We Made It

Author : Adam Zabell Commander Deborah Sagmeiser began the ‘big reveal’ of Project Beta. This briefing used to be a formality which celebrated the human race. She looked across the table at a bespectacled middle-aged man, brought into the fold against her better judgement, ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Thirty two years. He’d lost count of the number of homicides. A Detective for twenty one of those years, John Barrick wished he knew how good he’d had it as a beat cop. There was no going back now. John opened the back door of his ...

Malfunction Onboard the Rosetta

Author : Jamison B. Medcalf Technical officer Jones had had his first job at 12 during the 2127 crash following the Antarctic War. Those were simpler times when perma-jacks that fed the Internet into your brain were less common. Nowadays only those aboard colony ships got ...

Hanging Around

Author : Q. B. Fox At night, when everything’s finally fallen quiet, the terraces sing; or maybe moan, I’m not sure which. The water where it laps over the first floor windowsills seems calm, except when a boat stirs it up. But deep underwater, by the front steps and in the ...

The UESS Hermes

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer, and Steven Odhner The crew took their positions in Earth’s first faster than light spaceship, The UESS Hermes, named for the Greek god of flight. Its maiden voyage was planned to be a short three light-minute jump from the Naval ...

The Last Time

Author : Thomas Desrochers There was a warm glow as the Core began to wake up, followed by a spiraling light that worked its way around the room. After a moment a thousand pairs of eyes opened, and a thousand magnetic locks released. Like a routine play nine hundred and ...

Blind Invaders

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The soundwaves are so short that they actually shatter meat. Bones shudder but remain intact. Cloth turns to ash. Skin goes translucent and turns into a fragile carapace that break like ice on a puddle. Then gravity takes over. When ...

Grey Matter

Author : Peter Lavelle 'I think it looks just wonderful on the mantelpiece, don't you?' Mrs. Smithey asked cheerfully. Mrs. Everett leisurely stirred the contents of her teacup. The tinkling of the spoon against the fine china was an eerie peal that unsettled the very ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer The orbiter had touched down at Vandenberg, and Lewis and a dozen others had flown cargo the thirty minutes to San Francisco airport. They trudged in from the tarmac in loose formation out of habit, unprepared for the crowds in the ...

P is for…

Author : Steven Odhner Ah, Mr. Knight! Thank you for coming, sir. Doctor Dave Ewing is going to be calling you at some point to tender his resignation, and - oh, has he? Well, after this meeting you'll want to call him and get him back, tell him the charges are dropped - ...


Author : Brian Armitage The field sputtered light, a cloud of particles flashing in waves and sparkles. Edward was surprised, and a little disturbed, at how bright and colorful it was. He looked over at Sandra, the company liaison, with her carefully neutral expression. ...


Author : Steven Odhner I'm staring at the clock. Just staring at it, waiting for it to tick off a minute at which point I will have exactly one hour left of this hell. My brother the crazy artist says I'm not living my life. He says that I've sold my soul. If he knew my ...

The Long Journey Home

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Are you telling me a spaceship really did crash in Roswell in 1947?” asked Dr. Ambien as he panned the badly damaged spaceship that had been laid out in the spacious hangar. “Yes, Doctor. The spaceship contained three aliens, but ...

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