Snap Decision

Author : George R. Shirer Thraewen hangs in the middle of the view-pool, pretty and pristine. Dillon and Three can see the nightside’s cities, bright constellations scattered across the Capwen Archipelago. Three strokes the Starfish’s controls and the bioship moves. Night ...

The Preacher

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Alumnus The sky was dark. So dark the streetlights came on at noon. A storm was on the rise. He paid the weather scant attention. The sudden cold gust barely reached him. He merely rolled his shoulders deeper into his battered leather duster and ...

Sun Dragons

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer “The satellite passes above us now.” “I know my lord. I can sense it up there too.” “How dare they… spy on us like this?” “They are unaware of us my lord, they only study the planet.” “They have their own planet. We don’t travel there, ...

Orbital Decay

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer The maintenance spacecraft pulled alongside Lunar Array II, located in selenocentric orbit approximately 500 miles above Crater Korolev on the far side of the moon. Lunar Array II was the second of six lunar satellites to be visited by ...

Little Boxes

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Only the super-rich could afford these beachfront houses. The houses were green, fully off the energy grid using their own geothermal, wind, wave and solar energy collectors. The houses were maintained by computers that informed the ...

Ancient Evil

Author : John E. Geoffrey It was at the time when the stars were right and a full moon stood over the desert, when a rose bloomed over the ruins of the ancient, nameless metropolis, the name of which had been banished and forgotten over the course of the millenia (but which ...

What They Are Afraid Of

Author : Ion Jim was excited. He gleefully danced about as the elevator slowly squeaked downward. He was thinking about the popcorn he had saved from that convenience store he found a few weeks back and how this would be the perfect opportunity to pop it. Its not like he ...


Author : J.D. Rice “Icarus to Daedalus! We have primary stabilizer failure! Repeat, we have primary stabilizer failure! We're losing altitude. Please advise!” The lieutenant was shouting, screaming into his microphone, trying to raise his voice over the sound of his ship as ...

Hell Comes to Slug City

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Agent Rockton was all on his own here in the heart of the city. He appeared no more than a shadow, creeping stealthily through twisting service alleys under the cover of the ink black night that hung perpetually above this remote rock that ...

Dry County

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Imagine a frontier settlement from any decent cowboy film. Then substitute troops of the Galacta Navir for every cowboy. Make the planet it sits on something beyond arid and set the humidity to nearly zero. Welcome to my world: Rumbleday; ...


Author : Asher Wismer Jack realized he'd been shot. The pain lanced up his leg, shooting through his hip into his chest, and for a moment, he thought that another of the flying bullets had struck home. Instead, the pain receded, only a slight twinge as his armor took over and ...


Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “I’m sorry to report Mr. Jones, that your suspicions were correct,” said the private detective that I had hired to follow my wife. “Delilah has been cheating on you.” He rotated his padd so that I could see the cascading slideshow of my ...

Running On Empty

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Lewis sprinted the last few yards across the wasteland and dove head first into the trench. He clutched his rifle tight against his chest as he lay in the dirt, chest heaving, heart pounding out of sync with the artillery barrage ...


Author : Langdon Hickman There wasn't a conscious decision to eliminate sound. At least not one that anyone could remember. One day, the world woke up to silence. No one was bothered by the sudden stark silence. It felt freeing, like a burden had been lifted. They wanted it, ...

The Great Escape

Author : Krista Bunskoek Racing down the barren street, she grinned like an escaped fugitive. She'd done it. She'd done it again! Taking away her network privileges! Ha! It only fueled her flame. With more time to plot, to create, to be on her way to feel the thrill of ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Hadrian’s bloody Wall. Originally built to keep the Picts out when the Romans finally realized my ancestors were too surly to civilise. Since then it’s been used in books and films, every damn time to keep something nasty in the North from ...

Tin Man

Author : O. Alexander I open my eyes. They burn after another restless night, filled with nightmares. Three weeks in the jungle, playing deadly cat and mouse games with a neo-leftist demolition squad, can have that effect. I get up and walk unsteadily into the bathroom. ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Hitler's daughter was ruling with a penchant for experimentation. She talked of a future where Aryans were recognized by their deeds and initiative, not by the colour of their skin or hair. Controversial and beautiful, Hitler's daughter was short ...

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